Sunday, May 22, 2016


A Collaboration by Keith and Raelynn Gilman

 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
                                                                       I Corinthians 13:12

     We are living in the information age.  We are inundated with data.  With all the facts available to us, we only access fractions of it.  We try to fit together the bits and pieces we see, hoping it will make some sense of the world we find ourselves in.  Wouldn’t it be great if we could get an overview of everything?  What if we could see everything from God’s vantage point, above it all, looking down?  What if we could gather information from all of time and history, from His plan in creation, down through time to earth’s final day?  What if we could glean the key components and life-changing principles from the every day minutia and put it together to form a blueprint for a prosperous and successful life here on earth?  Is it possible?  I believe it is to a large degree.  God gave us all the tools.  We have His instruction manual, the Bible.  We have the history of the world to learn from.  We can see cycles and patterns that can help us predict things to come, to help us avoid pitfalls and steer us onto a better path.

     Most of us go about our lives, living in the moment without a thought to how everything is connected, never seeing the bigger picture.  Some, though, are gifted with the ability to analyze data, to think critically, to question why certain things happen the way they do and to examine cause and effect.  They are gifted by God, I believe, to see more than the obvious before their faces and to be able to connect the dots and form a cohesive picture.  These possess a greater knowledge than is common and I believe they are duty-bound to share that knowledge for the common good.

     Oftentimes, these few that see the “bigger picture” and have a desire to share their discoveries, don’t have the gift of expressing adequately what they long to share.  In frustration or fear of being misunderstood, the vital information is suppressed.  But God in His goodness has gifted others with the ability to communicate, to write, to teach, to explain simply so a concept is easily understood.  When the visionary and the communicator collaborate, the bigger picture can be seen and understood by many.  This is our mission.  This is our calling.  This is our duty.  So without further ado, we present to you…



     There is a common misconception in the world that the Bible is a book of directives:  “Do this, don’t do that, OR ELSE!”  Those who see “the bigger picture” view it much differently.  These see the Bible as a book of choices:  “This day I set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Choose life…” (Deuteronomy 30:19).  To the trained eye, the Bible is God’s instruction manual.  It tells His creation how to live a prosperous, successful, godly life if the instructions are followed and shows examples of man being reduced to his lower, baser, animal instincts when they are not. 

      God gave a very literal example of this in Daniel 4:30-33.  King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had forsaken the teachings of God that he’d earlier embraced and had become self-centered, self-important and self-righteous.  In verse 30 he utters these words, “Is this not the great Babylon that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power and for the honor of my majesty?”  In response, God turned Nebuchadnezzar into a literal animal.  Verse 33 says he was driven from men, ate grass as oxen, his body was wet with the dew of heaven causing his hair to grow long all over his body and his nails to grow into claws. He stayed this way until he came to his senses and chose to once again follow God’s guidelines for his life.  This is a literal event in the life of a real historic figure that has been documented in other writings as well as the Bible.  It was referred to as the “time of Nebuchadnezzar’s insanity”.

     I believe God painted a literal picture in the passage to show us that He gave us everything we need to live happy, prosperous lives with every need met in His Word.  Choosing not to follow it is insanity.  It reduces us to our lower, animal instincts.  We try to get the things that had already been provided for us by other means – by preying on those who have it, by tricking them out of the things they’ve worked for and gained honestly, by enticing them through their sins and lusts and enslaving them to work while we reap the benefits.  This is the definition of usury. 

     In the beginning, God created a garden.  He didn’t create cities.  These came later and were created by men. This is significant.  God created a garden with everything necessary to sustain life.  It was constantly watered, climate controlled, produced food in variety and abundance.  The air was fresh and clean, it was self-sustaining.  God placed man in the garden to tend it and gave him free reign to eat from every tree in the garden except one: the tree in the midst of the garden, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. “For in the day you eat of it, you shall surely die”.  Here was the choice: Life or death.  You can have all this and you will live forever, all your needs will be met. Death, sickness, pain, fear and hatred will never enter your world. Or you can choose the other tree and all the consequences choosing it will bring.  Adam and Eve never entertained the thought of eating from the forbidden tree.  Why should they?  They knew God.  They walked and talked with Him in the cool of the day.  They knew He was good and wanted what was best for them. If He said not to touch that tree, they knew He had a good reason for it.  They trusted Him implicitly.  Then one day Lucifer appears on the scene in the form of a serpent and appeals to Eve's baser animal instincts, her lusts, which when acted upon become sin. “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” (I John 2:16)  And she saw that the tree was good for food and desirous to make one wise and she ate and she gave to her husband and he chose to eat as well.  Just like that, the choice was made.  Led away by their lusts, which led to sin, they chose death instead of life, and all creation became cursed as a result.  Adam and Eve were evicted from the garden and an angel with a flaming sword was placed at the entrance barring entrance again.

     So here in the very beginning, we see the start of what will become a pattern throughout all of time and history.  We will see God, not willing that any should perish, sharing his life-giving truth with mankind and asking them to separate themselves that they might not be corrupted and drawn away to become a lesser version of themselves than He created them to be.  We will see Him telling them how to live victoriously, and we will see them drawn away.  We will see Him again separate a people unto Himself, this time putting the message in writing so they might not forget how to continually choose life, and we will see them again drawn away.  Then we will see God show them in the flesh an example of how to live in a way that they can be all they were created to be, and we will see that despite showing them Himself that it can be done, some will be drawn away.

     In “the Bigger Picture” we will be exploring this blueprint for a prosperous life and the tool of corruption that is used to turn the righteous from life to death.  We are sharing these truths that eyes might be opened, hearts might be stirred, the choice will become obvious and more will choose life. May you be one of these. 


     Webster defines “insidious” as “something harmful that develops so gradually as to be well-established before becoming apparent”.  There is not a more insidious evil than that of usury.  Usury is an old-fashioned word we don’t hear much any more, but once we learn to recognize it, we can see evidence of it everywhere.  In its strictest sense, usury is equated with interest charged on a loan, but usury actually means to defraud or take advantage of.  We get our phrase “being used” from this root word.

     There are many obvious signs of usury in our society, today.  High- interest credit cards, payday loan stores and rent-to own furniture stores are the ones most people are aware of.  Once we learn what usury entails, how it came to be and what causes it to spread, we will be able to see how it gradually crept in, how well-established it’s become in the routine of our lives, and it will become apparent how prevalent the practice is.

     So, how did usury start?  Back when God created the earth, He had a plan or a blueprint, if you will, for a happy, prosperous and successful life for those He created.  Mankind was meant to live in a garden where he would live off the fruit of his labor; there would be no waste.  He was to live, work and play in harmony with his fellow man.  They were to love one another and prefer one another above themselves.  They were to bear one another’s burdens, each doing his fair share, fitting jointly together as one body each supplying his portion to the good of the whole.  There was to be no envy, strife, mistrust, hatred, illness or death.  Once Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden for giving in to a lust which became sin, they forfeited the blue print, choosing a life of gratifying self instead.  This is what their children learned, and their children’s children, and their children after them.  Instead of generation after generation following the blueprint with prosperity and success growing exponentially, now man’s animal instinct of looking out for number one began to reign.  And man grew cunning and began to devise ways to get what he wanted and needed at the expense of others.

     Just outside of Eden, in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley, the first-known city of Ur was established.  The city had a lot to offer people who had only known farming.  There was revelry, night-life, entertainment, company, music, industry – new worlds just waiting to be discovered.  The lure of the city was too strong for many of the simple farm folk to resist.  Life there was much different.  In the city, the farmer couldn’t grow his own food.  He had to buy it.  To buy food, he had to use the city’s currency.  To get the city’s currency, he had to give up his labor for less than it was worth, so the city could profit.  And the cycle of usury is established.  The farmer is being taken advantage of so the city will prosper.  As prices rise, and his ability to labor remains the same, he becomes indebted.  As he becomes indebted, he needs to borrow against his future labor to obtain the things he wants and needs.  The debtor becomes slave to the lender, who has no need to work when
he can live off the labor of the borrower.  The city continues to grow and prosper as more and more of the simple farm folk are lured by their lusts for adventure, excitement, something different, and are willing to give up their freedom and sell their very souls to obtain it.  The lender becomes master of the borrower and as man cannot serve two masters, but must relinquish control of one to serve the other, he has forsaken the blueprint for a happy, prosperous and successful life to strive after these very things in the lap of usury to the benefit of others.

     God knew this would happen, of course.  That’s why He warned so strongly against usury in His Word.  “Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of anything that is lent upon usury.” (Deuteronomy 23:19).  God didn’t command these things in order to be a tyrant.  He knew how destructive usury was, that it had the power to enslave His people and the thought of that broke His heart.  Listen to the anguish He expresses in Ezekiel 22:12, as His warnings were ignored and that which He was trying to prevent has come to pass. “In thee they have taken gifts to shed blood; thou has taken usury and increase, and thou has greedily gained of thy neighbors by extortion, and has forgotten Me, saith the Lord God.”

     And so it continues to this day.  Our cities, our businesses and monopolies, our banks, credit and financial systems, our empires are all products of usury.  Even the rampant sexual immorality in our day is a form of usury – a person defrauding another with the promise of love and fidelity in order to get their desires gratified and needs met without any real commitment to a loving, monogamous, marriage relationship.  Usury is a virus; an insidious evil that quietly creeps in and enslaves us as we give in to pride, lust, greed, sloth (laziness), wrath, envy and gluttony.  (There is a reason they are called the seven deadly sins).   Look around.  You’ll see  usury everywhere.

     So what’s the answer?  Don’t allow yourself to be used any longer to enrich another at your expense.  Start paying off debt.  Simplify.  Down-size.  Live within your means.  Use cash.  Don’t borrow.  Live a sustainable lifestyle.  Refuse to continue being part of the problem and become an example of the solution instead.   Acknowledge the One who has the blue print for a happy, prosperous, successful life and follow Him.  Love one another.  Love covers a multitude of sins.


     There is a god of this world.  He has built kingdoms and empires founded on usury.   He has followers who have sold their souls to do his bidding, though only a  select few realize this.  Most of them just think they are self-made men, moving their way up the corporate ladder, getting a bigger slice of the pie.  They all have one thing in common.  They want to reach the top and it doesn’t matter who they have to step on to get there.  These are the puppets.  The master is the real enemy:  The enemy of our lifestyle; the enemy of our souls, the enemy of the blueprint for a happy, prosperous and successful life; the enemy of God Almighty – the enemy is Satan.

     “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Ephesians 6:12

     What comes to mind when you think of high places?  Towers, skyscrapers, the upper echelons of governments?  There is spiritual wickedness in these high places.  It’s where the god of this earth chooses to build his kingdoms and create his empire.  We first see evidence of this in the Tower of Babel.  The whole earth was of one language and one mind and the people gathered together in the land of Shinar to build a city and a tower.  And the tower reached up into the heavens.  The Lord saw that the people were all of one language and one mind and said, “Now nothing will be restrained to them that they imagine to do”.  This was a scary prospect.  These were people who’d sold out God’s blueprint for life and  were living according to their animal instincts.  These were puppets unknowingly doing their master’s bidding.  So God confused their language so they could no longer understand one another and the building stopped and they were scattered across the face of the earth.

     This was only a minor set-back for the god of this world.  He moved on to a more prosperous place to build his kingdom, and this time his methodology was more apparent.  Satan established rule in Egypt.  Again he built towers in the form of pyramids.  The bricks were Hebrew slaves; the mortar was usury.  Lured away from their simplistic, sustainable lifestyle to the cities of Egypt, the people became slaves, both physically and figuratively.  Their labor was stolen from them and used to build monuments to the ruler of the land, Pharoah.  We know this is spiritual wickedness because Pharoah proclaimed himself to be “god in the flesh” and was worshipped as such.  But just as He did in Babel, our merciful God intervened and this time sent a deliverer in the man of Moses to draw His people out of the Satanic system and lead them to a Promised land where they could again begin to follow His blueprint for a happy, prosperous and successful life.

     When they entered Canaan, the Israelites were warned not to marry the sons and daughters of the land, lest they be drawn away by their lusts and corrupted again.  In fact, they were to wipe out all the existing inhabitants to ensure that Babel and Egypt wouldn’t happen again in their lives.  But they did not listen.  Some found the women of the land exotic and enticing and took wives of their own choosing.  Before long, they were so entrenched in idolatry that God gave them what they seemingly wanted.  He allowed them to be carried away captive into Babylon, the epitomy of idolatry, wantonness and evil.  Satan hadn’t been idle while the Israelites were journeying to the Promised Land.  He was establishing a new kingdom.  You guessed it – in Babylon.

     Across time and down through history, Satan’s influence spread, fueled by usury of a people driven by their animal instincts of  pride, lust, greed, envy, sloth,  gluttony, and wrath.  He established rule in Rome, where oppression reigned supreme and cruelty abounded.  It was here that crucifixion was invented and people were skinned alive and people (now referred to as Christians) who opposed the satanic system of the day and tried to live by God’s blueprint gorged the lions in the Coliseum for the Emperor’s entertainment.

     Today Satan’s empire is worldwide.  Its hallmarks haven’t changed.  It is still built on usury.  Today’s slaves exchange their hard-earned labor for paychecks that have been heavily taxed to sustain a government that is no longer “for the people”.  Their greed and lust for bigger, better, more, causes them to buy cars and boats and homes and other luxuries with credit from banks at exorbitant interest rates, bringing the people under bondage and lining the pockets of the puppets.  Mammon (money) rules the empire today and those with the most money and those who control the money sit atop the towers and live off the labor of the common folk below who have been duped into thinking they have everything they desire and are living the good life.

     No man can serve two masters.  You can’t serve God and Mammon.  In choosing to support one, you are choosing to abandon the other.  We can choose to live in the kingdom of God, following his blueprint for a happy, prosperous and successful life, or we can choose to live in the kingdom of this world, following the god of this world and serving mammon.  The choice is ours.  It always has been.


     Hebrews, Jews, Semites, Israelites – to the western mind these names are pretty much interchangeable.  But are they really?  Who’s who?  Is the lack of distinction in our minds mere ignorance or have the waters been muddied for a purpose?  Who are we hating if we are anti-Semitic, and are they all God’s chosen people?  I, for one, needed to find out.

     After the great flood, the entire earth was populated through Noah’s three sons and their wives.  Noah’s sons were Shem, Ham, and Japheth.  Those of the line of Shem were Shemites, or Semites.  From Ham came Canaan, or Canaanites, and from Japheth came Gog, Magog, Tubal, and Ashkenaz.  These figure prominently in the future and we will be discussing them in more detail later. “These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated.” (Genesis 9:19)  So we see that the Semites were only those from the line of Shem.  Those of the line of Ham and Japheth were not Semites. If all three lines had been kept separate, this distinction would have been easy to keep, but Noah made the following prophecy in Genesis 9:27 “God shall enlarge Japheth and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant.”  As a result, you now have the line of Japheth (I’m going to refer to them as Ashkenazi) enlarged, say 2/3 to Shem’s 1/3 and all dwelling together.  The onlooker might see Shem and his family and assume that the whole group is Semite, when they are not.  This is significant because as we will discuss in our article entitled IMPOSTERS, the Ashkenazi became trouble makers, stirring up hatred and cried “anti-Semitism” when they reaped the rewards of their deeds, even though they were not Semites and never had been.

     From the line of Shem, the Semites, came Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Abraham was the first person to be called a Hebrew.  “Hebrew” means “opposed” or “on the other side”.  Abraham believed in one God whereas the rest of the world believed in many gods.  It was as if the world was on one side and he was on the other.  Those who believed as Abraham believed became known as Hebrews.  Hebrews, then, were not those of a certain nationality, but a certain belief.

    God established His covenant with Abraham: “And in thy seed shall all the nations be blessed because thou hast obeyed my voice.” (Genesis 22:18)  Abraham had two sons Ishmael and Isaac.  God promised to make Ishmael a great nation (Genesis 17:20), “But My covenant will I establish with Isaac…” (Genesis 17:21).  Ishmael became the father of the Arabic nations, and Isaac fathered Jacob, whose name God would change to Israel (Genesis 35:10).  Israelites, or the children of Israel, were the great nation God promised would spring from the seed of Abraham.  They were Semites and most of them were Hebrews.  It was these whom God referred to in Genesis 12:3 when He said, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee.”
     Further down the Semitic line, one of the twelve tribes (or sons) of Israel was Judah.  Jesus Christ, the Messiah, would come from this tribe.  In 796 BC there was division among the nation.  King Rehoboam took some bad advice, made some unpopular decisions and as a result, the 10 northern tribes seceded creating a new kingdom called Israel with Jeroboam as their king and Samaria as their capital.  The two remaining tribes of Benjamin and Judah comprised the nation of Judea, with Rehoboam as their king and Jerusalem as their capital. These became known as Jews.  The name “Jew” comes from Judah or Judea.  The nation of Israel became extremely wicked under the leadership of Jeroboam and would only last 160 years until they were taken into exile and ultimately vanquished altogether.  That left Judea, the Jews.  They were all Semites, Hebrew, and of the original nation of Israel, the people of promise.

     Hebrews, Jews, Semites and Israelites are not all one and the same.  They have different origins, different purposes and different roles to play throughout the history of the world.  As we look at THE BIGGER PICTURE, it will be important to keep these names distinct in our minds. We will be looking at what anti-Semitism is, how it originated and the part it plays in our world today.  We will be looking at God’s chosen people, who they are, why they were chosen and how it relates to us in the here and now.  Now we know who’s who.  Soon we will see what makes them significant.


     What do the Yiddish speaking Jewish Bubbe (grandmother) and the tight-fisted, money-hungry Jewish banker have in common?  They are not Jews – they are imposters.  Indeed, nearly every stereotype that comes to mind when a westerner thinks “Jew” has nothing to do with real Jewish people, and this is by design.  There are a people who are descended of Noah’s son, Japheth, who are not Semite, are not Israeli, are not Jews but have so successfully integrated themselves into the Jewish culture that they’ve commonly been accepted as such and have even deluded themselves into believing that they are God’s chosen people. Jesus referred to these in Revelation 2:9 as “those who call themselves Jews and are not, but are of the Synagogue of Satan”.  They are Ashkenazi.

     As we saw in our article entitled WHO’S WHO?  Noah had three sons from whom the entire world was populated:  Shem, whose descendants are Semites, Ham, father of the Canaanites, and Japheth, from whom comes Gog, Magog and Ashkenaz.  Abraham was from the line of Shem, and it was he whom God chose to come apart to live a life pleasing to Him and promised to make a great nation through his son Isaac.  From Isaac came Jacob whose name was changed by God to Israel, and the term “Jew” comes from Judah, one of the 12 tribes of Israel (the line, incidentally, from which the Messiah would come).  None of these had anything to do with Ham or Japheth.  None of Ham or Japheth’s descendants were ever Jews, Israelis or Semites.  But Noah prophesied in Genesis 9:27 “God shall enlarge Japheth and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem”.  We see that borne out today.  Japheth’s descendants, the Ashkenazi, make up 90% of “Jews” worldwide and 95% of “Jews” living in the United States of America.  The large percentage is due to the enlarging of Japheth and the fact that they are considered Jews is due to their dwelling in the tents of Shem.

         Ashkenazim are commonly referred to as “European Jews”.  Ashkenaz was the son of Gomer.  In the Babylonian Talmud, the name Gomer is rendered as Germania and Ashkenaz is linked to Scandza/Scanzia (Scandinavia), viewed as the cradle of Germanic tribes.  Ashkenaz has also been identified with the lands of tribes neighboring the Slavs, and Eastern and Central Europe and with the Khazars.

     According to Wikipedia, Yiddish is the historical language of the Ashkenazi. It originated during the 9th century in Central Europe, providing the pre-existing language of the Ashkenazi community with an extensive Germanic based vocabulary.  Although Ashkenazim are not Jews, Yiddish is written with a fully vocalized alphabet based on the Hebrew script, allowing it to become a widely accepted part of Jewish culture.  The earliest surviving references date from the 12th century and call Yiddish “the language of Ashkenaz”, a variant of Middle High German.  In common usage, the language is called “mother tongue”, distinguishing it from Hebrew and Aramaic, which are collectively termed “holy tongue”.  Paul Wexler, a professor of linguistics at Tel Aviv University, also affirms that the grammar of Yiddish contains a Khazar substrate. 
     Here is an interesting quote from Jack Bernstein from his booklet entitled THE LIFE OF AN AMERICAN JEW (The Noontide Press, 1991), comments in parentheses are mine:
"It is important for us to understand that Jews are not one race of people. There are two distinct groups of Jews in the world and they come from two different areas of the world - the Sephardic Jews from the Middle East and North Africa, and the Ashkenazim (singular, Ashkenazi) Jews from Eastern Europe.  The Sephardic is the oldest group and it is they who are the Jews described in the Bible. They are blood relatives to the Arabs - the only difference between them is religion.  At the eastern edge of Europe, there lived a tribe of people known as the Khazars (descended from Japheth). About the year 740 A.D., the Khazar king and his court decided they should adopt a religion for their people. So, representatives of the three major religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, were invited to present their religious doctrines.  The Khazars chose Judaism, but it wasn't for religious reasons. If the Khazars had chosen Islam, they would have angered the strong Christian world. If the Khazars had chosen Christianity, they would have angered the strong Islamic world. So, they played it safe: they chose Judaism. The Khazars chose Judaism for political reasons. (It’s also important to note that the Judaism the Khazars adopted was not the instruction handed down through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but rather the corrupted version that returned with the Israelites from their Babylonian captivity.) Sometime during the 13th Century, the Khazars were driven from their land and they migrated westward with most of them settling in Poland and Russia. These Khazars are now known as Ashkenazi Jews. Because these Khazar (Ashkenazi) Jews merely chose Judaism, they are not really Jews: at least not blood Jews. Throughout their history, these Polish and Russian Ashkenazim Jews practiced socialism and worked to have their ideas implemented in these countries. By the late 1800s significant numbers of these socialist Jews were found in Germany, the Balkans and eventually all over Europe. Because of their interference in the social and governmental affairs of Russia, they became the target of persecution by the Czars. Because of this, migration of these socialist oriented Jews began. Some went to Palestine; some went to Central and South America; and a large number of them came to the U.S. (end of quote)

     This is the birthplace of Anti-Semitism.  Ashkenazim behaving badly and interfering where they didn’t belong brought persecution upon themselves and cried “prejudice”.  Anti-Semitism has nothing to do with Semites at all.  It was created by these “fake Jews” as a way to protect themselves when they deliberately caused trouble.  And it works!  Anti-Semitism is rampant in the world today and very little of it is actually focused on Semites.

     We will be digging deeper into the role these imposters play in our world, who they are in today’s society, and how they figure in the winter season of our nation’s lifespan.  If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it may not be a duck.  It may be an imposter.


     The most deadly aspect of Cancer is its ability to spread, or metastasize. Cancer cells initially group together to form a primary tumor. Once the tumor is formed, cells may begin to break off from this tumor and travel to other parts of the body. This process is metastasis. Likewise, metastasis accounts for the world condition we see today.

     Once expelled from the Garden for rebellion against God, a Cancer began to grow in mankind.  That Cancer was sin.  It manifested itself in tumors of Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Laziness (Sloth), Wrath, and Envy.  When the Cancer had so spread throughout mankind that God regretted making them, He sent a flood to destroy His creation except one man who hadn’t succumbed to the disease and his family.  But this did not eradicate the Cancer of sin from the earth and before long it again began to spread.

     The whole earth was populated through the sons of Noah, and though God found Noah righteous in His eyes (Cancer free), his sons were not.  The descendants of Shem became the Semites, the line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and eventually Jesus Christ.  These were well aware of the Cancer of sin and followed strict rules and guidelines handed down father-to son, only marrying within their bloodlines to avoid risk of infection.  When spots of sin were found within their camp, they immediately took steps to rid themselves of it and become pure again.  The descendants of Ham were the Canaanites.  The religion of the Canaanites was an agricultural religion, with emphasis on fertility. Their main gods were Baal and Ashtoreth.  The religion of the Canaanite agriculturalists proved to be a strong attraction to the less sophisticated and nomadic Israelite tribes. Many Israelites succumbed to the allure of the fertility-laden rituals and practices of the Canaanite religion, partly because it was new and different and, partly, because of a tendency of their strict faith and ethic to weaken under the influence of lust and gluttony. As the Canaanites and the Israelites began to live in closer contact with each other, the faith of Israel tended to absorb some of the concepts and practices of the Canaanite religion. Some Israelites began to name their children after Baal; even one of the judges, Gideon, was also known by the name Jerubbaal ("Let Baal Contend").  And the Cancer spread.  The descendants of Japheth were Gog, Magog, and Ashkenaz.  These settled in the Caucasus Mountains and the Khazar region and eventually spread all over Europe. (See our article entitled IMPOSTERS).  These had a particularly nasty strain of Greed that resulted in the stereotypical money-grubbing Jewish banker (though they were not really Jews at all), of Pride that caused them to promote prejudice, of Wrath that caused them to become fierce warrior horsemen with reputations for bloodlust, of Sloth which caused them to become masters to those who would do the work for them, while enriching themselves, of Gluttony causing them to never be satisfied or feel they had enough, and of Envy – envy of the true Semites, causing them to create Anti-Semitism, which they used to persecute their Semite brethren and protect themselves as they masqueraded as such.  It was this fast-spreading form of Cancer that accounts for the large percentage of Ashkenazi in the world today.

     Down through time, people infected with sin would travel and group and cluster with others like them forming cancerous tumors in their societies.  Men with the skill of brick-laying and a gift for scientific and mathematical thinking came to realize that their skill set made them very valuable.  They could do something others couldn’t do.  They could build fortified walls to protect their kings; this gave them positions of honor within the kingdom.  They also realized that they needed to protect this knowledge to keep it from becoming public in order to retain their status.  Masons began gathering and holding meetings in which they would vow unto death to keep their trade secrets from becoming known.  They reveled in the belief that their knowledge made them superior to other men and that pride led to the need to control others whom they deemed not smart enough to run their own lives properly.  These eagerly adopted the usurious Babylonian system which would allow them to rise to the top financially at the expense of the “simpletons below them which were only fit for manual labor”.  Viewing themselves as superior to even the royals they originally served, the Freemasons instituted colleges where they could train the royals in the Babylonian monetary system.  Through secrecy, loyalty to the brotherhood, usury and manipulation, these rose quickly into positions of power, wealth and influence. Those most deeply involved credit their success to the sins that made them who they are, worship the god of this world, Lucifer, and are determined to bring about a New World Order in which he will rule.

    Israelites, Canaanites, Ashkenazi, Freemasons, black, white, brown, regardless of gender, regardless of  race: people are people and people sin.  One form of Cancer is not any better than another.  It still kills.  We are all very much in need of a cure.

     According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Cancer is the No. 2 cause of death in Americans, second only to heart disease.  According to the Bible, sin is the No. 1 cause.  “The wages of sin is death”, Romans 6:23 tells us.  And while there is no cure for the over 100 forms of Cancer our human bodies can contract, there is a cure for the Cancer of sin. The Bible tells us in II Corinthians 5:21 that God made Him who knew no sin (Jesus Christ) to become sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him, and that the free gift of God is eternal life through  Jesus Christ  our Lord (Romans 6:23).  There is hope for our sin ridden world.  The Cure is free and available to any who will ask for it.  We can stop the spread of the Cancer of sin that has made our world nearly unrecognizable.  Each person who accepts the Cure is one less causing the spread.  It’s time for the Cure to metastasize.  It can start with me and spread to you and spread and spread and spread...    


     There’s a lot of talk in THE BIGGER PICTURE about God’s blueprint for a prosperous life.  So what exactly is that blueprint?  How do you and I get a copy of it today so we can start living a prosperous, happy and successful life?

     When the Great Heavenly Architect, God Almighty, decided to create this world, He first drew up plans.  Before we were in our mother’s wombs, all our days were written in His book, Psalm 139:13-16 tells us.  He created a garden that had everything needed for life, health, happiness.  It was constantly watered, climate controlled, had a large variety of always fresh food.  There was no waste, no sickness, no death, no hate, no mistrust - only love, for Love Personified moved through the garden.  In this garden, God placed every kind of animal.  None were predators - that came later.  And God created man and put him in this perfect place.  God created man with a mind and a will to choose his actions so that he could be creative, spontaneous, adventurous, and make the most of this new world he was given.  But with that free will came responsibility.  So God gave man a choice: all this is yours, except this one tree.  In the day you eat of it, you shall surely die.  With free will there is always a choice.  Mankind made the wrong choice and was expelled from the garden.

      God knew this would happen, of course, and had a plan in place for this as well.  He let mankind have a time of doing their own thing so they could see where that got them.  And then He spoke to Abraham and said, “Come apart and go to a land I will show you.”   God chose for himself a people (chosen, not because they were better or more special than anyone else, but chosen to live an example of His blueprint for a prosperous life).  He brought them to a land of abundance, as He had previously with Adam and Eve.  But everything was not the same – sin and death had entered God’s perfect world, and God no longer walked among them and visited with them personally as He had in the garden, so the blueprint needed an addition – a few more choices.  If the right ones were made, the people would be set apart and live holy, prosperous lives.  If not, they would return to a life of doing their own thing and the consequences that would follow.  God shared these choices with Abraham and told him to pass them down, father to son, from generation to generation so they’d not be lost.

     As history repeats itself, some stayed true to the blueprint, but the majority strayed.  God again allowed the people time to see where their choice led them.  It led them into such severe bondage that they cried out in distress to God and He heard them.  He sent a deliverer – a man named Moses.  Moses led the people chosen to live God’s blueprint out of the bondage they’d created by choosing otherwise into a new Promised Land – a land flowing with milk and honey, another Eden if you will. Sharing the choices with the Patriarch and having them passed down didn’t work well for the people, so this time God wrote them down on a tablet with His own finger and gave them to Moses so they’d be easier to observe.  As before, some stayed true, separated to live the blueprint, but the majority strayed, preferring to do their own thing.

     God allowed much time to pass.  The people were again brought under bondage as they were led away by their sins.  God sent prophets and judges and kings to try to show them the way, but for the most part they continued on in a misery of their own making.  Not willing that any should perish, God, Himself, came in the flesh to live the blueprint before the people, to show them the way.  He came not as the Great Creator God for whom living the blueprint would come naturally, but as a the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who would take on human flesh and be born into this world as a baby and being human would make all the right choices as he grew up to show the people how it could be done.  Many people did choose to follow the blueprint – Jesus, Himself.  These became known as Christians or followers of Christ.  Sadly, most of those originally chosen failed to believe that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah, even though no other person could ever fulfill all the prophesies regarding His coming as Jesus did.  Those who still tried to live the blueprint without choosing to follow Christ, found themselves just following rules, bound up in legalism - trying to keep laws that were never intended to be fulfilled in our own strength. They had a form of godliness, but were denying the Power that following Christ brought.

     Today, God no longer walks the Earth in human form.  He went to prepare a place for us that where He is there we may be also.  But He didn’t leave us without the blueprint to follow.  He sent the Holy Spirit that would lead and guide His followers into all truth.  He also inspired men to write His words into a great Book.  This Book, The Holy Bible, would tell of His plan for mankind in the very beginning, show how they rejected it, and go through the entire history of mankind, showing them the choices and the consequences.  It would lay out the teachings of Jesus and would clearly show any who read it, how to live a prosperous life.  Jesus Christ is the blueprint.  He was the One who walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the garden; the One who called Abraham to separate himself; the One who wrote the commandments for Moses; He is the Word made flesh who dwelt among us.  The entire Bible points to Jesus from Genesis to Revelation.  He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.  To build a prosperous, happy and successful life, one need only follow the blueprint.


     I’ll never forget the first time I saw Avatar in 3-D.  I’d seen other 3-D movies.  Some were fun, some were hokey, but with Avatar, the movie seemed to come to life right before my eyes.  The colors were more vivid, the characters more believable.  I had the sense of being immersed in this new world and forgetting for a time that it was actually a movie I was watching.  When the movie ended, I went home and turned on my TV.  How flat and lifeless those shows looked in comparison!

     I had a similar experience when I gave my mom my flat screen hi-def TV.  Her old 19” that still had tubes finally gave up the ghost and I felt she’d get more benefit from my TV than I would so I took it over and we hooked it up.  As I was scanning through available channels, I showed her the difference between a show in HD and the same show in analog.  The difference was obvious.  Thrilled to get the HD, she promptly had me get rid of all the analog channels and program in the HD version instead.

     As I look around our world, I realize that the majority of the people are living one-dimensional analog lives, not aware that HD and 3-D are available to them.  Let me explain.  Our relationships define us.  We, as teenagers, may have never done anything wrong, but if we hung around with the wrong crowd, we got labeled as trouble-makers, didn’t we?  If we sat in on chess club meetings, even if we didn’t know how to play, were we perceived as nerds?  This is why our parents warned us that we are only as good as the company we keep.  Our relationships define us, so we can understand dimension by our relationships.

     When we relate to or interact with other people here on this earth, we are operating on a horizontal line.  A line is one-dimensional – it only has length.  When we add awareness, a dialog, or relationship with our creator, we now have a vertical line between ourselves on this earth and our Father in Heaven.  We’ve added a dimension.  We now have length and height.  Life is no longer flat and one-dimensional.  Our purpose on this earth and our reason for living becomes less fuzzy, more focused, more real.  Our life takes on a better quality. We start living according to the blueprint for a happy and prosperous life as God explains it in His Word, the Bible. We are living in high-definition.  Then one day, someone shows us that as good as HD is, we can live a 3-D life.  We look at their life as vibrant, alive, jumping off the screen, and think, “High definition is good, but I’d rather have that”.  The 3-D life comes from adding a dimension to our relationships.  Instead of relating just to others like us here on this earth, and relating to the creator in Heaven, we add a relationship with God in the Flesh, Jesus Christ.  In doing so, our lives take on depth.  We find forgiveness for all our sins and short-comings.  We find grace, mercy, and unconditional love.  We find someone who never leaves us nor forsakes us no matter how ugly we get; who loves us enough to sacrifice Himself for us even when we wanted nothing to do with Him. We find power to live in dark and troubling times.  Jesus said in John 10:10, “I have come that you might have life and that more abundantly”.  He was talking about a life lived in 3-D. After entering into this relationship, we look back on our old analog lives and can’t believe we were ever content to live that way when such quality of life has always been available to us just by asking for it. This quality of life has nothing to do with religion of any kind.  It’s all about Who you know.  It’s about relationship.

     It’s my hope that no-one who is aware HD and 3D exist (and that includes you now) would willingly choose an analog life. The days are dark and time is short. We can muddle through a one-dimensional existence, we can choose to see things from God’s perspective in HD, or we can have a relationship with the One who lived through every temptation common to man, felt everything we feel, dealt with every situation we will ever deal with and came out victorious.  I choose to live a quality life.  I choose to live in 3-D.  I choose a relationship with Jesus Christ, and I’ll never be satisfied with analog again.


     Webster defines Perspective as: the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.  So far in THE BIGGER PICTURE we’ve established the Blueprint for a happy and prosperous life, and its antithesis, usury, and how it came about.  We’ve looked at the beginning of mankind’s existence on this earth and saw how the choices he’s made down through time has caused him to be who and where he is today.

     Now we want to narrow the focus a little, dial in the zoom button, and take a look at how these age-old principles apply to one specific dot on the map:  The United States of America.  We will see that the United States of America was established as a means to escape the usurious system of the British Empire and an attempt of a people to once again follow the Blueprint.  We will see where the citizens of this new nation got off track, how usury again took root and began leading people astray.  We will discover how a group of people began to use this usurious system to become powerful and influential and created programs and policies which they could use to manipulate the populace and bring them under their control.   We will discover patterns in United States History that will show what we can expect to see coming down the pike, and we will show where all of this is leading.

     History is important.  It tells us who we are and where we came from and how we came to the point we presently find ourselves.  But the future is just as important.  What lies ahead?  Where are we going?  Do we have any say in how future events play out?  Join us as we take a look at the United States of America – past, present and future, and put it all in perspective.  Sometimes a change of perspective is all it takes to see the light.


     “Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers…”  This historic speech by Abraham Lincoln in 1863 was referring to a time that marked the beginning of a nation – The United States of America.  The lifespan of this new country would consist of four cycles of “fourscore” or 80 years totaling 320 years.  (The average life span of a nation has historically been between 250 and 350 years, making this a very realistically possible time frame.)  Each 80 year cycle can be broken into four 20 year increments, or seasons:  The first 20 is the Spring of the cycle – the time of birth, regeneration, new life, or a fresh start.  The Summer of each cycle is its high time – a time of prosperity, innovation, progress, or boom.  Fall marks the beginning of the decline, a waning, cracks appearing upon the surface of what once appeared to be a solid foundation, and Winter, of course, is the harshest season.  In the Winter of our cycles we will see times of turmoil, hardship, and defeats culminating in the harshest of all activity – war.  And thus begins the journey of The United States of America.  Follow along with me on the illustration I’ve provided.

     Our timeline begins in approximately 1705 with our first 80 year cycle ending in 1785.  In 1705, America is no longer a fledgling colony.  It has a population of 275,000 people.  1705-1725 is the Spring of this cycle.  It is our nation’s infancy; an exciting time for the colonists as they set out to create a world in which they can live free from the oppression of King George and the British Empire. (As we will later discover, this was an attempt to live God’s Blueprint – a way of life destined for prosperity; a departure from an ancient and cursed form of rule that led only to destruction.)  We were on the right track.

     1725-1745 marks the Summer of this first cycle.  During this time we see schools being established, hospitals founded, Benjamin Franklin’s kite-flying experiment.  America is truly establishing its identity as a nation.

     In the 20 year period of 1745-1765, struggles appear, marking our Fall cycle.  The Iron Act is passed by the English Parliament limiting the growth of the iron industry in the American colonies and the French and Indian War erupts over land disputes in the Ohio River Valley, to name a few.

     Fall turns to Winter in 1765 with the foundation of the Sons of Liberty and the convening of the Stamp Act Congress in which King George III is petitioned to repeal the Stamp Act and Acts of 1764.  On the same day it repealed the Stamp Act, the English Parliament passes the Declatory Act stating that the British government has total power to legislate any laws governing the American colonies in all cases whatsoever.  This tug of war with Britain for self-rule is a time wrought with tension, a time of assertion and resistance resulting in the American Revolution, a.k.a. the Revolutionary War, during which the nation ultimately declares its independence from British rule.

     The first 80 year cycle of the nation is complete and the second begins, as history repeats itself.  The war is over.  Its devastating effects linger as the nation starts afresh in the Spring of its second cycle in 1785.  A highly significant event in this fresh start is the establishment of the First Bank of the United States in 1791.  Some states had been left bankrupt by the war and each state had its own currency.  Alexander Hamilton promoted the bank as a means to handle war debt and to create a standard form of currency.  Not everyone agreed with the formation of the bank as it was funded and underwritten by the Bank of England, and could possibly jeopardize the hard-won liberty the nation just recently gained.  As a compromise, Congress required that the bank operate on a 20 year charter – a trial period during which they could reap its benefits, then leave it behind if they so desired.

     The Summer of the second cycle begins in 1805.  Slavery has been abolished in the northern states and exploration has begun in earnest.  The First Bank of the United States’ charter expires in 1811 and Congress votes to abandon the bank and its charter.  This action is immediately followed by the War of 1812 – NOT A COINCIDENCE!!  Why was a British-funded bank needed in the first place?  To recover from war.  If they don’t feel the need for a bank any more, they must need another war to recover from.  And so it happened that the Second Bank of the United States was established in 1816 (following the War of 1812) and given another 20 year charter.  And we see an age-old pattern being established once again: pilgrims fleeing a corrupt system to follow God’s Blueprint for prosperity being lured back into bondage through usury.  (We will explore this key component of the “Bigger Picture” in more detail in articles to come.)  The Summer of this cycle wraps itself up with a controversial presidential election in which there was a deadlock with no clear winner causing the period of American politics known as The Era of Good Feelings to come to an end.

     And on that note, the Fall of our second cycle is ushered in in 1825 and will last until 1845.  We definitely see evidence of decline in this time period.  The election of 1828 was preceded by the dirtiest campaign in history to that date with supporters of both Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams hurling shocking accusations.  Andrew Jackson was shot at in the first assassination attempt of an American President in 1835.  And this time frame also saw the siege of the Alamo.

     We enter the Winter of our second cycle of American history with the Congress declaring war against Mexico in 1846.  Abraham Lincoln, a man with well-known anti-slavery views becomes president in 1861 causing several slave-holding states in the south to secede from the Union.  These actions usher in the American Civil War which lasted from April 12, 1861 until April 9, 1865, just 5 days before the assassination of President Lincoln.  What a grave winter period this was!  Not only did it end in war as the previous cycle did, but it hosted 2 wars and America’s first presidential assassination.

     I think it’s important to note here that while each 80 year period can be broken into seasons, the entire lifespan of the nation is broken into seasons as well.  Our first 80 year cycle was the Spring of our nation’s life – it’s childhood.  The second cycle was the Summer, the time of its greatest growth, and we are now exploring the Fall of the United States’ timeline.  Because the entire 80 year period represents its Fall, the 20 year portion representing Spring isn’t as innocent and fresh as it once was.   Indeed, between 1865 and 1885 the Great Chicago Fire broke out, the stock market crashes and sets off the Panic of 1873 and General Custer is defeated at Little Big Horn.

     What should have been the Summer of our Fall cycle also seems to start out somewhat bleak.  It starts off with the death of the Civil War hero, Ulysses S. Grant in 1885, followed by the Haymarket Riot in 1886.  Summer brightens somewhat, though, with the dedication of the Statue of Liberty in 1886. "The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World" was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the United States and is recognized as a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. Other advances include the formulation of the Quantum Theory, the awarding of the first Nobel Prizes and the Wright Brothers flight at Kitty Hawk.

     The Fall season of our Fall cycle runs from 1905-1925.  It opens with the Great San Francisco Earthquake in 1906.  This quake and the subsequent fires left over half of San Francisco residents homeless and killed nearly 3000 people.  Other highlights from this time period include: Henry Ford’s introduction of the Model T, the sinking of the Titanic, the introduction of personal income tax, the US Prohibition, World War I which began in 1914 and ended in 1919, the sinking of the Lusitania, and the Spanish Flu Pandemic. 

     The last 20 years of this cycle, 1925 to 1945 comprise the Winter season.  The most notable events of this time period were the stock market crash of 1929, the Great Depression, and of course, World War II which began in 1939 and lasted until the end of the 80 year cycle in 1945.

     From here we enter into what I believe to be the Winter of the life span of our nation.  I believe the final 80 year cycle of the history of the United States of America will run from 1945 to 2025.  While I don’t necessarily believe the world will end in 2025, I do believe that the United States of America as we know it will cease to exist at that time.  How can I say that?  Take a look at the patterns I’ve laid out for you.  Each 80 year cycle has more unrest and turmoil as we progress through its seasons with each cycle ending in a war worse than the war ending the cycle proceeding it.  We are currently living in the Winter season of the Winter cycle of the lifespan of our country.  This encompasses the years of 2005 through 2025.  Let’s take a look at what has happened from 2005 to our present day in 2015:  Hurricane Katrina floods New Orleans, Global economic downturn, Oil prices reach record highs, banks and major corporations require government bailouts, THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SHUTS DOWN, ISIL releases videos of the beheading of children and the burning alive of a Jordanian hostage.  If history repeats itself as it has done with each cycle to this point, there will be another war within the next (the last) 10 years.  It will be more horrendous than any of the previous wars we’ve experienced.  It can only be World War III.

     The purpose of this document is to make the readers aware.  When we look at history we can see predictable cycles and patterns that help us determine what our future holds.  It can help us to prepare for challenging days ahead.  How might we spend our days, live our lives differently if we truly believed our time was short and our days numbered?  Would our priorities change?  Would we be more compassionate, more likely to help another? 

     "Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people.”  Ezekiel 12:2   See!  Hear!  Live!  Love!  Redeem the time for the days are evil.  As George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


     The common thread running through the articles of The Bigger Picture is that of usury: an evil warned against in the Bible in which man is deliberately drawn away by his own basic animal instincts in order to be taken advantage of for the benefit of another.  Usury manifests itself in many ways, one of them being indoctrination.  Indoctrination is the act of teaching people to fully accept beliefs and ideals without questioning them.  This is happening in the United States today.  It is happening to our children.

     When our nation began, parents were responsible for instructing their children.  All children were home taught.   Their textbook was the Bible.  The children learned to read and write and they learned to live moral, responsible lives.  There was no government involvement in education.  Then in 1642, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed a law that each household must ensure that its members could read and understand principles of religion and the law of the commonwealth.  This law was not met with resistance as this is what the people were doing anyway; they just added a little civics to their lessons, but it opened the door for government mandated education. 

     By 1647, the government in Massachusetts had decided that parents weren’t capable of adequately teaching their children and passed a law (appropriately called “The Old Deluder Satan Act) that required towns of 50 families to hire a schoolmaster to teach the children to read and write, and towns of 100 families to hire a grammar school master who could prepare children to attend Harvard College.  Again, this was not met with much resistance as parents, motivated by sloth and greed, found it much easier to let someone else teach their children so they could devote their attention to making a living.  In 1685, the Bible was replaced as the primary textbook by the New England Primer.  Parents no longer taught their children and no longer controlled what they were being taught.

     The big push for government education came by way of Horace Mann in 1837.  He advocated free public schools as a way to “civilize children morally and socially.”  Notice that the focus was no longer on reading and understanding laws; it was on being morally and socially acceptable.  It’s also interesting to note that the word “civilize” means to “enlighten, socialize, cultivate, and humanize”.  And here we see the indoctrination agenda materializing.  Why was the government interested in the education of children?  To socialize and cultivate them into a product that could be used to their advantage – but most people were too distracted to see it.  By 1900, parents were considered unfit guardians, children were being forced into school, and children were considered “the property of the state” (Andrew J. Coulson).  By 1918, 2/3 of the nation’s children were enrolled in public schools and attendance was compulsory. This was all being done on the State level until 1958.  That’s when the Federal government got involved with the National Defense Education Act which provided federal funding for the right to say what was being taught in public schools and how.  In a Supreme Court Ruling in the case of ENGEL v. VITALE in 1962, prayer was removed from schools, and Bibles were banned from classrooms in 1963. 

     Fast forward to today.  The Federal government has laid all the necessary groundwork to begin indoctrinating the children of the nation.  They paid for the right to teach them whatever they wanted and removed all obstacles that would oppose what they chose to teach.  Now it was time to introduce the curriculum that would achieve their goals.  That curriculum was President Obama’s Common Core Initiative.  The initiative is described as “rigorous standards in English-language arts (ELA) and Mathematics” and promises that every child will be career and college ready by the end of high school. These standards also define the content that should be taught at each grade level from kindergarten through 12th grade.

     Though the initiative received no public debate in its inception and 1/6 of the Common Core Validation Committee did not approve the core standards, the initiative was pushed through and made law before most people had even heard of it.  In 2010, while the nation was still struggling with the effects of the economic downturn in 2008, President Obama introduced the Race to the Top competition.  This plan would give $4.35 billion to the states whose schools would adopt the Common Core curriculum, and they were only given two weeks to sign and return the agreement forms. 43 states signed and returned the forms without fully examining them so they could receive their share of the funds.  Just like that, the curriculum found its way into the majority of our nation’s schools and is being implemented today.

     So what’s so bad about Common Core?  Two things:  what it is teaching our children, and the reason it is being taught.  Let’s take a look at the latter first.  In 1992, the President of the National Education Department, Mark Tucker, wrote a 17 page letter to Hillary Clinton which stated that the goal of his department was to “transform American education to become like the German education system which focuses on workforce development.”  It also said that “the government needs to micromanage every citizen’s life, cradle to grave, using schooling as the core of the centralized control”.  In a 2013 National Center for Education and the Economy report Tucker also admitted that his goal for education reform was not to raise but to lower standards.  Why?  To dumb the people down, so they are easier to control.  Those behind the Common Core curriculum regard education as a production line in which they are going to take little human beings and make them college or career ready.  Current policy makers see the purpose of education as being the training of people to acquire the minimum skills that are required to work in a technical workplace.  All individuality is erased -  there is no room to discover one’s interests, talents and passions.    Our children are being groomed, not to become all that they can be, but to become all that our government wants them to be for their purpose, under their control.

   As nefarious as the plot behind Common Core is, even more so is the curriculum itself.  What are our children actually being taught with Common Core?  One grammar worksheet contained the following exercise:  Make each sentence less wordy by replacing the underlined words with a possessive noun phrase.  1) The wants of an individual are less important than the well-being of his nation.   2) The commands of government officials must be obeyed by all.  The true focus of the exercise is not on the grammar at all, but on the indoctrination of nationalism, or being loyal to one’s government.  In one history book, the United States is represented as a racist nation.  It plainly states that any white person who disagrees with President Obama is racist because the president is black and that white people would not willingly vote for a black president.  This is what our children are being taught. The only difference between Common Core and the education the Hitler youth received is that theirs was out in the open and ours is presented as something totally innocent and for the betterment of our children.  Which is more dangerous?

     It’s time we as a nation, as parents and grand-parents, take back our children. We need to become more involved in their lives and their education, not giving the responsibility to others with their own agendas.   Home-schooling and parochial schools are still options - take advantage of them while you are still able.  Encourage free-thinking, the arts, sports, individuality, and the expression of God-given gifts and talents.  Encourage prayer, Bible reading and Spiritual growth. Our government has a plan for the lives of our children – we need to have a better one. 


     We’ve seen how the education of our children was taken from the hands of the parents and was made compulsory by the government in our article entitled INDOCTRINATION.  We’ve also read the President of the National Education Department, Mark Tucker’s statement that “the government needs to micromanage every citizen’s life, cradle to grave, using schooling as the core of the centralized control”.  Yes, the foundation for the brain-washing of a nation has been well-laid, but this is just the beginning.  Next comes high school and college.  The real plan unfolds as we enter “higher” education.

     Statistics show that 34% of students leave the Judeo-Christian values they learned from their parents in their high school years.  That is by design.  High school is a time of preparation for college, during which 62% to 80% of students report losing their faith in their undergraduate years, according to a 2008 article in the McClatchy-Tribune News by Sue Nowicki.  During high school and college years, students are encouraged to “spread their wings”, “try new things”, “become independent”.  Many experience alcohol, drugs, and sex for the first time and the freedom these things seem to bring while at the very same time all of their values are being challenged by teachers and professors as “childish views” and “outdated notions” with “no basis in fact”.

     When I was in high school, I took some AP classes.  All I knew about them was that they were college-prep classes.  I took them because taking them meant I was smart and I thought they’d be interesting and challenging. The American Pageant, initially written by Thomas A. Bailey, is an American high school history textbook often used for AP United States History, or APUSH.  AP courses and their corresponding tests are devised and administered by the College Board, a private, national organization that also administers standardized tests like the SAT.  The AP has been around a long time and is the accepted standard textbook.  Only recently, with the introduction of the Common Core curriculum has it come under scrutiny.  Many conservatives have tied the AP coursework to the Common Core and Colorado, Oklahoma, Georgia and Texas have voted to outlaw public schools from using state funds to offer Advanced Placement history courses, arguing that the coursework for AP U.S. History is unpatriotic and the latest attempt for lawmakers to rewrite history coursework to be more to their liking. Parents would be wise to research APUSH.  It is another step in the indoctrination of our youth.

     Having been “properly prepped”, high school graduates are now ready to attend college.  The first universities were the Freemasons teaching the Royals in the ways of the Babylonian monetary system. All of our colleges and universities are built on the European education system with Freemasonry influencing everything done there. (Learn more about Freemasonry in our article entitled PREDICTED OR PLANNED?)  When you graduate from college or university, you graduate with a degree:  The first degree is an Associate’s Degree, the second degree is a Bachelor’s Degree, and the third degree is a Master’s Degree or Doctoral Degree.  It is not a coincidence that in the structure of Freemasonry, the third degree is that of a Master Mason.   A doctor is a third-degree Freemason.  If you get your doctorate in law, you give someone the “third degree” on the stand, because you are a third-degree Freemason. This is the system our higher education was built upon.  Graduates wear mortarboards on their heads.  Mortarboards are squares made of wood with a handle upon which masons would hold the mortar they would use in their bricklaying.  Wearing a mortarboard on your head at graduation was an outward sign that you’d been properly indoctrinated in the tenets of Freemasonry.

     Of course, the majority of those attending college and university see nothing wrong with what they are being taught.  It is the norm.  The usurious Babylonian system the courses are laced with is presented as the means for succeeding in one’s chosen field, how to get ahead, how to get the edge needed for advancement in Corporate America.   Indeed, one cannot even be hired by a corporation without a degree proving they’ve been properly indoctrinated.  They need to know that the graduate is one of “them”, one who will go along with the flow, not make waves, not balk at using another to get ahead. 

     Those obtaining Associate’s or Bachelor’s degrees, having been introduced to such things, are for the most part still pretty benign. By the time you get a PHD in law, you are getting in to some serious indoctrination in Freemasonry and into this world system.  Once you get beyond that, the higher levels of Freemasonry require secrecy and only those who prove themselves worthy advance to the next level.  Each level requires a little more corruption, a little more depravity.  This is where
“Skull and Bones” and secret societies come in.  Once you get into the highest levels of Freemasonry, the way you show your loyalty is by doing something that can be held against you by blackmail.  Each higher level entrenches the participant more deeply in the tenets of Freemasonry and in the usurious Babylonian monetary
system upon which our banks and corporations operate today.

      Unsuspecting parents (and I was one of them) encourage their children to go to college to become the best they can be without any knowledge or realization what their children are really learning to become.  They want their children to make something of themselves, not realizing that they are making themselves slaves of a system that is ultimately doomed to fail.  The Blueprint refers to those in the quest for “higher” education as “ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7).  It also encourages us that we “have no need that anyone should teach you” “for the Holy Spirit of God shall lead you into all truth” (1 John 2:27, John 16:33).  Our children would be better served if we parents taught them to follow the Blueprint and to learn the ways of truth.  When one is instructed by the Master of the Universe, the One True God, there is no higher education. 


     The Rat Race; the Corporate Jungle – Corporations of today no longer bear any resemblance to the philanthropic entity our forefathers created.  Today’s corporations, by and large, are founded on usury.  They have a structure whereby the majority do all the work for very little pay and with very little chance of ever rising to the top, while the CEO does very little but becomes rich off the labor of those below him.  Usury funnels all the wealth to the top and leaves the majority as slaves to the system.  Let’s take a look at what corporations were intended to be and the route they took to becoming what they are today.

     The economy of the United States of America was originally designed to be a free enterprise system.  This meant that anyone could use their skills and labor and start a small business for profit without government regulation.   You could start a business baking pies and you determined how many, what kind, when to bake and what to charge.  The money you made in excess of what you spent to make the pies would be your profit and from that you would make a living.   In the beginning, there were no corporations – just small businesses.

     Some businesses, however, were service-based.  If you wanted to run a water system to supply water to your community, you were doing the community a service.  In exchange for the service to the community, the government decided to grant these businesses limited liability so that if they made a mistake, they would not be unduly harmed or personally damaged by being benevolent.  They would become a limited liability corporation or LLC.  In this way, one could not be personally sued for a mistake made while being benevolent; the corporation could be sued but the owner, who now worked for the corporation, could not.  All corporations at this time were given a 20 year charter in which to operate.   It was automatically cancelled after 20 years and could be renewed if the business was proven to still be non-profit.   During the charter, these businesses were required to maintain open accounting books which would be scrutinized for verification of non-profit operation.

     For 100 years after the American Revolution, legislators maintained tight control of the corporate chartering process. Because of widespread public opposition, early legislators granted very few corporate charters, and only after debate. Over several decades starting in 1844, nineteen states amended their constitutions to make corporate charters subject to alteration or revocation by their legislatures. Contests over charter were battles to control labor, resources, community rights, and political sovereignty. More and more frequently, corporations were abusing their charters to become conglomerates and trusts. They converted the nation’s resources and treasures into private fortunes, creating factory systems and company towns. Political power began flowing to absentee owners, rather than community-rooted enterprises.1   Corporations were no longer non-profit entities but became quasi-government entities.  To get the favors, tax-breaks and protections a corporation offered, businesses became regulated by the government and had to follow their guidelines.  The small pie shop now would be told what hours they could operate, what pies to bake and how much to sell them for.  We see a prime example of this during the Great Depression.  Prices collapsed and corporations suffered from lack of profit.  To remedy this, the government told corporate farmers to plow under their corn to limit supply so prices would rise and tax revenue would roll in again.  People starved to death during the Great Depression as crops were destroyed to preserve profit and taxes. 

     Fast forward to Corporate America today.  Government regulation is now controlled by the very corporations they were supposed to regulate and that regulation now forces out small businesses limiting the competition of corporations.  According to Forbes, 8 out of 10 small businesses fail.  Not only is the corporation itself built upon a satanic usurious system with the CEO living large off the labor of the hourly employee, but greed, lust and sloth have led to high levels of corruption.  A few that made headlines include: Jeffrey Skilling, who served as president, COO, and CEO of Enron, along with a staff he assembled, who hid billions of dollars of debt through poor financial reporting, accounting loopholes and the use of special purpose entities;  CEO Bernard  Ebbers, who resigned from Worldcom in April 2002, and was sentenced to 25 years in prison for conspiracy and securities fraud and filing false statements with securities regulators; and Tyco CEO Dennis Kozlowski, along with former CFO Mark Swartz, who stole more than $150 million from the company, including $2 million that was used for a birthday party for Kozlowski’s wife that was thrown in Sardinia.  And these are just the ones we hear about.

     Is all this the natural progression when society leaves off following the blueprint for a prosperous life to follow their own animal instincts?  In part, but I believe it’s more than that.  I believe America’s CEO’s have been indoctrinated and carefully groomed to become who they are today.  Consider the following article from the Feb. 19, 2013 edition of the New York Times:  The college degree is becoming the new high school diploma: the new minimum requirement, albeit an expensive one, for getting even the lowest-level job.  Economists have referred to this phenomenon as “degree inflation,” and it has been steadily infiltrating America’s job market.  This up-credentialing is pushing the less educated even further down the food chain, and it helps explain why the unemployment rate for workers with no more than a high school diploma is more than twice that for workers with a bachelor’s degree: 8.1 percent versus 3.7 percent.  In 2012, 39 percent of job postings for secretaries and administrative assistants in the Atlanta metro area requested a bachelor’s degree, up from 28 percent in 2007, according to Burning Glass, a company that analyzes job ads from more than 20,000 online sources, including major job boards and small- to midsize-employer sites. “College graduates are just more career-oriented,” said Adam Slipakoff, the managing partner of the Busch, Slipakoff & Schuh law firm in Atlanta. “Going to college means they are making a real commitment to their futures. They’re not just looking for a paycheck.”  If college degrees are being required for entry level positions in today’s corporations, what does it take to become CEO?  What exactly is being taught at those higher levels of education to prepare one to run a company which operates on a satanic system and perpetuates greed and corruption?  Check out the article entitled HIGHER EDUCATION to find out.

     Corporate America is out of control.  It’s not too late to escape the Rat Race.  It’s time to scrap the current plans and go back to the drawing board, back to basics, back to the blueprint for a prosperous life.  It’s time we reclaimed our lives and became who we were destined to be instead of who others are grooming us to be.  Jesus said in John 10:10, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.”  The abundant life is not found in the Corporate Jungle – it’s found in the garden.

1Taking Care of Business: Citizenship and the Charter of Incorporation by Richard L. Grossman and Frank T. Adams (published by POCLAD)


     If there was ever a symbol to represent the satanic system on this earth it would have to be the pyramid.  The first pyramids were built in Egypt by Hebrew slaves whose labor was extorted from them to the benefit of the one man at the top, the Pharoah.  For this reason, the pyramid has come to represent usury. (See the article on AN INSIDIOUS EVIL)

     The structure of a pyramid involves one person at the top who does very little but makes the most money.  Under him are a few who do a little more and make a little less.  Beneath them are a few more who do more and make even less, and so forth until you reach the bottom layer where you’ve got the majority doing almost all the work and making almost nothing.  It is a usurious system because it takes advantage of the labor of those on the bottom who receive less than that labor is worth to the benefit of those above.  This is the structure upon which corporate America was built. 


     The phrase “pyramid scheme” came from a scam perpetrated by a man named Charles Ponzi in the 1920’s.  He convinced people to invest new capital into his postage stamp business promising them unusually high returns on their investments while he retained a percentage of their invested money.  He then had each of them enroll other investors beneath them who would invest new capital with promise of huge returns, while those who enrolled them took a percentage of that new capital as did Mr. Ponzi, himself.  These new investors then enrolled others, with themselves and each layer above taking a percentage of the new capital.  The perpetuation of the high returns required an ever-increasing flow of money from new investors to sustain the scheme and every new dollar invested made Charles Ponzi richer without him having to labor for it.

     So the pyramid has come to represent usury – a satanic tool in which people are taken advantage of or “used” to the benefit of others.  Does it bother you that this symbol is found on every piece of paper money the United States of America prints?  It should.  But the fact is, it’s appropriate for it to be there.  Our paper money is perhaps the biggest “pyramid” scheme ever perpetrated.  Article 1, Section 10 of the United States Constitution states that nothing but gold and silver coin is to be used as a tender in payment of debts.  These minerals that came from the earth had real value.  You could exchange your labor or goods for their value in gold or silver and it became fair and legal tender.

     When the Federal Reserve Act was established in 1913, the government started printing paper money or Federal Reserve Notes (this is printed atop your bill).  Initially, for every paper dollar printed there was its equivalent in gold stored in Fort Knox to back it.  The paper just made exchange easier and seemed to make a lot of sense.  The fact that this was unconstitutional was overlooked for the convenience and benefit it seemed to provide but the words “legal tender” printed on each bill was nothing more than a lie.  Greed entered in and more money was printed than there was gold to back it, causing the dollar to lose value.  Eventually, all the gold in Fort Knox would be given to other countries for debts our country owed.  These countries were smart enough to recognize the devaluation of the paper money and demanded gold in repayment.  Now there is nothing in Fort Knox backing the ever increasing amount of paper-money printed.  Our money is worthless.  Even our coins are no longer pure gold or silver and have lost their value as well.  The people are duped into exchanging their labor and goods for worthless pieces of paper and coin.  The pyramid symbol on each bill printed announces, “We are using you, people!”  And then they had the audacity to print “IN GOD WE TRUST” on the same bill!  To me, that’s blasphemy.  If more Christians were aware, they probably wouldn’t fight so hard to keep these words from being removed from the money.

     Schemes are only successful when they can operate undetected.  Once they become known and people rebel against them, they crumble.  Don’t be taken in by all the pyramid represents.  Be aware of this Satanic, usurious system and limit your involvement with it as much as you can. “Submit yourselves therefore unto God, resist the devil and he will flee.”  James 4:7.


     “A fool and his money are soon parted”, the ancient proverb says.  Webster defines a fool as a person who acts unwisely or imprudently and the verb phrase “to fool” as to trick or deceive.  Did you know that there is a carefully orchestrated system in place to fool you into playing the fool and parting with your hard-earned money in order to enrich the unholy trinity of corporations, banks, and government?  It was conceived in secret, slipped in unnoticed, and is now fully functioning and highly successful.  And the worst part is - it was presented in a way as to make it appear normal.

     In the 1800’s, when our money was on the gold standard, we had a fair economic system.  You exchanged your labor for its value in gold.  The value of your labor never changed; your wage never changed; what it cost to produce a product never changed.  In this fair system, as people became more efficient and productivity increased through innovation, prices decreased.  When prices decrease, and wages remain the same, you become richer. Sounds pretty good, right? This is a steadily depreciating system or a depression.  We have been deceived into thinking that depression is bad.  The truth is, depression is bad for banks, corporations and governments, not for individuals.  In our grandparent’s time, they could put money away in a shoe box for retirement and in 30 years, their money was actually worth more than when they put it away and they could retire on it.  Not so today.  Why?  What happened?

     After the most costly war to date, the Vietnam War, our nation was broke.  It needed to raise money without raising taxes again.  In 1972, President Nixon took our country off the gold standard.  No longer was it required that our labor be exchanged for gold, or even that there be enough gold kept in Fort Knox to back the Federal Reserve notes that the government was printing as “legal tender” in exchange for our labor. The Federal Reserve Act which was conceived in a high-powered secret meeting on Jekyll Island with bank CEOs and financier John Pierpont Morgan, and was voted in deviously in a late night session of the Senate on December 22, 1913, when most of its members had gone home or had left town for the holiday, now enabled the government to print money without limit or constraint.  This was the beginning of inflation.

     In today’s society, we accept inflation as a “normal” fact of life.  Inflation is not normal.  We’ve been fooled into thinking it is.  Inflation is the devaluation of money by creating it in excess.  The value of goods doesn’t change; how many dollars it takes to purchase it does.  The price a corporation charges for its product is its income.  The wage it pays the laborer, is its expense.  The corporation only makes profit when it charges a higher price than it costs to produce the goods.  Without inflation, the corporations lose money.  Take a look at any economic chart in the US and you will see that for the first century and a half, prices stayed pretty much the same.  They rose dramatically in 1972 and continued to rise thereafter because of the inflation caused by the unrestrained amount of money being printed and put into the economy.  This purposely devised system of inflation causes people to spend more of their money for the same products they could previously purchase with less.

     This system of inflation not only causes more spending, but it discourages saving.  No longer can we retire off of money stuck away in a shoe box for 30 years.  With inflation of approximately 3% a year, in just 10 years prices will be up 30%.  The money you stashed away is worth less and less each year.  It is impossible to save at 0% interest.  To keep up with inflation, people are now fooled into believing they must invest their money.  Webster defines investing as “the expenditure of money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial schemes”.  They are not saving money - in fact, they would have to earn 3% interest just to break even.

     The next progression in this orchestrated plot to part laborers with their hard-earned money was the establishment of the 401-K in 1978.  This “retirement savings plan” offered by many corporations as a benefit to their employees is nothing of the sort.  It is collusion between corporations, banks, and the government.  This plan is named for the 401-K section of the IRS tax code.  Through the 401-K, millions of people are taking money directly out of their paychecks, believing they are saving, and are gambling it on the stock market.   If millions of dollars in new money is being pumped into the stock market every single month, the logical result should be a rising market – all the time, every month.  But the market still crashes sometimes, and people lose their life savings, their retirements.  They put their money in every month and the value of their stocks still go down.  That is not an accident – it’s a confiscation of their retirement – on purpose.  We’ve been tricked into a 401-K.  We’ve been told it’s a savings plan for retirement.  That couldn’t be farther from the truth.  We are voluntarily giving up our money for some stranger to go gamble with.  There is never a guarantee of return – ever.

      Gambling on the stock market is not the only way we are being cheated out of our hard-earned money with a 401-K plan.  The government has created this program which allows you to put money directly from your paycheck into the stock market tax-deferred.  People think they aren’t paying taxes on this money, but the truth is they will pay the taxes not today, but 30 years from now.  Which tax burden do you think is going to be higher?  30 years from now, because of inflation.  So besides gambling our money away, we are also paying more of it out in taxes.  Once we realize what a raw deal we are getting with the 401-K, what is to keep us from closing it out?  Rest assured, there is a plan in place for this contingency as well.  The government discourages you from pulling money from your 401-K before you retire through hefty early-withdrawal penalties.  During the last stock market crash, millions of people watched their retirements go down the drain, because they were afraid of the penalty for taking their money out of the stock market and putting it in a safe place.

     After doing the research for this article, I closed out my 401-K.  About half of the amount “earned” will be taken in penalties and taxes, so how much did I really “save”?  I also intend to combat inflation by spending less, shopping more wisely, and saving without investing.  A fool and his money are soon parted.  It’s a true proverb.  Here’s another one:  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.  From here on out, I intend to make it more difficult to part me from my money.


          Have you seen those television commercials that shame you if you have a credit score below 650 and make you out to be a god with special privileges if your score is closer to 800?  As irritating as I find these commercials to be, the thing that bothers me the most is that they keep referring to it as MY credit score.  How did it get to be MY credit score?  I didn’t ask for it; I didn’t apply for it; I didn’t even want it.  It was just assigned to me by people I don’t even know.  It wasn’t until I called to get cable TV that I even knew I had a credit score.  So what exactly is a credit score and how did it come to be mine?

     For most of the modern economy, there was no such thing as a credit score. Lending decisions were made by loan officers who worked at banks. This made determining who did and did not get credit largely a matter of individual judgment.
This was not a terribly accurate way of determining who actually would and would not repay loans. It also tended to be discriminatory.  Then in the 1950’s, two statisticians named Bill Fair and Earl Isaac made a number of correlations between which behaviors made a person a good credit risk and which made them a bad credit risk. And for the most part, their predictions were accurate. But it wasn’t really until the 1970s that credit scores became as important in lending as they are now. The FICO (Fair Isaac Credit Organization) score, based on credit files from the three credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion — was introduced in 1989.

     The FICO score is made up of 5 criteria: Payment History, Amounts Owed, Length of Credit History, Credit Mix in Use, and New Credit.  Payment History (which accounts for 35% of the FICO score) takes into account the timeliness of payments made on credit cards, retail accounts, finance company accounts, installment loans, and mortgage loans and considers the appearance on credit reports of bankruptcies, foreclosures, collections, lawsuits, wage garnishments, liens and judgments.  Extenuating circumstances for these conditions are not known nor considered, but judgment is made solely upon their appearance on a credit report.

      Amounts Owed accounts for 30% of the FICO score.  This shows the balance owed on all credit accounts. (It's also important to note that your current account balance isn't necessarily the balance that shows up on your credit report and factors into your FICO Scores. Your account balance on your credit report will reflect the account balance your lender reported to the credit bureau, typically the balance from your latest monthly statement. So even if you pay your credit card balances in full each month, your account balance won’t necessarily show on your credit report as $0.) Another criteria in this category is the amount of available credit you’ve used.  If you have used more than 80% of the credit limit you’ve been given, you are considered a higher risk of defaulting and will have a lower FICO score.

      Length of Credit History accounts for 15% of the FICO score.  It looks at how long you’ve had certain credit accounts and also how long it’s been since you last used a credit account. Refraining from using credit can result in a lower FICO score.  10% of the FICO score is comprised of Credit Mix in Use.  A higher score will be given to those who have experience with revolving credit, credit cards and installment accounts, instead of just one type.  However, too many credit accounts reflect negatively.  How many is too many? says that will vary depending on your overall credit picture so there is no definitive answer.

       The final 10% of the FICO score comes from New Credit. They look at how many new accounts you have by type of account. They also may look at how many of your accounts are new accounts. New accounts will lower your average account age, which will have a larger effect on your FICO score if you don’t have a lot of other credit information. Even if you have used credit for a long time, opening a new account can still lower your FICO score, and they may consider the time that has passed since you opened a new credit account, for specific types of accounts.  Inquiries also fall into this category. An inquiry is when a lender makes a request for your credit report or score. Inquiries remain on your credit report for two years, although FICO scores only consider inquiries from the last 12 months.  If you apply for several new credit cards within a short period of time, multiple requests for your credit report information (inquiries) will appear on your report. Shopping for new credit can equate with higher risk, but most credit scores are not affected by multiple inquiries from auto or mortgage lenders within a short period of time. Typically, these are treated as a single inquiry and will have little impact on the credit score.

     So now we know what a credit score is and how it’s determined.  The question still remains, is it MINE?  Do I need to take ownership of it, be responsible for it, maintain it and improve it?  With all the other responsibilities I have, it seems another one has landed in my lap – one I never took on in the first place.

     We’ve learned in THE BIGGER PICTURE that the borrower is slave to the lender, and that credit is part of the usurious Babylonian system our world operates on today.  If we choose to partake in this system, if we choose to borrow money at interest to get the things we desire, we are choosing bring ourselves under bondage  to the debt and the creditor.  The credit score is a representation of how much bondage we can be put under.  Those with a high credit score can borrow much and be put under much bondage.  Those with a lower score can borrow less and will be put under less bondage.  Perhaps it’s better to have a lower credit score?

     I have come to the conclusion that the credit score assigned to me is not something I want anything to do with.  I want to limit the amount of bondage I can be put under and eliminate it altogether if possible. If I can’t afford to pay cash for something, then I will wait to get it.  I don’t need a new car or fancy house.  My God supplies all my needs.   That credit score belongs to Bill Fair and Earl Isaac. They created it; it is theirs; they can keep it.


     Webster defines usurpation as wrongful assumption of the use of authority, power or property properly belonging to another.  The person who becomes prey when another takes advantage of him for his own gain loses the authority, power or property that was properly his.  The person wrongfully assuming the use of these things is a usurper. If usury is the satanic world system that culminated in the Babylonian empire and is prevalent in the world today, then usurpation is its natural by-product.
     Usurpation explains how government, banks and corporations went from being entities that originated as “by the people, for the people” to the unholy trinity they’ve become today.  Our founding fathers were well aware of the dangers of usurpation.  Consider this quote by Thomas Jefferson:  "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." 

     How prophetic Jefferson’s words turned out to be!  If a man purchases an average house for $180,000 on a 30 year note, he will pay approximately $1,000 a month.  Over 30 years, he will pay $360,000 – double the original price – for that house.  If he makes 359 payments and misses the last payment, the bank gets his $180,000 house.  The paper he used to make the 359 payments is worth nothing.  The real wealth is the house, and the bank gets the house.  This has been the strategy of banks since they were instituted:  loan out money, appealing to people’s greed and need to “have it now”, then call back the loans and confiscate the real property -  the wealth that people used that money to purchase.

       According to RealtyTrac, a real-estate data firm, there were 144,790 foreclosure filings in April 2013.  Sounds like “deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered” to me.  As for “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency”, that is exactly what happened when the Federal Reserve was established.  (See the article entitled A FOOL AND HIS MONEY).  Mayer Amschel Rothschild, a German banker and founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty has been quoted as saying, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!”  Has usurpation worked for him?  Jay Adriana reported in a June, 2014 article on, “It is estimated that the Rothschild Family as a whole still possess in the region of $350 billion USD in assets throughout the world. Bear in mind that this is a low estimation. Due to their great secrecy, the sheer amount of assets they hold, and the scale of their operations, it is difficult to estimate exactly how much the Rothschild Family are worth. Higher estimates have placed it in the region of $1 trillion USD, making them by far the wealthiest family on Earth.”  I wonder to how many people that money properly belonged?

     Thomas Jefferson’s insightful quote also acknowledged the relationship between “the banks and corporations that will grow up around them”.  We discuss in detail the usurpation perpetrated by corporations in our article entitled CORPORATE AMERICA.

     Finally, the greatest of usurpers is that of government.  Over the years, government has assumed the use of authority that belonged to its citizens who were endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and has violated time and time again the protections granted them by the US Constitution and its Bill of Rights.  It has wrongfully assumed the use of power to control its citizens, cradle to grave through government-established and funded schools. (See the articles entitled INDOCTRINATION and HIGHER EDUCATION).  The government wrongfully assumes the use of property through the plethora of taxes it imposes upon its citizens.  Federal taxes start at 10 percent on the first $7,000 of income, and income above that is taxed at increasingly higher rates.  Medicare and Social Security are required deductions by the federal government. 4.2 percent of a person’s paycheck is deducted to go toward Social Security. They also deduct 1.45 percent for Medicare. In addition to federal taxes and other federal withholding, according to "Forbes" magazine, 43 states collect income tax from their residents, and the average rate is 6.5 percent.  Not to mention property taxes, luxury taxes, and other use taxes.  How ironic that our nation was founded by those fleeing similar usurpation by Britain!

     The Blueprint for a prosperous life stands in direct opposition to usury and the usurpation it brings.  What advice does it give?  “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” “Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.” “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”  (Philippians 2:3, Luke 6:30, Matthew 5:44)  And finally, Romans 12:21, “Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.”  It’s in following the Blueprint that we reclaim the authority, power and property that rightfully belongs to us.


     History repeats itself.  We can look to the past and see patterns and cycles that can alert us to what is to come.  If the cycle that has been repeated three times previously holds true (see article on FOURSCORE – HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF and the accompanying timeline), then World War III is imminent.  Is it possible, though, that this war has not just been predicted, but has actually been planned many, many years ago and is about to come to fruition? 

     The Creator of Everything, God, has a plan for mankind: “For I know the plans that I have for you; plans for good and not for evil, to prosper you and not to harm you; to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11).  Satan (Lucifer, the god of this world) has a plan for mankind, too: “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.” (John 10:10).  Each has his servants in place to help bring about his plan.
Which plan would include a World War?  Is it possible Satan has servants in place to bring it about?

     There is a cult, religion, fraternity, call them what you will, that has been around for a long, long, time called the Freemasons.   You may be familiar with their Masonic Lodge – most cities have at least one.  On its surface, Freemasonry seems harmless, even good.  They do a lot for the community and those less fortunate than themselves.  Our first president, George Washington was a Freemason.  But further down the line, in the higher ranks we find Freemasonry’s true agenda.  They have a sect called the “Illuminati” or “enlightened ones” who admittedly follow the Light-bearer (which in Latin, is Lucifer).  They’ve risen to the highest ranks of power in our society via usury.  They are world bankers, lawyers and politicians – people who can make things happen.  We see their symbol on our dollar bills: the pyramid (stacks of bricks representing masonry) with the illumined eye (representing the Great Architect, Lucifer). See the article called PYRAMID SCHEME.  They’ve been around a long time, are highly organized, are in positions of power and have an agenda.  They thrive on secrecy, but sometimes bits of their plans come to light.

     One such bit was a letter written by Freemason Albert Pike, a confederate officer and attorney to Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian Nationalist and patriot in 1871. This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order that would enable the Illuminati to control the entire world.  I’ve copied portions of the letter here:

      "The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism.  At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."
      "The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."
      "The Third World War must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion.  We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

     This is not Science Fiction.  It’s an actual historical document.  And though it was written years before any of the wars took place, we can look at history and see that World War I and World War II unfolded exactly as it was outlined above with identical results.  As we look at the news and the events unfolding around us now, we can see the stage being set for World War III with the key players being Apocalyptic Islam and the Nation of Israel.  It’s happening right now, in our time, on our TVs.  World War III is imminent and it has been planned and cultivated not just since Albert Pike’s time, but since the day Lucifer was ejected from Heaven.

     So what happens now?  Is it too late?  Is the end of all things upon us?  I have good news.  Satan may have his plan and it’s falling into place, but God has His plan too.  I’ve read the end of the Book, and God wins this epic showdown which mankind finds themselves in the middle of.  It’s not too late to make sure you are on the side that wins.  Commit to God through His son, Jesus Christ.  He has promised those that do, “I am with you always, even to the end of the world”.  The end is nearer than you think.


     “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  Ephesians 6: 12

     When we think of “high places” in the United States, we think of Washington D.C., the US Capitol building and the President of the United States, don’t we?   Indeed, it is the highest office in the land – the buck stops here.  Most people would agree there is a certain level of corruption in government, in all politics for that matter, but can a case be made for spiritual wickedness in these high places?

     In THE BIGGER PICTURE, we’ve identified spiritual wickedness as choosing our own way to live over the perfect way God created for us; exploiting the trust and goodness of others and using them to our gain; secretly plotting; manipulating people and orchestrating events to gain control, and using that control for personal gain rather than public good; seeking to bring the entire world under that control; and ultimately revealing Lucifer as the god of this new world and requiring he be worshiped as such.  This is spiritual wickedness.  It has been practiced by many and perfected by the Freemasons and their elite group, the Illuminati and they are not only entrenched in our nation’s high places – they’ve built them.

    On March 15, 1791 in a full Masonic ceremony, Freemasons gathered at Gatsby Tavern in Alexandria and paraded down to the Potomac. There, they laid the 1st boundary marker of Capitol City/Federal City, now known as Washington D.C., named for the venerated Freemason, George Washington.  In the Masonic built Capitol building, patterned after Solomon’s Temple and having 40 pillars like Dome of the Rock, there is a painting on the ceiling - The Apotheosis of George Washington in the Dome of the Capitol.  Brumidi’s  (a former Vatican painter) masterpiece portrays Washington deified, enthroned on a rainbow in a heavenly scene surrounded by Greek and Roman gods. Washington is portrayed exactly like Jesus in Christian Last Judgment scenes.

     Beneath the Rotunda, there is a crypt where George Washington is said to have been buried before Martha requested his remains be moved to their home in Mt. Vernon.  The tomb remains empty, another Freemason claim to the deity of George Washington.

    We see Freemasonry in the establishment of Washington D.C. and the construction of the Capitol building, but the presidents of our country are all elected by the people of the nation, aren’t they?  Are they?  I would submit to you that the most powerful leaders in American politics are merely front men for an even mightier elite class who work in the shadows. The sole agenda of top political leaders is to serve the Illuminati chieftains. Modern-day U.S. presidents are not elected, they are selected to act as puppets for Illuminati bloodlines who pull their strings from behind the scenes. In the 2008 election, several members of the Council on Foreign Relations entered the Presidential race from both sides of the aisle: John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Chris Dodd, Bill Richardson, John McCain, Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani .  Candidates do not advertise their CFR membership to the public. They pose as "Liberals" and "Conservatives" to control all aspects of the debate. They dupe an unwitting public with the illusion of choice and political diversity in a fraudulent left-right paradigm, so that their covert agenda can continue to roll forward, without any interference, regardless of who is elected president.1

     That a ruling power elite does indeed control the U.S. government behind the scenes has been attested to by many Americans in a position to know. Felix Frankfurter, Justice of the Supreme Court (1939-1962), said: “The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.” In a letter to an associate dated November 21, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt wrote, “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”2

     If one group is effectively in control of national governments and multinational corporations; promotes world government through control of media, foundation grants, and education; and controls and guides the issues of the day; then they control nearly everything. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the financial powers behind it, has done all these things, and have been promoting the New World Order for over seventy years.  “The Council on Foreign Relations was incorporated as the American branch of the Institute of International Affairs in New York on July 29, 1921. Founding members included J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Otto Kahn, and Jacob Schiff…the same clique which had engineered the establishment of the Federal Reserve System, according to Gary Allen in the October 1972 issue of “AMERICAN OPINION.”

     It does indeed appear that there is spiritual wickedness in high places, but it has a limit.  Lucifer made the statement in Isaiah 14:14, “I will be like the most-high” (emphasis mine).  Lucifer is not most-high.  His kingdom, his minions, our governments are not most-high.  The machinations and plans of mortal men are not most-high.   Only the Holy, incorruptible God is most-high, and He instructs us in Romans12:21 to “be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”.  We are being invited to climb higher.

 1 The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The New World Order NEW WORLD ORDER / POWER ELITE  21 DEC, 2013
2 The Grand Façade of 9/11,


     In his letter to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871, 33rd level Freemason Albert Pike graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the New World Order that would enable the Illuminati to control the entire world (you can read an excerpt from this letter in our article entitled Predicted or Planned?).  Looking back we can see that World Wars I and II played out exactly as was laid out in Pike’s letter decades before the wars took place. These wars didn’t just happen – they were instigated.

     It’s one thing to plot a war, but how do you make one happen?  One of two ways:  You provoke a party to the point they feel the need to retaliate or you perpetrate an attack against yourself and blame it on your enemy as an excuse to go to war (also known as a false flag).  I believe every war that has ever been waged has been instigated for a purpose and should be researched in detail. For our purposes today, let’s just look at World Wars I & II. 

     President Woodrow Wilson had been elected to a second term largely for his determination to keep the US out of the war that was already in effect. But when the USS Lusitania sank, his cry changed to "a war to end all wars" that would "make the world safe for democracy", and Congress voted to declare war on Germany on April 6, 1917.  Was the sinking of the Lusitania the unprovoked attack by Germany it was reported to be, forcing the US to join WWI? There is evidence to suggest that there was plenty of warning that it was not safe for a merchant ship to be in those waters and had it simply not been sent out, there would not have been an incident.  In November 1914, the British announced that the entire North Sea was now a War Zone, and issued orders restricting the passage of neutral shipping into and through the North Sea to special channels where supervision would be possible (the other approaches having been mined).  In response to this, Admiral Hugo von Pohl, commander of the German High Seas Fleet, published a warning in the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger (Imperial German Gazette) on February 4, 1915: The waters around Great Britain and Ireland, including the whole of the English Channel, are hereby declared to be a War Zone. From February 18 onwards every enemy merchant vessel encountered in this zone will be destroyed, nor will it always be possible to avert the danger thereby threatened to the crew and passengers.  The enemy took out an ad in the paper declaring their intentions, yet the USS Lusitania sailed right into danger, causing the US president to change his mind about declaring war. How unprovoked was that?

     WW2 was instigated through the use of a false flag.  On February 27, 1933, the German parliament (Reichstag) building burned down due to arson. The government falsely portrayed the fire as part of a Communist effort to overthrow the state.  Though the origins of the fire are still unclear, in a propaganda maneuver, the coalition government (Nazis and the German Nationalist People's Party) blamed the Communists. They exploited the Reichstag fire to secure President von Hindenburg’s approval for an emergency decree, the Decree for the Protection of the People and the State of February 28. Popularly known as the Reichstag Fire Decree, the regulations suspended the right to assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and other constitutional protections, including all restraints on police investigations. Justified on the false premise that the Communists were planning an uprising to overthrow the state, the Reichstag Fire Decree permitted the regime to arrest and incarcerate political opponents without specific charge, dissolve political organizations, and to suppress publications. It also gave the central government the authority to overrule state and local laws and overthrow state and local governments.1 All this paved the way for Hitler’s unhindered rise to power.

     But Germany was not the only nation responsible for Hitler’s rise to power.  Prescott Bush was the founder of the Bush political dynasty and was once considered a potential presidential candidate himself. Like his son, George, and grandson, George W., he went to Yale where he was, like his descendants, a member of the secretive and influential Skull and Bones student society (Illuminati). He was an artillery captain in WW1 and married Dorothy Walker, the daughter of George Herbert Walker, in 1921. In 1924, his father-in-law, a well-known St Louis investment banker, helped set him up in business in New York with Averill Harriman, the wealthy son of railroad magnate E H Harriman in New York, who had gone into banking.  One of the first jobs Walker gave Bush was to manage UBC.  The bank was set up by Harriman and Bush's father-in-law to provide a US bank for the Thyssens, Germany's most powerful industrial family. By the time Fritz Thyssen inherited the business empire in 1926, Germany's economic recovery was faltering. After hearing Adolf Hitler speak, Thyssen became mesmerized by the young firebrand. He joined the Nazi party in December 1931 and admits backing Hitler in his autobiography, I Paid Hitler, when the National Socialists were still a radical fringe party. By the late 1930s, Brown Brothers Harriman, which claimed to be the world's largest private investment bank, and UBC had bought and shipped millions of dollars of gold, fuel, steel, coal and US treasury bonds to Germany, both feeding and financing Hitler's build-up to war.2

     Planning and pulling off a World War is an incredible feat that takes monumental effort.  It’s only a “World” war if all the players are involved.  If any one of them decides not to play, it won’t work.  They have to be convinced to declare or enter the war.  These are just a couple of examples of measures used to ensure the wars deemed necessary in Pike’s letter actually happened.

      Pike’s letter called for three World Wars to bring about Illuminati control of the world. With World Wars I & II behind us, it is two down and one to go. The stage has been set for World War III which, according to Pike’s letter, “must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion.”  How does one bring this about?  They would need to create a transnational terrorist organization –an entity with sophisticated command, control, propaganda and logistical capabilities, and one that has proven its ability to take and hold strategically critical territory at the heart of the Middle East. Three years ago, the Islamic State (Isis) did not exist; now it controls vast swaths of Syria and Iraq. How do we know this is being instigated as part of the Illuminati plan outlined in Pike’s letter? Because  the ISIS leader who has been seen beheading Western hostages, including American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff last August on YouTube (which allows billions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos) is not Moslem at all. "Jihadi John" has been identified as Londoner Mohammed Emwazi. By September, the FBI said it had learned "Jihadi John's" identity, but it was not revealed to the public.

     I believe World War III is imminent.  It has been plotted, planned and is currently being instigated.  The timing lines up with the patterns already established in history (see our article entitled Fourscore, History Repeats Itself and its accompanying timeline).  But evil only triumphs when good men do nothing.  We may not be able to stop the war from happening, but we can prevent its desired outcome.  Consider this excerpt from Pike’s letter: “the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.”  This is the ultimate goal of the Illuminati. This is the part we can stop. We can go back to the beginning, see where we went astray and right our path.  We can put our faith in the One who created us and gave us the Blueprint to live by. We can trust Him to keep us in the midst of the coming turmoil.  “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast invasion force, because the battle doesn't belong to you, but to God.” 2 Chronicles 20:15

3 John


     It is said that there are three types of people in this world: people who make things happen, people who watch things happen, and people who wonder what happened.  I believe the vast majority fall in the latter two categories.  The truth is: nothing just happens in this life.  People make things happen and they do it for a reason.

     Webster defines “orchestrated” as “elements of a situation that have been clandestinely arranged or directed to produce a desired effect.” Every major historical event in world history has been orchestrated by a clandestine group of influential global elitists known as the Illuminati (see our article entitled Predicted or Planned?) to produce the desired effect of a global Luciferian dictatorship by world domination through the creation of a One World Order.  We see elements of situations being directed toward this end in our public school systems  (Indoctrination and Higher Education), in the business and financial arena (Pyramid Scheme and Corporate America), and in every war our nation has been involved in (Instigated).  We see the same kind of behind-the-scenes planning in the attacks on 9/11.

     On September11, 2001, two planes turned 200 degrees over the Hudson River to plough into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and one plane made a 360 degree diving turn into the Pentagon leaving our nation stunned, devastated and forever changed.  Just as planned.  How could this happen? Why? Those were the questions on everyone’s lips.  And answers came amazingly fast…but those answers when searched out just don’t add up. Almost immediately, faces popped up on our television sets of 19 terrorists who died in the suicide-bombing style attack. (Later, at least 4 of these would turn up in the middle-east, very much alive, protesting their innocence and claiming that their identity had been stolen.) How had these terrorists been identified so quickly?  In the debris of the fireball that was hot enough to vaporize the tungsten steel engines of the planes that hit the towers, a passport was found, not even singed, not covered in the white dust that coated everything for miles around, lying on top of the rubble opened to a picture of a man who must be one of the terrorists.  This was used to identify his cohorts, the rest of the 19 terrorists who all conveniently died in the attack.

      Just as quickly came up the name of Osama Bin Laden, a name which three days prior to the attack, the majority of the nation had never even heard before.  Though our government “had no warning” of the impending attack, somehow, within hours, with the buildings still standing and smoking behind their backs, the name of Osama Bin Laden was on the tongue of every television reporter and the photos of the 19 terrorists were on the screen. How did they get this information so quickly?  The people who had heard the name of Osama Bin Laden knew him well. There is actually a photo of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Osama in the 1980’s. When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, the American CIA sent advisors to train the freedom fighters.  Many of the freedom fighters were Saudi Arabian.  Osama Bin Laden was one of these.  He was the son of one of Saudi Arabia’s wealthiest businessmen.  The term “Al Qaeda” (which also was basically unheard of by the public until immediately after the towers were hit) is an Arabic phrase meaning “the base” or more specifically, “the database”. This term was used by the CIA in the ‘80’s to describe a list of American assets in the middle-east. These were freedom fighters armed, trained and turned by the United States CIA to do their bidding when called upon. The American public was not aware of this, of course.  It was covert CIA activity. The first mention of Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda to the American public comes on September 11, 2001 when they are declared to be the perpetrators of the attacks and enemies of the United States.

     Another detail in the 9/ 11 tragedy that was not left to chance was where and how the planes would strike.  It cannot be coincidence that on September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense (yeah, him again), announced that $2.3 Trillion of the defense budget had gone missing and could not be accounted for. This huge story becomes insignificant and disappears the very next day with the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Interestingly, the plane that hit the Pentagon hit the Comptroller’s office – the office where the defense budget is kept, and any evidence of missing money went up in smoke.  This was a newly renovated section of the Pentagon, with all new computer equipment installed.  The plane that hit the Pentagon descended from some 5000 feet in a 360 degree descending circle at 220 miles per hour (which most trained pilots say is virtually impossible) and struck the 3 story structure at ground level (another incredible aeronautic feat). The plane appeared to target that specific office. Similarly, the plane that hit tower 2 of the trade center went into the Marsh McClellan office, a big securities and exchange insurance office that had a newly renovated data center with all new computer equipment installed just weeks prior to the crash.  Again, the 200 degree turn over the Hudson River to hit this exact spot was a feat that well-trained pilots swear could not be done.  Is it possible that these newly installed computer systems contained homing devices that computer-controlled planes would follow like a heat-seeking missile to their targets? It seems more likely than the alternative.

     The more we look into the details of the attack on 9/11(and there are many more than we’ve shared here), the more we see evidence that it appears to have been orchestrated.  We’ve discovered how it could have happened, but the question remains – why?  There is an answer to that too, and not surprisingly, the same names surface again.  The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a think tank based in Washington, D.C. that focused on United States foreign policy. The PNAC's stated goal was "to promote American global leadership". Of the twenty-five people who signed the PNAC's founding statement of principles, ten went on to serve in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz (all of whom are Freemasons and the PNC is widely believed to be a branch of the Illuminati). In September of 2000, PNAC's report stated that their aspiration to conquer and militarize global resources would be achieved much too slowly, "unless there were some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor." They needed an external threat to galvanize a wave of public indignation that would lead the American people to blindly support and finance PNAC's desires to wage wars, confiscate critical foreign resources, run pipelines through the Caspian Sea, create new overseas bases with an unrestricted permanent military presence, and expand their power throughout Middle Eastern countries through privately owned central banks.1 They needed a 9/11.

    The other critical element that resulted from the tragedy was the implementation of the Patriot Act.  This 342 page document emerged three days after 9/11, and Congress was urged to sign it to protect us from terrorist acts such as the one that had just occurred. This document was not drawn up in three days as a response to the attack.  It had actually been presented after the Oklahoma City bombing, but was voted down at that time.  A bigger threat would be needed to get the Patriot Act passed – a threat like 9/11.  In light of this threat, it would be “unpatriotic” not to sign the “Patriot” Act, so named for that very reason, and the Patriot Act became law. Hermann Goering, leading member of the Nazi party and military, infamously said: "Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

      The Patriot Act was brought about by fear – fear instilled for a reason.  It was designed to take away our rights and give the government more control over its citizens and their actions.  While granting the government the right to surveil its people, the Patriot Act took away basic rights granted the citizens in the Constitution.  Under the Patriot Act if a person speaks against his government, he can be labeled a terrorist. Once that happens, his rights are gone.  He no longer has the right to an attorney or to present his case before a judge. “Innocent until proven guilty” has gone away with the institution of the Patriot Act.  This has already happened.  There was an American citizen who defected to Yemen. Though he was acting against the United States, law would demand that he be arrested, represented by an attorney, be able to plead his case before a jury of his peers, be convicted and sentenced.  Not so under the Patriot Act.  Our government sent in a drone missile and blew the man up, without giving him a trial, without even hearing what his issue was with the United States – and it was now perfectly legal!

     All reasonable evidence points to the orchestration of the attacks on 9/11 as necessary to move the Illuminati one step closer to their goal of world domination as outlined in Albert Pike’s letter planning three world wars (see our article entitled Predicted or Planned?) and the stated goals of the PNC.  Our goal is to bring into the light that which is being orchestrated clandestinely. It is our goal that there be fewer people watching and wondering what is going on around them, and more who are willing to make things happen in opposition to the evil that would control their lives.  Nothing just happens.  Life is an orchestra.  Make sure you choose whose music you dance to. 

1The Grand Façade of 9/11,


“It must be remembered that the first job of any conspiracy whether it be in politics, crime, or within a business office is to convince everyone that no conspiracy exists.”      Gary Allen, author of  None Dare Call it Conspiracy

     By the time we’ve reached this point in THE BIGGER PICTURE, many readers are shaking their heads and are telling themselves that the authors of this work are nothing more than Conspiracy Theorists.  Perhaps you are one of them. Let’s take a moment and explore this line of thinking.  What exactly is a Conspiracy Theory?  Webster defines conspiracy as the act of secretly planning to do something that is harmful or illegal.  (We’ve definitely been discussing that in these articles.)  There are several definitions for theory:  the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another; a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena ; a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action.  If we put these two definitions together, we see that a Conspiracy Theory is a belief that there are those who secretly plan to do something harmful or illegal, and this belief is followed as the basis for action.  It is a plausible general principle offered to explain the phenomena of the crime, chaos and corruption we see running rampant in our world.  In THE BIGGER PICTURE, we are simply analyzing a set of facts in their relation to one another.  Yes, I guess according to Webster’s definition we are Conspiracy Theorists.  But why is that a bad thing?

      It is a common practice of defense attorneys:  If you can’t disprove a witness’ testimony, you discredit the witness and render his testimony inadmissible.  Freemasonry, The Illuminati, The One World Order, Common Core, College Degrees, Corporate Structure, the Orchestration of Wars  – none of these things can be disproved.  They are real.  They exist.  So it’s time to go to Plan B. 

     Have you ever turned on a light and watched a cockroach scurry away?  Why was that appalling?  Perhaps it is because you may have suspected there were roaches in your home, but since you never saw one, it was easier to believe they weren’t there.  Conspiracy theory works the same way.  We know something isn’t right with our world and we suspect there are things going on behind the scenes, but since nothing has really been brought to light about it, it’s easier to believe it doesn’t exist.  And that’s just the way the conspirators want it.  Like the cockroach, they accomplish their deeds in darkness, without the fear of discovery.  Once the light has shined on them, they know it’s just a matter of time until they are squashed!  But what happens when you tell others that their home is infested with roaches?  You turn on the light and they see them for themselves.  These then have to choose whether to act upon what they’ve seen and get rid of the problem, or they can be embarrassed and ashamed that they’ve let it get to this point and choose to pretend it doesn’t exist.  They call the one who shined the light into the darkness a trouble-maker, or say it was all in his head and try to discredit his testimony.

     Conspiracy theorists are nothing more than light-switch throwers.  They see something previously hidden in darkness and try to act upon what they’ve discovered.  Do they get it wrong sometimes?  Of course they do; they are human, after all.  Should conspiracy theorists be automatically discounted and laughed off  as incredible?  That depends – how comfortable are you living with roaches?


     From the beginning of time we’ve seen the Satanic usurious system born of man’s animal instinct take root and grow into various empires.  It started in Egypt, was perfected in Babylon and grew up again in Rome.  Each time an empire fell (and all empires built on usury are doomed to fall because there is no substance to inflated money) it spread like a cancer and smaller cells grew up.  Today the Babylonian empire is alive and well in three locations, each a branch with its own purpose in the Illuminati’s end game, the New World Order.  One of these branches has been chosen and groomed to become the New Babylon, a recreation of evil incarnate, a place where the future of mankind will play out according to the plans of such as Albert Pike and the PNC and exactly as predicted in the Word of God.  Where are these three branches of the Babylonian Empire and which is destined to be New Babylon?

     In the world today there are three Sovereign city/states that play major roles in the New World Order: London, the world’s financial center; the Vatican, the world’s religious center; and Washington DC, the world’s military center.  At the center of each of these Sovereign city/states is a symbol declaring to all in the know the important role each is to play – an obelisk. The word o-'bel'-isk actually means the 'shaft of Bel'; Bel being another way of writing Baal, the Babylonian and Egyptian Sun god, that all nations followed after. It is also a name used for Lucifer in the Bible, who declared, “I shall rise above the heavens, I shall be like the Most High”.  The obelisk in these cities is a monument to the ruler of the  
New World Order, Satan himself.

     London became a Sovereign city/state in 1694 when King William III of Orange privatized the Bank of England. In 1812, Nathan Rothschild crashed the English stock market and took control of the Bank of England.  Today London is the world’s financial center, the wealthiest square mile on the face of the Earth. It houses the Bank of England, Lloyds of London, the London Stock Exchange, the branch offices of 385 foreign banks and 70 US banks. It has its own courts, its own
laws and own police force.  It is not part of greater London, or England or the British Commonwealth and pays no taxes.  It is headquarters for world-wide Freemasonry and world-wide money cartel, The Crown Corporation.  The Crown is the sovereign state of London and is ruled by the Lord Mayor and a panel of banking families made up of Rothschilds, Warburgs, Oppenheimers, and Schiffs.  The Crown Corporation holds the title to crown colonies like Canada, Australia,  and New Zealand.  The British Prime Minister and the Parliament serve as a front for these ruling Crown families.

    The modern city state of Vatican City government was formed when Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini and Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Gasparri signed the Lateran Treaty in Feb 1929. A religious state, the country's chief executive was the Pope of the Catholic Church.  The Lateran Treaty which gave Vatican City its status as a sovereign state was incorporated into the Constitution of the Italian Republic in 1947. Encircled by a 2-mile border with Italy, Vatican City is an independent city-state that covers just over 100 acres, making it one-eighth the size of New York’s Central Park. Vatican City is governed as an absolute monarchy with the pope at its head. The Vatican mints its own euros, prints its own stamps, issues passports and license plates, operates media outlets and has its own flag and anthem and pays no taxes. It is protected by the Swiss Guard who was originally hired as a mercenary force. The Vatican and the Pope   also play a role in international diplomacy and his influence in foreign affairs has been considerable. As a truly global body with over a billion members, the world’s oldest diplomatic service, and a vast network of humanitarian aid organizations, the Catholic Church is arguably able to frame foreign policy in a way no other institution can.   

     Likewise, Washington D.C. is a sovereign city/state, not part of the nation it governs.  It has its own flag (containing 3 red stars representing each of the sovereign city/states known corporately as “The Empire of the City”), and its own constitution.  The Act of 1871, which formed a corporation called THE UNITED STATES, created an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government. This newly altered Constitution was not intended to benefit the Republic. It benefits only the corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and operates entirely outside the original Constitution.  The purpose of this sovereign city/state is to be the “Policemen of the World”.  In 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt declared: "Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the western hemisphere the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrongdoing or impotence, to the exercise of an international police power."  Is the US equipped to be the military arm of the New World Order?  As of 2014, the US Military Force consisted of 10 aircraft carriers, 10 amphibious assault ships, 290 ships, 72 submarines, 134 military satellites, 27,000 main battle tanks, 22,000 aircraft and 5100 nuclear weapons.
     So which of the three sovereign city/states we’ve mentioned is destined to become the New Babylon? The characteristics of New (Mystery) Babylon (referenced in Isaiah 13, Jeremiah 50, 51 and Revelation 17, 18 in the Bible) and those of Ancient Babylon are remarkably similar.  They include: Leading center for world commerce, imports and consumption; last of the Super-powers; known as “the world’s policemen”; a land of immigrants; sensual and materialistic; known for military power; enticing, elegant lifestyle; drug use; and secrecy in government, to name a few. What nation does this remind you of? Ancient Babylon was an utter cesspool of sin and depravity, but the New Babylon easily surpasses the ancient version in the magnifying of evil and horror.  An Ancient Babylonian ritual was the sacrificing of children to the god known as Molech.  But in the United States of America there are 1.21 million babies sacrificed per year to the god of inconvenience.  That is 54,559,615 abortions since 1973 as of 2012.  18 US states and Washington D.C. have legalized marijuana. 37 states and Washington D.C. allow same-sex marriage, with several churches including United Church in Christ and the Episcopalians giving it their blessing.

     What will happen to New Babylon (Mystery Babylon, Babylon the Great)?  The answer is found in Revelation 18: After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. 2 And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! 3 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.”  And what are we to do about it?  4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.

     The Babylonian Empire is well established in the modern world.  New Babylon is already flourishing, though it has not yet been introduced as such and the fall of it will be great. The Illuminati’s plans seem to be falling right into place.  How shocked they all will be when they discover what Michael Chabon has known all along:  Man plans and God laughs.


     If the concept of usury and the usurious Babylonian system we’ve presented as a running theme throughout THE BIGGER PICTURE has been a little fuzzy to you, you are about to see a vivid example.  There is nothing more blatant than what is happening in Mexico and the reasons for it are about to become obvious.  It is the next step in the Illuminati’s plan toward a New World Order.  They need a one world government, borderless, one nation under- definitely not God.

     The first attempt at a one world government was The League of Nations.  It was founded on January 10, 1920 as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War.  Although US President, Woodrow Wilson had secured his proposal for a League of Nations (for which he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919), the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the treaty. Their objections were based on the fact that, by ratifying such a document, the United States would be bound by international contract to defend a League of Nations member if it was attacked. They believed that it was best not to become involved in international conflicts. Because the Senate would not support ratification, the U.S. never joined the League of Nations, hampering the League's credibility as a mediator of world conflict.  The onset of the Second World War showed that the League had failed its primary purpose, which was to prevent any future world war. The League lasted for 26 years.

    A replacement for the ineffective League of Nations, the United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization established on October 24, 1945. The headquarters of the United Nations is in Manhattan, New York City, and enjoys extraterritoriality (the state of being exempted from the jurisdiction of local law).  Under the guise of preventing future world wars, the United Nations has now become the rule maker for the world.  No longer is the primary concern what is best for each nation, but what is best for the entire world.  This is clearly seen in the United Nations Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century).

       While many people support the United Nations for its 'peacemaking' efforts, hardly anyone knows that they have very specific land use policies that they would like to see implemented in every city, county, state and nation.  The specific plan is called United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, which has its basis in Communitarianism.  Human habitation, as it is referred to now, is restricted to lands within the Urban Growth Boundaries of the city.  Only certain building designs are permitted.  Rural property is more and more restricted in what it can be used for. The push is for people to get off of the land, become more dependent, and come into the cities; to get them out of the suburbs and into the cities; out of their private homes and into condos; out of their private cars and onto their bikes. Slowly, people will not be able to afford single family homes.  They will not be able to afford private cars.  People will be more dependent, more restricted, more easily watched and monitored. The plan is to restrict people’s choices, limit their funds, narrow their freedoms, and take away their voice.  This will be accomplished by many means including allowing unregulated immigration in order to lower standards of living and drain local resources.  Sound unbelievable?  It’s already happening.

    The European Union (EU) was founded in 1948 in the aftermath of World War Two to promote stability and economic cooperation between member states. Comprised of 28 European countries, it is an association of equal states surrendering part of their sovereignty for the common good.  The member countries didn’t realize they’d be giving up their individual representation.  They’d be able to elect their own presidents, but those presidents would have no power within the confines of the EU. Member countries did not realize that by giving up the right to print their own money they exposed themselves to the risk of default when the unstable Euro was introduced as its currency.  With borders erased and sovereignty surrendered, the countries that make up the EU are casualties of the agenda toward a one world government.

     What’s next?  How about the North American Union made up of Canada, North America and Mexico?  It’s not so far-fetched.  Did you know we no longer have a United States Navy?  They are now called America’s Navy, and instead of “It’s not just a job, it’s an adventure” their tagline is “A global force for good”.  Does that give anyone else the chills?  What are the steps toward creating a North American Union?  You would start by dissolving the borders between the countries.  Why would the richest nation in the world be unable to stop people from illegally crossing their borders?  The fact is, corporations want them to cross the border and without their papers.  They want them to be illegal because if they are illegal, they won’t be running to OSHA, they won’t demand minimum wage or request vacation time.  This is the usurious Babylonian system.  You take people who are desperate and take advantage of them.  The corporations want illegal labor coming across the border and what the corporations want in our country, corporations get because our government is in collusion with them (see our article entitled CORPORATE AMERICA). 

     Why are people so desperate to get out of Mexico?  It is a beautiful country with gorgeous beaches, more oil than the US has, diamonds, gold… it should be the tourist destination of the world.  But that all ended with NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement).  Mexico had fought a war for their independence.  One of their problems had been foreign countries coming in and buying up Mexican land, so the first thing they did was write in their constitution that Mexican land could only be owned by Mexican citizens.  In order for Mexico to agree to NAFTA, they had to strike that line out of their constitution.

       The Free Trade Agreement between the US and Mexico means no tariffs crossing the border.  This enabled US manufacturers to start factories right on the other side of the border, using Mexican labor.  There are no laws there regarding how much they have to pay them.  They can get rid of a $60K/yr. salaried factory worker in the US, replacing him with a $5/day Mexican national, then carry that product back across the border tariff-free and sell it for the same amount as the unit made by the US worker, thereby increasing profit dramatically.  At the same time, the US farm corporations flooded the international markets with corn and crashed the price of corn.  All the self-sustaining, rural Mexican farmers could no longer afford to feed their families.  They had to sell their land and American Agribusiness went in and bought it all.  Then they put the locals back to work on their own land, making them sharecroppers and paying them a minimum wage salary.  They work their own land, but don’t get to keep the money. Their children who can’t afford to live like that head toward the border where they can at least work in a factory for $5 a day in slave-like conditions.

       So here are their choices:  they can work on their own land with the money going to someone else; they can work in factories where they are used, abused, and sexually harassed for $5 a day; or they can risk crossing the border into the United States to find a decent job.  NAFTA forced this to happen.  We created the problem, forcing the Mexican people to be slaves in their own country or fugitives in ours all to the benefit of the corporations.  This is the Satanic Babylonian system at its very worst.  The more desperate the people become, the less they are willing to work for and the easier they are to control.  And it’s all about control – it always has been.

     In a Time magazine article dated July 20, 1992, Strobe Talbot, President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State is quoted as saying, “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; All states will recognize a single, global authority.  National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all”.    He was talking about becoming borderless.  The “next century” he referred to is now.  It’s closer than you think.


     Some of the concepts we’ve put forth in THE BIGGER PICTURE seem so far-fetched, so outlandish they couldn’t possibly be true. But they are.  Ask your grandparents if they ever thought they’d see gasoline costing $5 a gallon, and they will tell you that in their day, that thought would have been so outlandish that the person predicting it would seem insane.  Indeed, in 1913 gasoline cost 17 cents a gallon. Even as recently as 1966, milk cost $1.11 a gallon and gasoline was only 32 cents a gallon.  Yet, last week when gas prices in my area dropped to $2.32 a gallon, I thought it was good and made plans to go fill my tank.  How do you get a nation of people to not only accept the outlandish, but to think it is normal or even good?  Slowly, methodically, little by little, bit by bit.  They use a tool called Incrementalism.

      With incrementalism, an outlandish, far-fetched goal is set, then you convince the people to move just a bit off the mark in the direction of the goal.  Just budge, just a little bit off the firm standard they’ve set for what they will and will not accept, usually with some strong motivation or provocation or justification that seems reasonable or appeals to one of their animal instincts (yes, you are beginning to see, this is based in usury).  It is interesting to note here that the Greek word for “sin” used in the Bible is Hamartano, meaning “to miss the mark”.  So the goal of incrementalism is to get a person to leave their conviction, their standard, their view of what is acceptable or right and move (sin) just a little bit in a way that can be justified toward the outlandish goal. You leave them in that new spot long enough for it to become comfortable and they forget all about the previous mark where they once stood or the conviction they once held, and the new position becomes their new normal.  Then you entice them to move again – just a little bit.  And the cycle repeats.

     It’s like a gateway drug.   No one sets out to be a drug addict.  They smoke a little pot (which is now legal, so it must be harmless, right?) to take the edge off and relax a bit after a particularly stressful day. Soon, it becomes comfortable and normal to smoke a little bit every day.  Before long, they are smoking throughout the day.  Then the day comes that for some reason, the pot isn’t readily available, but cocaine is.  Just a tiny bit, they tell themselves, won’t hurt.  It’s just a little more than what I was doing.  How bad can it be? And before long, they’ve become a full blown heroin addict.   Ask the once-responsible, hard-working business man how he got here, and he’ll shake his head and tell you he never would have thought it possible.

     In 1954, Playtex advertised the first undergarments on national television.  They showed Jane Russell wearing the “18-Hour Bra”.  To adhere to FCC regulations for decency, she was required to wear a black turtleneck sweater under the bra so no cleavage would show. The commercial was still considered scandalous by some and there was public opposition to it.  What would those protestors think of today’s Victoria Secret runway commercial, feminine protection, prophylactic, and sexual performance enhancement product advertisements?  I’m sure they never would have imagined they’d see such a thing.  Yet here it is.

     Change never comes easy.  There is always resistance.  That’s why incrementalism works so well.  The change just slips in, comes so easily, slowly, that you almost don’t recognize it happened until you look around and see that things are not the way they used to be.  Our goal in THE BIGGER PICTURE, is to get people to look around now – to look back and see where they once were and how they came to be where they are – to see where they are headed if they make no conscious effort to stop the progression.

     What is the most outlandish society I can picture?  Men married to men, surgically transforming their bodies to look like women and adopting children to make a family; children encouraged to explore their own and each other’s bodies to have a healthy sexual awareness; five year olds performing oral sex acts on other children on the school bus1; mind-altering drugs common place, readily available and legal; millions of babies killed in the name of convenience; children mandated to attend public schools where they are taught alternate versions of historical events slanted to promote adherence to government and to groom them to become corporate patsies; adults unable to get a job to support themselves unless they have a paper proving they’ve been properly indoctrinated first; no one able to afford private homes or cars and being forced to live in condos and ride bicycles instead; people who disagree with their government being labeled “terrorists” and  being denied the right to defend themselves.

       But all of this is happening today.  In fact, it’s the new norm.  I shudder to think what the next “outlandish” goal could possibly be – a One world government with Lucifer as its leader?  How far are we off the mark now?  How many increments away could this new goal be?  And how many of us will think it normal when that day arrives?, posted 5/19/15/N4T Investigators: Policy Problem?


           Geoffrey Chaucer was famous for saying, “All good things must come to an end”.  His words were not only wise, they were prophetic.  Take a look around you.  Everything you see, life as you know it, is going to come to an end, and if the prophetic clues given in the Bible are true, the end is nearer than you think.

     We’ve seen through the writings of The Bigger Picture that our world system is one founded on usury.  Our schools, banks, corporations, governments and way of living are all built on the principle of getting ahead at another’s expense, of getting rich quick, of survival of the fittest, of bigger, better, more, and a hunger and thirst for power at any expense.  This is the principle of usury that gained its strength and power in Ancient Babylon which became the hub of all evil.  This doctrine spread rapidly until it permeated the entire world and is almost all we know today.  It is a doctrine of selfishness, of choosing our own way and rebelling against our creator and even denying His existence.  It is a doctrine of pride which says we can create a better life for ourselves than the one He put forth.  It says we will do it our way.  We will ascend above the throne of Heaven and be like the Most High.  It is the plan of Satan who uttered those very words and who has implemented this plan through those who’ve sold out to him through their lust for power and greatness and the things of this world.

     There have always been a few, though, who have resisted this Satanic Babylonian system – the remnant, those who follow the Blueprint for a happy and successful life.  These have been persecuted for their unwillingness to conform to the common way of life.  They’ve been berated, belittled, portrayed as mentally unbalanced.  They’ve been imprisoned, tortured and killed for making a stand against principles and a system they believe to be evil.  They live in a hope that one day this tyranny will end.  Their hope is not in vain.

     Consider what is written in the Bible about Babylon the Great (this world’s Satanic usurious system).  “Therefore, her plagues will come upon her in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her. The kings of the earth who committed fornication and lived luxuriously with her will weep and lament for her when they see the smoke of her burning, standing at a distance for fear of her torment, saying, ‘Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city!  For in one hour your judgment is come.’ And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise anymore. The fruit that your soul longed for has gone from you, and all the things which are rich and splendid have gone from you, and you shall find them no more at all. “Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you holy apostles and prophets, for God has avenged you on her!”  Revelation 18:8-14, 20.

     This present world system is coming to an end.  Suddenly.  In one hour’s time.
The stock market will crash, the Federal Reserve will shut down, the banks will close, the stores will be put out of business, schools will shut down, homes will be foreclosed, vehicles, boats and toys repossessed. A piece of bread will buy a bag of gold.  The lifestyle and all the “good” things people have worked so hard to create and accomplish will come to a screeching halt as the One who created them all says, “Enough is enough.”

     Geoffrey Chaucer had it right.  “All good things must come to an end.”  It is going to happen and we’ve been warned:  By the Apostle John in the book of Revelation, by preachers and teachers, by poets like Chaucer, and now by The Bigger Picture.  God, Himself, cries out in Revelation 18:4: “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues.”  It’s not too late to heed the warning.  No matter how entrenched you may have been in this world’s system, it’s not too late.  “He who has an ear, let him hear.”


     “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”  Luke 4:18, 19

     This has been our mission.  This is the whole purpose behind the writing of  THE BIGGER PICTURE.  We have attempted to bring the recovery of sight to the blind by pulling back the veil and exposing this world and mankind for what they truly are and for what they were created to be.  To show the people of this world that there is a choice, that there always has been, and that our choices affect who we become.  To show them that there is much more to life than what they see around them.  To show them that the world we live in changes when we change.  To show them who they were created to be, who they really are, and all that means.    It is our prayer that through this journey, some who were blind have recovered their sight.

     But that is just the beginning.  With the veil pulled back and eyes wide open, it becomes evident that the fallen world we live in is under the control of Lucifer and those who knowingly or unknowingly follow him.  He is the father of lies and all the systems of this world have been built upon deception, to the purpose of bringing mankind captive and under his control, to do his bidding that he might deceive himself into believing that he is God.  But the truth is – he is not!

     Here is the truth: mankind was created by God, in His image, for His glory. (Genesis 1:27, Isaiah 43:7).  Our true selves are not what we see in the mirror.  Those are our costumes.  God is a spirit John 4:24 tells us, and our true self is a spirit made in the image of God.  The problem with living in this fallen world run by Satan is that we’ve been deceived into believing that we and the costume are one.   We are not defined by our appearance, ethnicity, height, weight, clothes, job, social standing, IQ or credit score. Neither should we judge others by these things.  These are components of our costume.  They are superficial, can be put on and taken off, can be changed.  Who we truly are never changes.  We are children of God, created by Love, in love and to love.

     We’ve been called to preach the gospel to the poor.  The word “gospel”  in the original Greek means “good news” and the word “poor” used in this scripture means “of fallen estate”.  Here then is the good news to all who live in this fallen world:  God loves you just the way you are, but far too much to leave you that way.  He’s provided a way out – a means of escape – through His Son, Jesus Christ.  Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Jesus paid the price for our rebellion against God and His ways with His very life.  With His blood, He purchased our freedom.  We can now proclaim liberty to the captives for Jesus set at liberty those who are oppressed through His sacrifice on the cross - and not a moment too soon.
     Never has mankind been more enslaved than he is at this point and time in history.  He is enslaved by lust, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, gluttony and pride.  These manifest themselves in the more tangible areas of hatred, prejudice, devaluing of himself and others and usury.  He is enslaved to drugs, alcohol, improper sexual relationships, depression, anxiety, self-loathing, lack of purpose and despair.  He is oppressed by Lucifer and the Satanic Babylonian system that have taken over our government, schools and businesses.  God, in His love and mercy, has sent a deliverer.  And whom the Son sets free is free indeed. (John 8:36).

      With the veil taken away, we see that this is a broken world in which we live, and a broken world can’t fix us.  We have to turn our eyes to and place our trust in the One who created us, who wrote all our days in a book when there were yet none of them, who has a plan to prosper us, who will never leave nor forsake us. (Psalm 139:16, Jeremiah 29:11, Hebrews 13:5).  When faith, hope and trust are placed in the One who never fails, never lies, can only love for He is love, the broken hearted are healed.  We have been sent to heal the broken hearted by pointing them to the only One who can.

     Lucifer and his followers have controlled this world long enough.  We are proclaiming the acceptable year of the Lord.  In the original Greek language, that means the year in which to accept the Lord. Steven R. Covey is quoted as saying, “We see the world not as it is, but as we are, or as we are controlled to see it”.  Look around and see the world with the veil pulled back.  Be aware what is happening around you and why.  Change your world by changing yourself.  Refuse to be part of the problem, and become part of the solution instead.  Don’t partake in usury.  Refuse to continue living a one-dimensional life.  Choose to follow the Blueprint.  You can make a difference.  Open your eyes.  See the Bigger Picture.  This is our proclamation.


A Collaboration by Keith and Raelynn Gilman

 Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? Let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not and lie not against the truth.  This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.                   James 3:13-15

        In part 1 of the OPENING THE EYES OF THE BLIND series,The Bigger Picture, we attempted to pull back the veil and expose things going on in the world around us that many were unaware even existed.  We introduced the Blueprint for a happy and successful life: the plan established by the Creator of mankind, Father God, in which His creation could live in harmony to the full potential for which he was created.  And we showed how mankind was reduced to a lesser animal version of himself when this Blueprint was not followed, as he instead chose selfishness, self-worship and created a system whereby he could use and defraud others for his own gain. This set the foundation, or groundwork whereby we can understand the world we live in today.
          In part 2 of the series, The World We Live In, we will be looking at all the issues that affect our everyday lives: The Economy, Health Care, Politics, Immigration, Religion, Gun Control, the LGBT Movement, Women’s Rights, Racism, and Terrorism among others. We will show how the concepts presented in The Bigger Picturecontrol every aspect of our everyday lives in the here and now.

       We, the authors of this work, believe we have a solemn, God-given duty to help Open the Eyes of the Blind in the world among us. We accomplish this by first showing them that there is more at work in our world than they may be presently aware of through the writings ofThe Bigger Picture.  Next, we show them how these once-hidden motives and machinations are the actual nuts and bolts that current policies, programs and issues are comprised of that enable them to function the way they do in our society today.  We do this through the articles of The World We Live In.  The final part of our series, Free At Last, will empower us to take the necessary steps toward making our world the place it was always intended to be, taking responsibility for the detours that have derailed us and getting our lives, our society and our world back on track.  It can be done.  It must be done, if we have any hope of preserving….

The World We Live In.


          Ask any Satanist and he will tell you he is not a Devil worshipper.  Genuine Satanism evolved from Atheism (the belief that there is no God), into the belief that there is no external God and that each Satanist is his or her own god, and worships no one but himself.  Selfishness is a hallmark of the Satanic.

          We see an example of this with the wizards of the dark ages.  Merlin was actually a scientist who discovered that if he mixed sulfur, carbon and salt-peter, he could create a fireball out of thin air.  Those watching in awe around him assumed him to be magic when, in truth, he was using God-given knowledge in a clever way to elevate himself and to deceive others into believing that he was more powerful than they and therefore superior to them. It was of more benefit to him to let them continue to believe as they did.

          Alternatively, Merlin could have shared his knowledge with those around him saying, “Look, fellow-citizens, what I discovered.  We can use this for the good of us all.  I can show you how to do it, so you can benefit too.”  He had a choice how to use the knowledge and talents he possessed.  He could become a giver to humanity and share his gifts, or he could horde them to exalt himself and use them for his own gain.  Those who share are those walking in the light of God and following the principles of His Blueprint.  Hoarders are by definition, Satanic.

          Within each human being lie two components: the soul made in the image of God (which is the light) and the body which is the human animal.  Satanists say “Embrace the animal.  Be the animal.  This is your true nature.”  The Creator would tell us to feed our souls by following the Blueprint and becoming free in the light.  Living in the world, living for oneself is Satanic.  Some people do this unknowingly and some do it intentionally.

          The Church of Satan will tell you, “We are human animals.  We know this.  We embrace this.”  The problem is, absent of the soul, or the knowledge of God, ours becomes a very selfish world.  It becomes dog-eat-dog, the survival of the fittest.  Which means, for example:  If I am out in the world and I am proudly Satanic, and I’m stronger than you and can take all your stuff, I deserve it.  I can knock you down and take the wallet out of your pocket and I can be proud that I was able to conquer you because I was stronger and you were not worthy to keep the things you had because of your weakness.  If you were not strong enough to outfit yourself against me, I’ve earned the spoils and you deserve what you got.  That is Satanism. And it fuels all the violence in our world today.

     When we look at our business world, we can see that it is built on a completely Satanic system.  The competition in our world today has no compassion, no humility and it is built on a dog-eat-dog, step on whomever you need to in order to reach the top mentality. 

          Another hallmark of the Satanic is slavery.  Just as a farmer would feel no qualms about enslaving an ox to plow a field for him (because he is more intelligent than the animal, he feels he deserves to use that ox for his benefit), the Supremacists who sit atop the Satanic pyramid (remember this from The Bigger Picture?) believe that they are entitled to enslave and use the labor of the lesser people beneath them who they believe have been bred for the sole purpose of being used for their own benefit. The difference here is that the farmer has been given dominion over animals by God.  God does not grant dominion over people to other people. Satanists grant this dominion to themselves as they consider themselves gods.
         Now that you can recognize the Satanic, take a look at the world around you.  You will see it everywhere. Selfishness, supremacy, slavery and violence reign supreme.  It’s no coincidence that the Bible calls Satan the god of this world.  Which God will you choose to serve – God, and his son Jesus Christ, or self and ultimately Satan?  Which component of your make-up will you choose to embrace – body or soul?  Will you follow the Blueprint or the ways of the world?  There is no neutral.  In denying one, we choose the other by default.  We will be part of the problem or part of the solution.  If we don’t choose to be Godly, we ourselves become Satanic.


     It’s a common misconception that good and evil are opposites and that it’s very easy to tell them apart.  However, it is a Satanic ploy to take something that is good and holy and change it just enough to serve their purposes while still appearing to be wholesome.  It becomes a matter of intent.  If you are doing something with a selfless intention, it is good and holy.  If you take the exact same act and do it for selfish gain, it looks exactly the same on the outside, but has become sin and therefore, Satanic.

     The Greek word for sin is Harmantano, and it means to miss the mark; to just be off a little bit; to be twisted.  The act of taking something good and holy and twisting it just a little bit, making a small compromise, or bending the rules slightly to appease, turns that good and holy thing into sin.  Many people are willing to compromise their values and beliefs in order to keep the peace.  They go along to get along and end up corrupting themselves.  Even the word “compromise” has been twisted to mean something good in our society.

     In our everyday lives, there are examples of twisted versions of good and holy things that are being sold to us as being good but no longer are.  One of the major ones is that it is ok to be proud.  “I’m proud of you.”  “I’m proud of myself.”    Pride is the sin that got Lucifer kicked out of heaven.  He boasted that he would ascend above the heavens and would be like the Most High God. Pride is the linchpin of sins.  All others hang upon it. Pride goes before sudden destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall, the Bible tells us.  The Godly version is to be pleased.  “I’m pleased with you.”  “I’m pleased with this.”  This is the word God used when describing Jesus.  “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.”  Another example is greed.  In our society, greed is seen as good.  Go for the gusto!  Go out and get everything you can out of life. It’s the American dream.  How can that be bad?
     We also see something being twisted or changed just a little for the purposes of deception in the minting of our coins.  Our coins were once made of pure silver which is what gave them their value.  Over time, copper and nickel were added and now there is no silver in our coins whatsoever.  But what makes it deceptive is that they still look the same.  They are the same size, the same color, the same markings, with the same value stamped upon them.  Why? So you will think nothing has changed, when in truth, everything has changed.
     Religion is a twisted version of faith.  A sincere belief in and relationship with our Creator and Savior is the essence of following the Blueprint for a happy and successful life. It is life and that more abundantly.  But when we apply man-made rules and rituals to that belief and relationship, it becomes legalistic religion which is corrupted and no longer pleasing to God.  In a similar way, even the Word of God has become twisted from its original form.  Newer versions of the Bible leave out parts of Scripture that refer to the deity of Christ, and even omit some verses entirely.  This is by design to make something powerful of less effect. It’s still called the Holy Bible, still a leather-bound book with gilt pages so it appears to be the genuine article, but in so many cases has been changed for a purpose. 

      Not coincidentally, another name in the Bible for Satan is Leviathan, which means twisted.  It was the serpent (Leviathan) that caused the original sin in the Garden of Eden, by twisting God’s words and deceiving Eve, and it is the Leviathan spirit that is running rampant in our world today twisting and corrupting the good and holy and making them anything but.  Evil is not the opposite of good.  It’s just a twisted version of it.  Don’t compromise and don’t allow yourself to be deceived.  Motive matters.


     In today’s society, discrimination is a bad thing – in some cases, punishable by law.  Did you know that discrimination was originally meant to be a good thing – a tool to help us survive in a deceitful world?  It is one more thing that has been twisted to become something it was never intended to be.

     Webster’s defines discrimination as “the ability to recognize the difference between things that are of good quality and those that are not”. To be able to discern, to discriminate, to use your intellect to be able to identify when you are being coerced, manipulated or used is a valuable gift from God for use in a deceitful world.  It’s part of the Blueprint.  It exposes the enemy of our souls and his plans, so it only stands to reason that it would come under attack.  And he’s done a good job of it.  In some cases, discrimination is illegal and is punishable by law.

     The opposite, then, being indiscriminate, means to openly accept everything that comes down the pike. If you are not discriminating, you are open to corruption. So this idea that we should not discriminate is actually a very dangerous concept.  I believe the enemy of our souls and ruler of this world has purposely twisted the tool of discrimination so that it can no longer be used in our society, leaving the populace susceptible to his deception. Taking away one’s ability to discriminate should be identified, then, as Satanic.

     Am I saying that hatred against a race or class of people and treating them unfairly is ok and to be condoned?  Absolutely not!  But it’s not discrimination. It’s judgment.  Webster’s defines the transitive verb “to judge” as to determine or pronounce after inquiry and deliberation.  To judge is to pass sentence on, and the Blueprint advises against it.  Matthew 7:1 says, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” There is only One who can pass sentence and that is God, the Creator of mankind.

     Some will argue that I am splitting hairs here – that it doesn’t matter if you call it discrimination or judgment, it is still wrong.  I beg to differ.  Being discriminatory is vital to our survival; it keeps us from being corrupted.  Once we’ve discriminated between right and wrong, good and bad, however, we are not to use that knowledge to pass judgment on anyone.  It’s for internal use only. 

     Don’t allow the deliberate twisting of the meaning of words to deceive you.  Openly discriminate; refuse to judge.  In discriminating more, we will find we judge less.


“Therefore, whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the wind blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.”                                                  Matthew 7:24, 25

          Any builder will tell you the importance of a firm foundation.  Without it, at the first sign of adversity, the building collapses.  But buildings aren’t the only things in need of a firm foundation.  People need a firm foundation for their beliefs, ideals, morals, choices, and decisions.  Without that, they are easily manipulated, and they, too, collapse.

          Politicians have known this for a long time.  In fact, it’s a technique they employ to get people to vote for them.  They use Cognitive Dissonance.  Webster’s defines this as: Psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously.  Simply put, you present two things in direct opposition to each other as true. As the hearer’s mind wrestles with trying to reconcile what they’ve heard, the mind becomes confused and temporarily shuts down, leaving him vulnerable and very susceptible.  The hearer then has a choice: he can admit he’s confused and doesn’t understand and ask for an explanation, or (as the politicians, and others, like interrogators, slick salesmen, and cult leaders count on) too proud to admit they don’t understand, they will just push the “I believe” button.    

          We see this with religion all the time.  A minister stands up and claims to know all about God, to know the very mind of Christ, and the hearer has a choice. He can search the Scriptures to see if the things he’s being told are true (forming a foundation on which to build his beliefs), or he can push the “I believe” button because this guy has gone to Seminary, he’s smarter than me, so he must know. In the last days, false Christs and false prophets will abound and there will be many that blindly follow these Pied Pipers because they have no foundation for opposition, and their convictions will collapse.

          That’s why Millennials so easily jump on the bandwagon of whatever is popular thought.  They lack the experience that would give them a firm foundation on which to base their decisions.  I have a friend who’s 20 years old.  She was told that Donald Trump is racist, and that the Republican Party has always been against
African-Americans.  The truth is that Donald Trump has made some insensitive remarks that could be considered racist if one looked at only those statements and did not consider all his actions to the contrary, and that the Republican Party started out as a group of Abolitionists opposing the Democrat slave-owners.  Not having this foundation, my friend just chose to believe what she was told, and is convinced she should vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election, because she’s the champion of the minorities. (See our articles entitled, Fools Rush In and Equal Opportunity Oppression).

          Our education system understands the importance of a firm foundation.  You can’t do advanced mathematics if you can’t add and subtract.  Today, our education system is being purposely destroyed for that very reason (see our articles entitled Indoctrination and Higher Education inThe Bigger Picture).  Foundations are the first part of a building to be built.  To keep a foundation from being solid, or even being built in the first place, you have to start at the beginning – with our young people. 

          To use this form of manipulation and control, it is absolutely essential to remove the underlying foundation so there is no basis of understanding and people will believe what they are told.  They won’t have the knowledge from which to contradict with confidence the conflicting statements made to them. This is where pride comes in.  If the person who is being manipulated would just admit they don’t understand and ask for an explanation, the manipulator would back-pedal.  He’d be exposed. This is the meaning of “the truth will make you free”.  More often than not, however, a panicked look comes into the hearer’s eyes as he realizes, “I’m trapped.  I don’t know what he’s talking about, so I’ll just nod and agree”.

          A firm foundation is essential for understanding and for being confident in what one knows.  The Bigger Picture is the foundation for The World We Live In.
Without the knowledge of the Blueprint and usury, we would have no basis for understanding how our world presently operates.  The Old Testament in the Bible is the foundation for understanding the New Testament.  You have to know about the law and prophets in the Old Testament to understand how Christ fulfilled them all in the New.  A nation’s history is the foundation for understanding its current political climate. As in the example of my friend, you have to have knowledge of the past, to avoid making similar mistakes in the present.

          There is no greater confidence than standing with one’s feet planted firmly on a rock, knowing that whatever is thrown at you, you will remain standing because your foundation is sure.  That rock is Jesus Christ.  The Old Testament prophesied it in Isaiah 28:16 : “Therefore, thus saith the Lord God, behold I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.”  And we see its fulfillment in the New Testament in I Corinthians 3:11: “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Christ Jesus.”  He is truth.  When presented with misdirection, we can recognize it and confidently oppose it if we are in Christ.  He is humility. With Jesus as our foundation, we don’t have to walk in pride and can avoid the pitfalls of usury, supremacy, and Progressivism.  On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.

          It’s our choice: We can push the “I believe” button and accept everything that comes down the pike, or we can have a firm foundation from which we can confidently choose what we will believe and what actions we will take.  We can build our house upon a rock, or upon the sand – it’s entirely up to us.  But our choice will determine what will happen when the storms come.


     Slavery – it’s not just for blacks, any more.  In our Satanic society, there is enough oppression to go around for everyone.  We live in a world designed to create perpetual victims.

      Lyndon Johnson was a racist.  He hated black people, but there came a time when he realized that he needed their votes.  He cunningly created The Civil Rights Act. Although good would come through this legislation, it was never his motive for introducing it.  With it, he was saying, “Look at me, I’m your friend.  I’m going to help you out and give you stuff.  So vote for me.”  The Republicans on the other hand, said, “We want you to be equal and equally responsible.  We aren’t going to give you things.  We want you to be like everyone else, but we are not favoring you.”  This is when the majority of blacks became democrats.  When people are down, they will vote for their savior.  Do people like Johnson ever try to lift the disadvantaged out of the ghetto?  No.  He needs them to be victims forever so he can be their continual savior and people will continue to vote for him. If he actually betters their position, they no longer need a savior and he will no longer get their vote.  So the poor and downtrodden of every race turn for help to those with the hand-out in exchange for their loyalty at the polls.  The oppression increases so the people will continue to need hand-outs, continue to vote for those oppressing them, and when they win the election, create more programs to ensure the continual enslavement of the people.

     If you look at the political demographics of any city, you’ll see an interesting phenomenon.  All of the inner-cities are predominantly Democrat and only the rural areas are Republican.  Why is that? The self-sufficiency of an agrarian (farming) society where they value independence is still present in our rural communities (the same principle instituted in the Garden and in the Blueprint).
It’s not a coincidence that the United Nations has a master plan to make all rural areas into national parks, forcing everyone to move into the cities. (This is Agenda 21.  We talk more about it in the article entitled Borderless in TheBigger Picture.)
Once in the cities, the people are no longer self-sufficient and become part of the system that keeps them enslaved.  The only way for a one-world government to be successful is to take away the people’s independence, abolish the Blueprint for a happy and successful life and make them dependent upon the government for their every- day needs.

     The apparent inability of our government to secure our nation’s borders is actually another scheme toward the enslavement of a nation.  The globalist elite that are pushing for a one-world government actually want Mexican nationals working in our country and they want them to be there illegally.  It fosters dependency.  When you are illegal, you will work for less and will not go to the authorities if you are being mistreated.  You don’t file OSHA claims, take sick days or vacation time.  Out of fear of being fired and deported, you take what you can get and are careful not to bite the hand that feeds you.  Illegals don’t make good employees; they make good slaves.  Corporate America would like to see a return to the British Empire feudal system, where they are the land lords and the peasants below them operate at their mercy, without exerting their rights and receiving benefits.  They can play out this scenario when they hire illegals.

      The hiring of illegal immigrants also causes a dependency among the American citizens who would otherwise have had those jobs.  Some can’t find work and go on unemployment.  Others don’t make what they otherwise could have and have to use food stamps and Medicare to supplement their income as they become the working poor.

     Even the intentional breakdown of marriage and the family plays a part in creating perpetual victims dependent upon the government as we will see in our article entitled Arrested Development.  

     The globalist elite will not be happy until the entire nation of America is enslaved to a government that is too big, too powerful and operating not “for the people” but for their own agenda of a one-world government.  Our government is not racist.  They are equal opportunity oppressors.


 “The only way for a one-world government to be successful is to take away the people’s independence, abolish the Blueprint for a happy and successful life and make them dependent upon the government for their every- day needs.”
                                       Excerpt from our article, Equal Opportunity Oppression

         How does a government enslave an entire nation of people?  Patiently, over much time with tried and true techniques – the same techniques used in catching a wild pig and controlling an elephant.

     So how do you catch a wild pig?  The wild pig is fiercely independent and fends for himself.  He spends most of his day hunting for food and is cautious and aware of potential danger around him.  So one day, he sees a pile of corn in the middle of a field.  After working all day for a couple of bites of food, he sees a whole pile of it sitting right there in front of him.  At first, he’s very wary.  Something seems a bit off.  He’s never seen a pile of food so readily available before.  He looks around for danger, and seeing none, takes a small taste.  The food tastes ok, so he nervously and cautiously eats the food and immediately leaves.  After a few days, out of curiosity he returns to the same spot.  He sees another pile of food there.  But this time, he hasn’t had to spend all day hunting for food.  He starts to realize that instead of having to work hard to get his food, he could just come to this spot and have it waiting instead of expending all the time and energy necessary to hunt and gather it.  He can eat for free.  He’s still a little cautious, because this is still a bit unusual, but he eats the food and leaves.  The next time he comes back, there is again a pile of food waiting for him, but this time he looks up and sees something different.  Between two trees a little ways off, there is a fence. He stands back and  looks.  Something’s not right.  That’s not supposed to be there.  But if I don’t take the free food, he thinks, I’ll have to go back out to the forest and find it myself.  He decides that one little fence is not too intimidating, so keeping one eye on it, he goes ahead and eats the food. Then he leaves.  By this time, he’s actually forgotten what it means to go out and hunt for his own food and the work it entails, so to put up with some of these strange things is worth it.  A couple of days later, he comes back to another pile of food and notices another section of fence between two more trees. He’s a little nervous, but the food is still there.  Does he want to turn around and go back into the forest to try to search for his own food?  It doesn’t seem too dangerous as there is no one else around, so he goes ahead and eats the food.  Each time he comes back, there is another section of fence up.  Each time, he decides it’s easier to eat the food there instead of hunting for it himself.  In fact, he’s not even sure he remembers the skills required to get his own food any more. So he figures he needs to eat the food now or he’s not going to get any at all so he will put up with the discomfort the presence of the fences is causing.  The last time he comes, he’s eating the food and the last piece of fence goes up behind him.  Now he’s trapped.  He wants to leave and go back to his home, but he can’t.  He’s worried, but there’s free food here.  As long as the food keeps showing up inside this fence, he has everything he needs.  Why does he need to go home?  This is ok.  Eventually, the pig calms down and gets comfortable and the fenced field becomes his new home.  He decides it’s a pretty good home.  He doesn’t have to work for his food; all his needs are being met. This is how you catch a wild pig.  As he keeps being fed, the pig becomes more domesticated and he begins to get used to seeing the person who supplies the food outside the fence.  He’s not concerned about that anymore.  One day, the supplier decides he doesn’t need the pig anymore and he quits putting the corn in.

     This is a metaphor for our welfare system.  The corn is food stamps, Medicare, and unemployment benefits.  It’s a tool that our government has been using for almost 100 years.  How effective is it?  Consider the following article:

From  The 109,631,000 living in households taking federal welfare benefits as of the end of 2012, according to the Census Bureau, equaled 35.4 percent of all 309,467,000 people living in the United States at that time. When those receiving benefits from non-means-tested federal programs — such as Social Security, Medicare, unemployment and veterans benefits — were added to those taking welfare benefits, it turned out that 153,323,000 people were getting federal benefits of some type at the end of 2012.

82,679,000 of the welfare-takers lived in households where people were on Medicaid, said the Census Bureau. 51,471,000 were in households on food stamps. 22,526,000 were in the Women, Infants and Children program. 20,355,000 were in household on Supplemental Security Income. 13,267,000 lived in public housing or got housing subsidies. 5,442,000 got Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. 4,517,000 received other forms of federal cash assistance.

Medicaid enrollment is set to only increase as Obamacare forces more people into the program. Also, these numbers do not include those receiving Obamacare subsidies, which can be received by anyone making 400% of the poverty level.

It is clearly not sustainable to have a country where more than half of the country is receiving benefits from the government.

     It does no good to have a fenced field full of formerly wild pigs, unless you are able to use them for your purposes.  To do this, you must be able to control them. Another technique is employed that we could call, “How to Control an Elephant”.

     Wild African elephants stand 10–13 feet and weigh 8,800–15,400 lbs.  At birth, they already weigh 200 pounds.  There is not much you can construct that will hold a wild elephant.  It’s all about controlling their mind and breaking their will.  This must be done while the elephant is young and easily manipulated.  (Do you see the correlation to the function of a strong family unit protecting the minds of impressionable children until they are able to better comprehend the world around them?  We will explore this more in our article entitled Arrested Development.)  So to control a wild elephant, you take them as a baby and put a big, heavy chain around their ankle and stake it to the ground.  He doesn’t like being controlled, and he will pull and fight against the chain until he wears himself out.  Eventually, he gives up.  He realizes that when he feels this tug on his ankle, it means he is stuck and he can’t go anywhere.  He’s trapped.  When the elephant becomes a 5-ton adult, he can easily snap the chain, but a chain is no longer needed.  Now he is staked to the ground with a tiny little rope. When he feels the tug on his ankle, he quits trying because he’s been conditioned to believe that no matter what he does to get away, he won’t succeed.

     This is what the inner-city is all about.  The ghetto environment is the fenced field, but there is no need for a fence.  The minds of those who have grown up there have been imprisoned.  They’ve seen their parents struggle with poverty, living on government assistance, in unlivable conditions, with crime abounding around them and they feel hopeless, like there is no way out and no use struggling against it.  Their will has been broken, because it’s always been this way and they believe it always will be. 

     The combination of having everything provided for you without having to work for it with government programs (catch a wild pig), and having your mind arrested so that you don’t believe it’s possible to do anything else so why even try (controlling an elephant) is what enables a government to successfully enslave an entire nation of people.

       2Thessalonians 3:10 says that if a man will not work, neither should he eat. This is the wisdom that keeps us from being caught like a wild pig.  God also said in Nahum 1:13, “For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder.”  He does this through the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12:2).
We’ve been created in the image of God.  It’s time we follow His Blueprint and quit allowing ourselves to be treated like pigs and elephants.


          Webster’s defines economy as: the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought in a country or region; careful use of money, resources, etc.; something that makes it possible for you to spend less money.  In the United States of America today, only the first definition still applies.  It is common knowledge that our economy is broken. The questions remain:  How did it get this way?  And can we fix it?

          The economy of the United States of America was originally designed to be a free enterprise system.  This meant that anyone could use their skills and labor and start a small business for profit without government regulation or taxation .  You could start a business baking pies and you determined how many, what kind, when to bake and what to charge.  The money you made in excess of what you spent to make the pies would be your profit and from that you would make a living.  The government was not involved in any way in the livelihood of its citizens. Each had the right to make his own way through his own gifts, talents, labor and ingenuity.

          In the beginning, the Federal government was tiny.  It ran off tariffs.  That was their only income.  If foreign countries wanted to pedal their products in our country and sell to our citizens, they would pay a portion to allow them to do so.  There was no internal revenue.  There was never meant to be. The citizens of the nation were never meant to fund their government. The change came when our government got involved in the regulation of the commerce of the people.

            In the beginning, our economy was based upon the Blueprint. (You can read about the Blueprint in our series of articles entitled The Bigger Picture.)  Wealth was produced through physical labor.  If a man didn’t work, he didn’t eat.1
It was the amount of labor that went into producing a product that determined its value.  Fruit and vegetables got their value from the time and effort required to plant, grow and harvest them.  That’s how they got the name “produce”.  Gold, silver, iron, copper, and other minerals got their value from the time and effort spent to dig them out of the ground, separate and refine them. The same goes for oil and petroleum.  Real estate got its value from the effort involved in improving the land to make it livable.  These commodities have intrinsic value because of the labor involved to make them usable.
           The economy of the United States began as a barter system.  If you grew apples and you wanted oranges, you would trade your “produce” for the “produce” of another.  If you grew apples and you wanted iron, you would have to trade many apples for a smaller amount of iron because the labor needed to produce the iron was more than the labor needed to produce the apples, making it more valuable. It soon became evident though, that this bartering system was not durable.  Apples rot. So a system was devised to exchange commodities that would spoil for those that would not, like gold and silver. The tricky part was determining the value of gold and silver so as to have a fair exchange.

          To assist with this, the Federal government got involved.  They created a Department of Weights and Measures.  They provided a service whereby an assayer would determine the value of metals by its color, weight and size, and would stamp the value on a coin of silver or gold. In the beginning, the government never issued this money.  It belonged to the miner and the assayer merely provided a service to regulate value. This service had to be paid for, however.  So a portion of that coin went to the assayer, as a fee, or tax.  Here, then, is the beginning of internal revenue which opened a door for corruption.  The Blueprint repeatedly warned against false weights and false measures2 as a means of defrauding those at the mercy of the assayer, but alas, to no avail.

          In 1972, President Nixon took our country off the gold standard.  No longer was it required that our labor be exchanged for gold, or even that there be enough gold kept in Fort Knox to back the Federal Reserve notes  (which were actually just receipts for confiscated gold) that the government was printing as “legal tender” in exchange for our labor. No longer did “money” belong to the miner who produced it, but the government began producing paper “money” in their stead.  This paper, which had no intrinsic value because there was no labor required to produce it, was stamped with “values” which were not values at all.  A $1 bill took the same amount of labor to produce as a $100 bill.

          The flooding of the market with this valueless paper money created an environment of inflation.  The price of an object is determined by supply and demand.  If I have a lot of apples, and not very many people wanting to buy those apples, I will charge less money in order to get rid of the apples.  On the flip side, if I have one apple and 100 people wanting that apple, I can charge a lot more for that apple - whatever someone is willing to pay to get it.  When there is more money than product in a market, prices go up.  The cost or value of the item doesn’t go up.  It still costs the same labor to produce it.  Only the price goes up.  That is inflation. 

          Inflation is the hallmark of a broken economy. Labor is the true wealth, not the fake money that is being poured into the system.  Once you debauch the currency, inflation will run out of control and the system will begin to break down.  At that point there are two options: scrap the broken economic system and start over, or put Band-Aids on it to keep the system going as long as possible.  So far, though everyone knows our economy is broken, no one has had the courage to scrap the system and start over.  We opted for Band-Aids instead. 

1 2Thessalonians 3:10, The Holy Bible
2 Proverbs 11:1, 20:23, The Holy Bible


          Americans have chosen to live with a broken economic system.  Everyone knows it’s broken, but no one chooses to fix it.  Those benefitting from the broken system have convinced the masses that it is not fixable, and the masses have been conditioned like captive elephants to believe that they are powerless to effect any change. Instead of fixing our economy, we place Band-Aid upon Band-Aid upon it until our economy resembles a mummy. And while it might resemble a mummy, it has actually become a vampire that is sucking the lifeblood from its citizens and will continue to do so until they’ve been sucked dry.

            Once the Federal government began regulating commerce, it began receiving income through internal revenue.  The American people have been taxed, taxed, and taxed again. Federal taxes start at 10 percent on the first $7,000 of income, and income above that is taxed at increasingly higher rates.  Medicare and Social Security are required deductions by the federal government. 4.2 percent of a person’s paycheck is deducted to go toward Social Security. They also deduct 1.45 percent for Medicare. In addition to federal taxes and other federal withholding, according to "Forbes" magazine, 43 states collect income tax from their residents, and the average rate is 6.5 percent.  Not to mention property taxes, luxury taxes, and other use taxes.  Citizens have now reached a point where they are rebelling against further taxation, yet the government continues to grow out of control and requires more and more funding to sustain itself.  The answer is found in the hidden tax of inflation.  Inflation is one of the Band-Aids put on our broken economy to keep it functioning.

              Inflation, you will recall, is the raising of prices through the devaluation or overabundance of currency.   There are tools along the way that hide the system of inflation to keep it from being exposed to the people.  If I bought a 12 oz. can of corn this year for $1 and next year the same can cost $2 and the year after, $4, the inflation would be obvious and the people would rebel.  If however, I bought a 12 oz. can of corn this year for $1 and next year it still cost $1 but the can was now 10 oz., the inflation would be less obvious.  Some may not notice the difference at all, allowing a greater portion of the people’s wealth to be stripped from them and funneled to the top.  The government is being funded through the hidden tax of inflation, hiding the destruction of our economy.

          Another Band-Aid on the mummy of our economy is that of illegal immigration.  If we rounded up everyone who is currently working illegally in our country for less than minimum wage and didn’t allow them to work anymore, those jobs would have to be replaced with Americans that would demand a fair wage for their labor.  The idea that Americans won’t do manual labor is ludicrous. It’s been fostered to allow cheap illegal labor to continue.  Americans are willing to work; they just know the value of their labor and want to be compensated for it.
When these Americans are given the fair wage for their labor, the prices of the product must go up because the cost of producing it goes up through the labor.  Economists then cry, “See, by removing illegal immigration, you are ruining the economy by raising the prices.”  The truth is, the economy is already ruined and  illegal immigrant labor simply masks it.  When a fair wage is paid, the true state of the economy is exposed for the mess that it is.  That’s why there is such a fight against the removal of illegal immigrants from our country.  If we let it go away, we expose the destruction of our economy.  We have to keep bringing in cheaper and cheaper labor to keep the prices down, to keep the economy from collapsing.  If things were done the way they should be, our economy should have collapsed a long time ago through the destruction of our currency which in turn destroys our economy.

          Another Band-Aid on our mummy is that of the Federal minimum wage. The Progressives will tell you that raising the minimum wage doesn’t hurt anything.  They say it just takes some of the money that has gone to large corporations and gives it back to the people.  That simply isn’t true.  When wages go up, costs go up.  The more you raise the wages, the deeper the inflation.  The raising of the Federal minimum wage is meant to appease the people and fool them into thinking they are making more money, when in fact it funnels more money from them through more inflation.

          One of the most deceptive Band-Aids on the mummy of our economy is that of the stock market.  With this one, the population’s own vices of greed and sloth are used against them to convince them that their money can earn more money without them having to work for it. This money is not “invested”.  There is no guarantee of return.  It is funneled away to the corporations that become rich off those who have deceived themselves into believing they can get something for nothing.  When we get something for nothing, we are actually confiscating someone else’s wealth. The money you put in the stock market does not go up in value, it goes up in price.  I “invest” $10,000 and in 30 years, I have $100,000.  I
believe my money has grown, when in truth, what I could buy with the $10,000 30 years ago now costs $100,000.  I haven’t made money, because inflation has confiscated the increase.  Money can’t make money.  Labor makes money. The stock market is only a tool to keep a broken economy on life-support.
          It is vital that everyone understand the destruction of our economy and the hidden system of inflation by which they are being abused. Only then can we start making steps against it and start to destroy the evil system in place.  A vampire needs your blood and will suck you dry in order to live. A broken economy does the same thing.  Mummies and vampires are the subjects of nightmares.  We rob them of their power to harm us when we wake up. 


        If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.  Our government here in the United States of America has been miss-run for a long, long time.  It’s no secret. Felix Frankfurter, Justice of the Supreme Court (1939-1962), said: “The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.” In a letter to an associate dated November 21, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt wrote, “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”  Most people don’t even realize, though, that the people of the United States have been fighting back, trying to regain their country for decades.  We see it over and over again at election time.  Every four years, we try, try again.

       In every election, we see the candidate for the establishment; the one chosen by the invisible rulers operating behind the scenes, and we see a disrupter; an out-sider chosen by the people to come in and break up the status-quo and make the government once again by the people and for the people.  Some of these disrupters had (R)’s behind their names and some had (D)’s.  As we’ve seen in our article, Just Letters in the Alphabet, it wasn’t these designations that set them apart.  It was who they stood for and what they were attempting to do.

        John F. Kennedy was a champion of the people, and he was a (D).  Was it a coincidence that when Kennedy was assassinated, the establishment got their man, Lyndon Johnson, in office?  Many don’t believe it was.  Our country turned dramatically down a dark path when these events took place.  The people needed another champion, another disrupter.  They needed to try again.

       One such disrupter was Ronald Reagan.  He was an outsider, fought by the Republican Party establishment.  The establishment’s candidate was George Herbert Walker Bush.  To their chagrin, Ronald Reagan defeated all of the establishment’s preferred candidates in the primary.  The outsider came in and messed up the good thing they had going.  But they fixed that.  A few months into the office, he got shot.  He was going to be the destroyer that went into Washington and destroyed the corrupt system in place to establish a better one. The would-be destroyer got a wake-up call when he caught the bullet that was intended to kill him, so that George Herbert Walker would become President in his stead.  Ronald Reagan was a champion of the people until the bullet made him realize that his only chance for self-preservation was to do as he was told.  He, understanding the forces at work, became, then, a very different President, becoming involved with the Iran-Contra Affair and other globalist endeavors.  The people’s hope failed, so they had to try again.

     People thought that Barak Obama was the next champion for the people.  He was an outsider because he was not a career politician.  Also, the common perception of Washington is that they are all old white guys, so by the nature of the color of his skin, he would be a disrupter and would break up that established power. On election night, people were crying with joy.  They believed that finally someone was elected who could right our government and once again represent the actual people of the nation.  Obama wasn’t in power long before the majority of the people realized they’d been duped and he wasn’t in it for them at all. 

     In the 2016 Presidential election, we see another disrupter in the running.  Donald Trump is hated by both the Republican and Democratic establishments.  Many people believe he is the last hope for the people of this nation to reclaim control of their government.  He doesn’t need the money of the financial element that currently controls our government and he doesn’t cave in easily to intimidation.  Many believe there will never be a better candidate for the people, and if he is unable to break up the powers that be, nobody can.

     It’s time for the people of the United States of America to reclaim their nation.  We’ve tried and tried again. This time we need to succeed, or our nation may very well die trying.


“Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”  Alexander Pope, 1711.

          What is the difference between progress and Progressivism?  Webster’s defines progress as a move forward toward something; the process of improving or developing something over time.  Progressivism could be best described as “progress with arrogance”.  It’s the difference between improving or developing something over time and fools rushing in.

          One of the greatest leaps in Progressivism in our country was through Woodrow Wilson.  He was the President of Princeton University right before he became President of the United States.  In his first month in office, Wilson went before a joint session of Congress to have the legislative branch act on “the New Freedom,” his reform package. His entire reform package, including tariff, banking, labor and tax-related issues, passed in Congress by the end of his first year in office. Wilson’s Progressive reforms included creating the Federal Reserve Bank, putting in place the Federal Trade Commission and establishing the 8 hour day, as well as instituting the first income tax.  Like other Progressives, he thought he was doing good, but in his arrogance picked a path forward and just pushed ahead, not realizing the unintended consequences that wouldn’t manifest until many years down the road. You can read about some of these consequences in our article entitledPyramid Scheme in The Bigger Picture.

          If you take a look at pharmaceutical companies, they fall into this Progressive (progress with arrogance) mentality.  They take on the role of gods.  They don’t fully understand the unintended consequences of what they are doing.  They think, “We’re fixing people.  We’re curing people.  We’re doing good.”  Their arrogance causes them to think they are heroes or saviors, and it blinds them from slowing down enough to try to see what kind of damage their drugs could cause.  They believe they are brilliant and have all the answers so they can’t admit that there could be very dangerous side effects and consequences to their actions, and that they might be doing something wrong in their haste.

          Progress with arrogance is like moving 120 mph. down the highway with a blindfold on. They’re getting somewhere, but they could end up in a fiery crash. They don’t even know it, and they are leaving a wake of destruction in their path.
They are flying headlong into the future, wrecking things along the way, holding on to the steering wheel for dear life and the bridge is out, but they are going too fast to see the sign.  This is what Progressivism does in our society. 

          Even worse, their arrogance does not even allow them to acknowledge the destruction they’ve caused, because then they would have to admit that they were wrong in the first place.  So, instead of admitting that the course of action they took was wrong and going back and fixing it, they now have to put a Band-Aid on the destruction.

          We see this with Progressivism in Health Care.  Making everyone have access to health care can’t be a bad thing, right?  Certainly the intention is good.  We would all agree that everyone has the right to affordable health care. One of the blinders put up by Progressivism is the lie that the only way you can have access to quality health care is through health insurance. Our government broke the system a long time ago by allowing health insurance companies to go to Washington and lobby the politicians to draw artificial lines across which one could not purchase health insurance. These give-aways to the big corporations forced the little companies out of the market, limiting the competition and driving up the cost of insurance, making it unaffordable.  So now Washington has to put a Band-Aid on the thing they broke in the first place. They “fix” the problem by forcing everyone to buy the product from the same companies they restricted competition on that originally caused the insurance cost to rise. First, they made health insurance unaffordable by give-aways to the big corporations, then they had to create an Affordable Care Act to fix the unaffordability they created in the first place.  Only, for a large percentage of the people, it didn’t – another unintended consequence.

          A hallmark of Progressivism is lengthy legislation.  When the Affordable Care Act was proposed, no one read the actual act.  They couldn’t - the actual wording of the law is a whopping 2,700 pages long and the 10,000 - 20,000 pages of regulations related to the act stacks 8-foot tall.  Nancy Pelosi made the statement, “We’re going to have to vote it in, just to be able to see what’s in it.”  This was by design.  No one said, “Hold on, slow down, let’s not vote on this thing until we get a chance to fully understand it and know what we are actually voting for.”  The legislation gets pushed through without anyone even knowing what it says or what the consequences could be. Progressivism just keeps pushing forward without slowing down enough to see what the implications are. It’s a broken accelerator pedal. 


          There was a time when being a Republican (R) or Democrat (D) meant something.  A person knew what each party stood for and believed in and they agreed with the way their chosen party thought the nation should be governed.  That time is long gone.  Today, (R) and (D) are just letters in the alphabet.

           The Democratic-Republican Party was formed by Thomas Jefferson and others who believed in an agrarian-based, decentralized, democratic government. Both the Republican and Democrat Parties sprang from this entity, with the Republicans taking the more conservative view on issues (comes from the word “conservation” meaning to protect from deterioration , to preserve the original intent), and the Democrats taking the more liberal view on issues (from the word “liberty” meaning to protect hard-won freedoms).

          The Republican Party, also known as the GOP (Grand Old Party)began in a little schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin, in 1854. A small group of dedicated abolitionists gathered to fight the expansion of slavery, and they gave birth to a Party dedicated to freedom and equal opportunity. The name “Republican” was chosen, alluding to Thomas Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican Party and conveying a commitment to the “republic for which we stand”.  The Party was formally organized in July 1854 by thousands of anti-slavery activists at a convention in Jackson, Michigan. And it was no accident that two years later, in 1856, the first Republican National Convention took place in Philadelphia, where the Constitution was written.
          The Democratic Party traces its heritage back to Thomas Jefferson and James Madison's Democratic-Republican Party, and the modern-day Democratic Party was founded around 1828, making it the world's oldest active party. The Democrats' worldview was classical liberalism. In the 1890s, under the influence of its three-time defeated presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan and the Populist Party, the party moved to the left from an economic point of view and, since Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal coalition in the 1930s, it has promoted a social-liberal platform.

          In its inception, each party had noble, godly intentions for governing their new nation.  But, as we discussed in our article, Twisted, any good and holy thing that is done from a self-serving motive becomes corrupted.  Once it became apparent that people would become loyal to one party or another, the party system became a tool of exploitation. Candidates would switch parties to the one which had a better chance of getting them elected. Ronald Reagan was originally a Democrat and a New Deal supporter, who became a union leader while in Hollywood. He switched parties officially in 1962 and gave a famous quote: “I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The party left me.”  Likewise, in 1964, a very young Hillary Rodham Clinton was one of the Goldwater Girls who campaigned for the Arizona Republican. She officially became a Democrat later in the 1960s after she attended the 1968 GOP convention.

     Then there are those who don’t switch parties, but try to have the best of both worlds.  They are referred to as RINOs (Republicans in name only).  These use the (R) next to their name to get elected, but their policies are very liberal, often lining up identically to those of the Democrats.

     Another tool of political party exploitation is the Council on Foreign Relations.
The Council on Foreign Relations was incorporated as the American branch of the Institute of International Affairs in New York on July 29, 1921. Founding members included J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Otto Kahn, and Jacob Schiff. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the financial powers behind it has been promoting the New World Order for over seventy years.  
In the 2008 election, several members of the Council on Foreign Relations entered the Presidential race from both sides of the aisle: John Edwards, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Chris Dodd, Bill Richardson, John McCain, Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani .  According to C. Wright Mills’ book The Power Elite, Candidates do not advertise their CFR membership to the public. They pose as "Liberals" and "Conservatives" to control all aspects of the debate. They dupe an unwitting public with the illusion of choice and political diversity in a fraudulent left-right paradigm, so that their covert agenda can continue to roll forward, without any interference, regardless of who is elected president.

          With candidates fence-hopping to whichever party will better serve their needs, others who won’t commit to a side by being “in name only”  and the CFR putting forth candidates loyal only to them and their global elitist agenda of a one-world government, political party designations have become meaningless.  Take the 2016 presidential election, for example.  Never before has there been a presidential candidate who is hated and opposed by both parties equally as Donald Trump.  Why is that?  Because the opposing sides in this election are “We the people” who would preserve the sovereignty of the United States of America and the establishment that’s promoting globalism.  It’s no longer Republican vs. Democrat.
          Americans would be very wise to research each candidate running for any office before making a decision in the polls.  Gone is the day that one can vote for a Republican or Democrat solely based on party because I know what that means and what he stands for. That candidate could have been a member of the opposing party prior to the election, affiliated with his party in name only, or a candidate put forth by the CFR.  Don’t be taken in by the letter behind the name.  (R) and (D) are just letters in the alphabet.


     “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”  2Corinthians 9:7

     Tribute, tax and tithe – what do they all have in common?  All are paid or given, depending upon your mindset.   We pay when we owe.  We are obligated to pay.  We give when we choose.  Giving is always done freely or it is merely payment in disguise.

      Webster’s defines tax as “a compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government; a strain or heavy demand.”  Taxes, then, are always paid.  If something is compulsory or levied, it is demanded and not given freely.  Taxes come in many forms: property tax, income tax, sales tax, luxury tax, and hotels even have bed taxes.  There are federal taxes, county taxes, state taxes, city taxes and there are hidden taxes.  Inflation is a type of hidden tax.  Prices always go up and wages go up – but not proportionately.  Prices always go up more than wages do.  That difference between the increase in prices and the increase in wages is something people are forced to pay.  It is a hidden tax.

     Webster’s defines tribute as “a gift intended to show gratitude; payment made periodically to a ruler, especially as a sign of dependence.”  By this definition, tribute can be given or paid.  Kings gave offerings (tribute) to the emperors over them as a promise that they still had their allegiance. In the case that a benevolent ruler rescued the populace from a tyrannical ruler and took his place, the tribute would be freely given as a sign of gratitude.  More often, however, the ruler demanded tribute as evidence that those beneath them were dependent upon them and were proof that the ruler had control of even their finances.  If they didn’t pay the tribute, there would be war. When tribute went from being given, to being paid, it became a tax. Likewise today, if people refuse to pay taxes, their government declares war upon them.

     Tithe is a word used mostly in religious circles.  Webster’s defines tithe as “one tenth of annual produce or earnings, formerly taken as a tax for the support of the church and clergy.”  The Hebrew origin of the word “tithe” actually means “tenth”.  As with tribute, a tithe can be given or paid.  In certain religions, the paying of tithes is an obligation (a type of tax) enforced to support the church and its clergy. In many Christian churches, tithe is an opportunity to return a portion of the bounty that was freely given in gratitude for all the blessings that had been bestowed upon the individual giving it. They believe that all wealth is God’s and He gives it to individuals to manage for Him. They give 10% back to help others as they have been helped. It is freely given out of love, and if at some point it is not given for some reason, there are no repercussions.

     Throughout the writings of The Bigger Picture and The World We Live In,
we refer to the Blueprint as the Creator’s instructions for how to live a happy and prosperous life here on this earth.  It might surprise some to know that the Blueprint encourages us to not pay taxes, but to give them to whom they are due. When asking Jesus about whether they should pay the enforced tribute to Caesar, His disciples were told to “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s”.1   The word “render” used there means “to give”.

     What do tribute, taxes and tithe have in common?  They can all be tools of manipulation and control or they can all be opportunities to show gratitude for what we’ve been given.  Whether we choose to pay them or give them is entirely up to us.

1 Matthew 22:21, The Holy Bible 


     The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. The Constitution's first three words—We the People—affirm that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens. For over two centuries the Constitution has remained in force because its framers wisely separated and balanced governmental powers to safeguard the interests of majority rule and minority rights, of liberty and equality, and of the federal and state governments.  Although the base beliefs and core values of the Constitution were meant to be immutable (unable to be changed), since the Constitution came into force in 1789, it has been amended twenty-seven times to meet the changing needs of a nation now profoundly different from the eighteenth-century world in which its creators lived.1 A system for amending the Constitution of the United States was created to ensure that the majority of the nation was in agreement before any of the base beliefs and laws could be changed.  It was intended to be a pillar, a firm foundation, upon which the nation could depend.  When times were turbulent, the Constitution of the United States would be unwavering.  When all else was being tossed about, the Constitution would stand.

     What was intended to be immutable has become mutated.  In recent years, laws have been enacted to deny citizens their constitutional rights without going through the process of amendment.  This is unconstitutional, and the first time it happened, it set a dangerous precedent that allows further abuses of our Constitution.  Today, laws are in effect that say if you are a convicted felon you cannot own a firearm.  While I agree that it’s probably not a good idea for a felon to have firearms, this law is not constitutional.  The Second Amendment does not prohibit felons from owning firearms – if the nation wants that, they have to amend the Constitution to that effect. But they didn’t do that.  They just passed a law denying certain persons their constitutional rights.  Now that it was “ok” to make a “common sense” law prohibiting felons from owning firearms, we can use it as a precedent to say that people involved in domestic violence shouldn’t be allowed to own guns.  From there, it’s a short leap to prohibiting mentally ill people from owning firearms.  Huge sections of the nation’s populace can now be denied their constitutional rights without an amendment ever being passed!

     If we’ve set the precedent that says that under certain conditions we can restrict certain constitutional rights, then the door has been opened to any of them being restricted.  A case in point is the Federal No Fly List.  This list, created and maintained by the United States federal government's Terrorist Screening Center (TSC), contains names of people who are prohibited from boarding a commercial aircraft for travel in or out of the United States. The list has also been used to divert aircraft away from U.S. airspace that is not flying to or from the U.S. The number of people on the list rises and falls according to threat and intelligence reporting. There were 10,000 names on the list in 2011, 21,000 in 2012, and 47,000 in 2013. The list—along with the Secondary Security Screening Selection, which tags would-be passengers for extra inspection—was created after the September 11 attacks in 2001. The No Fly List, the Selectee List and the Terrorist Watch List were created by the administration of George W. Bush and retained by the administration of Barack Obama.2

      The problem is that there was no due process of law; no one went to court to prove that any of the people on the No Fly List were terrorists or threats to our nation.  Names are arbitrarily put on the list and suddenly that person has lost his constitutional right to travel freely to, from, and within the United States of America. In August 2004, Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) told a Senate Judiciary Committee discussing the No Fly List that he had appeared on the list and had been repeatedly delayed at airports.  He said it had taken him three weeks of appeals directly to Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge to have him removed from the list. Kennedy said he was eventually told that the name "T Kennedy" was added to the list because it was once used as an alias of a suspected terrorist. There are an estimated 7,000 American men whose legal names correspond to "T Kennedy". (Senator Kennedy, whose first name was Edward and for whom "Ted" was only a nickname, would not have been one of them.) Recognizing that as a U.S. Senator he was in a privileged position of being able to contact Ridge, Kennedy said of "ordinary citizens": "How are they going to be able to get to be treated fairly and not have their rights abused?"

     One could argue that flying may not be a constitutionally guaranteed right, but in Congress right now is a proposal that anyone on the No Fly List should also be on a No Buy List, which would prohibit them from buying firearms. We are talking about taking a random list of names that has not been subjected to due process of law, not passed before a judge, on which no one has been found guilty of anything and are considering denying their Second Amendment rights.

      If the Second amendment right can be denied, what keeps any other amendment rights from also being denied?  Once our First amendment right has been taken away, we no longer have freedom of speech; we’ve lost our voice.  We’ve taken the Constitution from immutable to mutated to mute. The United States’ Declaration of Independence states that we’ve been “endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights”.  Man didn’t give us these rights.  We cannot allow man to take them away.  Citizens of the United States need to wise up and speak up for their Constitutional rights, before that right to speak is also legislated away.

1,2  Wikipedia


     “What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.” Mark 10:9

     This scripture was spoken in the context of uniting a man and woman in the bonds of Holy matrimony.  I believe it can also be applied to the institutions of Church (the world-wide body of those who follow Christ) and State (government).

     Never has a phrase been so misused and taken out of context as “separation of church and state”.  Contrary to popular belief, this phrase is not even found in the United States Constitution.  The process of drafting the First Amendment made the intent of the Founders abundantly clear; for before they approved the final wording, the First Amendment went through nearly a dozen different iterations and extensive discussions.

     Those discussions—recorded in the Congressional Records from June 7 through September 25 of 1789—make clear their intent for the First Amendment. By it, the Founders were saying: "We do not want in America what we had in Great Britain: we don’t want one denomination running the nation. We will not all be Catholics, or Anglicans, or any other single denomination. We do want God’s principles, but we don’t want one denomination running the nation."

     In 1801, the Danbury Baptist Association of Danbury, Connecticut, heard a rumor that the Congregationalist denomination was about to be made the national denomination. That rumor distressed the Danbury Baptists, as it should have. Consequently, they fired off a letter to President Thomas Jefferson voicing their concern. On January 1, 1802, Jefferson wrote the Danbury Baptists, assuring them that "the First Amendment has erected a wall of separation between church and state." (This is where the phrase originated.)

     His letter explained that they need not fear the establishment of a national denomination—and that while the wall of the First Amendment would protect the church from government control—there always would be open and free religious expression of all orthodox religious practices, for true religious duties would never threaten the purpose of government.

     Today, all that is heard of Jefferson’s letter is the phrase, "a wall of separation between church and state," without either the context, or the explanation given in the letter, or its application by earlier courts.  For example, in 1853, a group petitioned Congress to separate Christian principles from government. They desired a so-called "separation of church and state" with chaplains being turned out of the congress, the military, etc. Their petition was referred to the House and the Senate Judiciary Committees, which investigated for almost a year to see if it would be possible to separate Christian principles from government.  Two months later, the Judiciary Committee made this strong declaration: "The great, vital, and conservative element in our system [the thing that holds our system together] is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and divine truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."  The Committees explained that they would not separate these principles, for it was these principles and activities which had made us so successful—they had been our foundation, our basis.

     Nevertheless, the Court continued to talk about separation until June 25th, 1962, when, in the case Engle v. Vitale, the Court delivered the first ever ruling which completely separated Christian principles from education.  With that case, a whole new trend was established and secular humanism became the religion of America. In 1992 the Supreme Court stated the unthinkable. "At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.” In 1997, 40 prominent Catholic and Protestant scholars wrote a position paper entitled, "We Hold These Truths," in which they stated, "This is the very antithesis of the ordered liberty affirmed by the Founders. Liberty in this debased sense is utterly disengaged from the concept of responsibility and community and is pitted against the ‘laws of nature and the laws of nature’s God. Such liberty degenerates into license and throws into question the very possibility of the rule of law itself.1

     In Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, the former president made this famous quote:
“…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”  “State” is government.  “Church” is people – specifically the world-wide body of followers of Christ.  There is no separating a government of the people, by the people and for the peoplefrom the people.  It can’t be done.  Legislate what they will, what God has joined together, no man can put asunder.

1Separation of Church and State, NOT SEPARATION OF GOD FROM STATE by Fr. Bill McCarthy, MSA


     Try to define religion and you will get a variety of answers.  Webster’s defines religion as an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods.  Wikipedia defines it as a cultural system of behaviors and practices, world views, sacred texts, holy places, ethics, and societal organization that relate humanity to what an anthropologist has called "an order of existence".  I believe both definitions accurately describe religion and I would go one step further:  I would define religion as corrupted faith.

     As we saw in our article entitled Try, Try Again, when a government becomes corrupt, people eventually throw it off and begin again. We did it 240 years ago when the colonists gained independence from England and we’ve been trying to do it since.  Every time you throw off the corrupt and begin again, that which is born again is pure. But immediately that Satanic influence (see our article entitled Defining The Satanic) wants to come in and take it over again.  You can resist it for a time, but slowly through compromise and little justifications it begins to seep back in and begins to corrupt more and more.  The same thing that happens with governments happens with religion.

     I’ve been asked many times, “If there is one God and one Bible, why do we have so many different religions?”  My answer is: They were all born out of one true faith that was given to Abraham by the Creator of the world.  If you look closely at Eastern religions you will see that they are variations of this same faith, but for this article, we are going to be looking at the Western religions. 

     When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon, their faith became corrupted.  It became intermingled with pagan ideals and practices and idolatry.  This is the “religion” that returned to the Promised Land with them that they continued to practice after their return.  This corrupted faith was overthrown by Jesus Christ, and the church of Jesus Christ began pure and holy. Before long, the “Holy” Roman Empire adopted Christianity and it became corrupted with man-made rules and rituals and became the Catholic religion. When Martin Luther came along, he threw off the corrupted Catholic religion and Protestantism (named so because it was a protest against the corruption of Catholicism) was born.  There now were two systems of belief: Catholicism and everything else that protested Catholicism, Protestantism.

     Every other Western religion has its root in Protestantism.  Each denomination in Protestantism is protesting the corruption of the religion before them as they throw it off and begin again.  With each attempt to throw off corruption, the people cling to the bit of truth or remaining bit of purity within the corruption and use that as an anchor to hold on to.  The Baptists created their faith holding on to the truth of the water baptism of John the Baptist. The Pentecostals clung to the power that was unleashed as the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Day of Pentecost.  This is how all the different religions and denominations came to be. In their onset, each    including Catholicism and Judaism was a pure attempt to reject corruption and follow the Blueprint handed to mankind by their Creator.  All religion is corrupted faith.

     Today there is a war on religion – as there should be.  We should always fight against corruption.  I’d like to leave you two pearls of wisdom from the Creator’s Blueprint for your consideration: “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death”1 and “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”2   My advice?  Overthrow religion – Keep the faith.

1 Proverbs 16:25, The Holy Bible
2 James 1:27, The Holy Bible


          Whenever someone refers to me as “religious” I cringe.  I prefer to be called “a person of faith”.  What’s the difference?  In our article entitledCorrupted Faith, we discovered that religion is the result of man’s pure relationship with his Creator becoming corrupted.  How can you tell if a person is religious or faithful? The hallmark of religion is ritual.

          When Jesus Christ was eating dinner with his disciples for the very last time before He would be taken from them, He instituted a very intimate way for them to remain in communion with Him after He’d gone.  It’s since been given many different names: Holy Communion, the Eucharist, Sacrament, Lord’s Supper.  In this act, the disciples were instructed to eat bread that represented their Lord’s body that would be broken for them and to drink the fruit of the vine which was to represent His blood that would be poured out for their salvation.  They were to do this thoughtfully, considering the import of the sacrifice that was being made on their behalf.  They were to repent of sins and make right any issues between themselves and their brethren before doing so, coming with a pure heart and mind to partake of the elements. In this way, they would be linked spiritually with their Savior though He no longer walked among them. It was done in remembrance of Him and the great sacrifice He would make for mankind.  Today, this observance still takes place in most Christian churches but, sadly, bears little resemblance to that first gathering of Christ with His disciples and what it was intended to be.  No longer an intimate means of communing with one’s Lord, this precious act has in most cases become ritual; something done as part of a church service, because we were instructed to do so.   We mechanically eat the wafer and drink the juice or wine as it is passed to us and in doing so, feel holy even though our minds may be on the football scores or what we are doing after church.  We don’t give any thought to the meaning of our actions; we don’t examine ourselves for motive, or repent before partaking.  What was once personal and meaningful has in many cases become ritualized and is now nothing more than religion.

          Another precious gift that has been given to us that has since been ritualized is that of meditation.  Psalm 1:2 encourages us to meditate on the Word of God day and night.  Phillipians 4:8 tells us to meditate on the things that are virtuous and worthy of praise.  David pled with God to let the meditations of his heart be acceptable in God’s sight (Psalm 19:14).

These are examples of Biblical meditation.  It means to think on, ponder, carefully consider, and when we do, it transforms our mind.  It is the fillingof our minds with the good things of God and being transformed into the image of His Son.      Ritualistic meditation involves emptying our minds and chanting mantras (which are often the names of demonic gods), and allowing free access of our minds to spirit guides (demons) who will lead us to enlightenment (the belief that we, ourselves, are gods). Biblical meditation is an act of faith. Ritualistic meditation is an act of eastern and new-age religion.

      Karl Marx referred to religion as the “opium of the people”.  I think it’s an accurate description.  Like the sedative and tranquilizing properties of opium, ritual has caused the Church (the congregate of Jesus Christ’s followers world-wide) to become sleep-walking masses mechanically going through the motions of once-meaningful activities out of obligation or a desire to appear righteous.  For many, church attendance is compulsory or a day of obligation instead of an opportunity to commune with and worship their Creator and Savior.  Ritual and religion have lulled the followers of Christ into a state where they no longer engage their hearts, minds and souls in communion with God, but pick up their Bibles when they are told to, automatically say “grace” before they eat and put in their time on Sunday morning before rushing off to do what they’d rather be doing.  The Church has become a sleeping giant.

      The Bible speaks about a one-world government and a one-world religion.  Such things would never be accepted by true followers of Jesus Christ, as those who wish to bring them about are well aware. But if that faith could be replaced by mindless religion, they would be well on their way to their ultimate goal.  It’s time for the sleeping giant to rise.  Don’t be content to sleep walk through your relationship with your God. Repent of becoming religious, re-establish personal connection and become faithful once more. The Church is a giant and can be the powerful force it was intended to be if it will be roused from its religious stupor. The alarm is being sounded.  It’s time to wake up!


     “Making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.”                 Mark 7:13, The Holy Bible

     Americans have dodged a bullet.  By failing to elect Hillary Clinton as President of the United States they have bought a reprieve – a space of time in which to curry the favor of the God of the Universe, and reverse the policies and practices in our nation that has virtually made the Word of God of none effect.  “Righteousness exalteth a nation”, the Bible tells us in Proverbs, “but sin is a reproach to any people.”1 When that sin is not only condoned, but proudly flouted and legislated, it sends a very clear message:  We do not want, need or acknowledge God and we will make sure He doesn’t interfere with our plans.  This is exactly what would have happened had the election on November 8, 2016 gone the other way. We would no longer be “one nation, under God”, but one world without God.

     The Johnson Amendment is a change in the U.S. tax code made in 1954 which prohibited certain tax-exempt organizations from endorsing and opposing political candidates.  It is commonly known as the 501(C)(3) tax-exempt status.  It prohibits tax-exempt entities, such as churches, from preaching or teaching about politics from their pulpit.  With this amendment in place, political candidates can be very vocal about their religious views, lack thereof, or plans to enact laws that affect churches and religious gatherings, but church leaders are not allowed to make their congregations aware of these or to endorse or speak out against them, or they risk losing their tax-exempt status, and could even face arrest as a law-breaker.   Lyndon B. Johnson, a very progressive liberal, knew that in tempting churches with tax-exempt status, under the guise of the church then having more money to use benevolently, he could remove opposition to religious legislation from the pulpit, thus rendering the church ineffective against their liberal progressive agenda.   President-elect Donald Trump wants to repeal the Johnson amendment, once again allowing ministers the freedom of speech to speak from the pulpit whatever God instructs them to say, whether it is in any way political or not.  Jesus Christ would agree, for He said, “Man cannot serve two masters.  He cannot serve both God and mammon (money).2

     During her political campaign, in an address at the Women in the World Summit, Hillary Clinton made this statement:

Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, and laws don't count for much if they're not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice—not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed. She also made the statement that there is nothing wrong with churches as long as they are social clubs and do not dictate to people how they should live their lives.  In other words, there is nothing wrong with having churches as long as they are of none-effect, and the religious beliefs of those that are effective, in Hillary’s view, must be changed.

       Had Hillary become President, the Blueprint (the Creator’s plan for a happy and successful life for mankind) would have been done away with altogether.  It was in the works.  When something becomes of none-effect there is nothing to be done for it but to cast it away.  That didn’t happen.  Our nation got a second chance to once again put the Blueprint into effect and to try to restore the righteousness that exalts a nation. Let’s not let this opportunity pass us by.  The tactics of the liberal progressives have been very effective to this point.  It’s time we made them of none-effect.

1 Proverbs 14:34, The Holy Bible
2 Matthew 6:24, The Holy Bible 


     Women in leadership roles – it’s always been a controversial subject, and it’s a very timely one as we currently have a woman running for President of the United States of America in the 2016 election.  Feminists will tell you that women can and should do anything a man can do, and they will often do it better.  The Apostle Paul taught that a woman should not usurp authority over a man (1 Timothy 2:12).  Should a woman hold a position of power and authority, such as pastor of a church or President of a nation?  As a woman called of God to teach, it’s a subject I have struggled with on many occasions. 

     I have been in churches where I was not allowed to teach under any circumstances, because I am a woman.  I have been in churches where I could teach other women and children, but men were not to attend my classes or Bible studies.  And I have been in churches where I could teach anyone who chooses to attend as long as it is off-site and not before the entire congregation.  I long to use the gifts that God has given me in a way that will be pleasing to Him, and I found all these inconsistencies to be frustrating.  I called out to God, asking Him to show me the answer to the question: Should a woman hold a position of power or authority and why or why not?  I was humbled by the answer I received.

     The source of the debate is found in the Bible in 1Timothy 2:12-14, which says, But I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve.  And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in transgression. I believe the Bible to be God’s infallible word to mankind, and Truth itself, but I bristled every time I read this passage.  In my quest for understanding, I argued with God: “Yes, Eve was deceived and she ate the forbidden fruit, but she gave to Adam and he chose to eat as well.  Eve was deceived – it wasn’t her fault.  But Adam willingly chose to sin.  Isn’t that worse?  Why put all the blame on Eve and forbid her from positions of authority based on her being tricked when Adam chose to disobey?”

     “Who would be better suited for a position of authority”, the thought quietly spoke in my mind, “one who is easily deceived, or one who can choose to do right if only he will?”  The fact is, God created men and women differently. (See our article entitled Gender Bender.)  Women are the more emotional creature.  She was intentionally created this way in order to be the nurturer that would rear the next generation and bring them into responsible adulthood.  But in our fallen, broken world, women began to let their emotions lead, and make their decisions for them.  They often react before thinking, which leads to being easily deceived. "Women can be, and many are, greatly affected by hormone fluctuations. Sometimes it gets to the point of feeling totally overwhelmed - as if for a time they have lost control of their life," says Christiane Northrup, MD, author of The Wisdom of Menopause and Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom.  Men, being the less emotional creature, are less easily swayed by emotions and are not as easily deceived.  They can choose rationally to do right or to do wrong without emotion clouding the decision. 

     I began to see that it’s not a question of women being capable of leading.  I agree with the Feminists that women probably can do everything a man can do and sometimes better.  But I disagree that they always should.  Men and women were created with different temperaments uniquely designed for the role each was to play in society.  Men were called to be in positions of authority, to lead, to make unemotional, rational decisions.  They also will bear the greater responsibility for those who would follow their leading. Women were called to support the men in their role and to shape future generations by teaching children to be the adults they were designed to be.

     With this issue settled in my heart, I am now content to use my God-given gift of teaching to minister to any who will receive it without the need to usurp any man’s authority or be in a leadership position to do it.  I also see that it could be disastrous to have a woman President.  I don’t believe a woman was created for this role and with the tendency of hormones and emotions to lead and the potential for deception, an entire nation can be at risk.

     Can women hold leadership positions?  Can a woman be the President of the United States of America?  Absolutely.  Should she be?  Absolutely not.


     “Who can find a virtuous woman?  For her price is far above rubies.”
                                                                                            Proverbs 31:10

          Almost since the beginning of time, women have felt like or have been made to feel like lesser beings than men.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  The woman’s role as God created it is extremely valuable to this world.  It is a position of honor and grave importance.  If women could truly understand and appreciate the role for which they’d been created, they would see that in God’s eyes, they are priceless. And they would quit trying so hard to be something they were never created to be.

          When God created man, he placed him in the garden and gave him a job.  “And the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden to dress (work, to serve, to become enslaved to) it and to keep (protect) it.”  Genesis 2:15.  Men were created to work, serve, and protect.  But man, alone, was not sufficient to fulfill God’s plan for mankind so he created woman.  He did not give her a job. He gave her something much more valuable. He gave her a mission to fulfill. He created her to bring forth the future of mankind.  He entrusted her with motherhood.

          A mother is so much more than just the female parent.  The Hebrew word for “mother” used in Genesis 3:20 means “bond of the family”.  God created woman to conceive, bear (carry inside her own body, creating the bond between mother and child), give birth to and rear (bring to maturity and self-sufficiency through nurture and care) the next generation of humanity.  More than just a job, this was to be her passion and her mission in life.  She was given the grave responsibility for making sure the next generation became the people they were created and intended to be, and that ultimately, the world would become what it was created and intended to be through them.  This would take her lifetime to accomplish and was intended to be rewarding and fulfilling and all she would need (beside her role as wife to her husband), to complete her life.

          But at some point after expulsion from the Garden, woman bought into the lie that she was made for “so much more than this”, that she wasn’t just a “brood mare” or “baby factory”.  She started to believe that the great position and honor bestowed upon her by God wasn’t enough to fulfill her life and that it was somehow demeaning.  She needed more, she deserved more.  Filled with the same pride as Lucifer when he said, “I shall be like the Most High”, she said within herself, “I will be just like man”.  She traded her sacred calling for a job, and ever since has been striving to be “equal” to her male counterpart.

           Today we have career women who have no time for motherhood.  In fact, they take pills and implant devices in their wombs to ensure that the children they have no time for don’t get conceived unexpectedly.  If they accidentally do, there is a “morning after” pill or an operation to kill the child before it is born, so time won’t have to be taken away from the fulfilling job she’s been hired to do.  Other women try to “have it all”.  They want to work and be a mother.  But as Jesus said in Matthew 6:24, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other…”

          In either case, it is the next generation that suffers.  Instead of children being brought to maturity and self-sufficiency through nurture and care from their mother, we have a generation of latch-key children – children left alone for parts of the day while the parents work.  These often have to become little parents themselves, making their own dinner and looking after younger siblings.  They grow up feeling neglected and overburdened with responsibility and as if their childhoods have been stolen from them.  Having been forced to rear their own siblings, they grow up with no desire to have children of their own, fueling more of the same for the next generation.

          If only women realized that in striving to be equal to men, they only lowered themselves from the high and holy calling God created them for. The ability to mold and shape a child into an adult who can become something great is an honor and a privilege and an endeavor worthy of our time.  There is nothing greater or more fulfilling than raising a child to become a happy, healthy, successful adult.

          There are women today who are graciously fulfilling the role God has given them in this life; who know who they were created to be and appreciate the gift God has given them in motherhood. But they are rare. That’s why God asked in Proverbs 31:10, “Who can find a virtuous woman?”   That word “virtuous” means “strong, brave, a force”.  Who can find a woman today who is strong enough in her faith and convictions, brave enough to stand against the peer pressure of modern society, and a force for good in our day and age to take on the responsibility of securing our future through our children?  When you find her, cherish her.  Her price is far above rubies.  She’s rare; she’s priceless.


     I have a friend, who through poor relationship choices, became a single mother.    Feeling that this was unfair to her child, she determined to be both father and mother to that child so the child wouldn’t suffer for her mistakes.  It wasn’t long before my friend realized that she was just not cut out physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually to do both jobs on a regular basis and she felt like she’d failed her child.  Out of guilt for not being a better parent, or rather, being unable to provide two parents for the child, she overcompensated and never denied her child anything. She always bought the newest gadgets, she never said “No”.  She constantly felt she owed the child.  And the child grew up feeling the same way.  She grew up with a sense of entitlement.

     If there is a word that describes today’s generation, it would be – Entitled.  What did these children do to earn or become entitled to everything they desire?  Nothing.  Everything has been handed to them out of guilt and they’ve now become unwilling to fend for themselves because they’ve never had to before, so why should they have to now?  These children never grow up to become the productive adults they were designed to be.  They exist in a state of arrested development; forever the child, always dependent, no matter how old they become.

      For the first time in history, we are seeing the total destruction of the family unit.  The family unit has existed for 6000 years and only in the last 50 (beginning in the 60’s) are we seeing its total demise.  This institution kept us rooted in morals and had all the components necessary for rearing children into successful and productive adults able to contribute to and better their society.  According to the US Census Bureau, the percentage of two-parent households was less than 69% as of 2012.  I’m sure that number is much lower today.  I believe the destruction of the family is intentional (see our article entitled, Focus on the Family).

     As we saw in our article entitled Pigs and Elephants, to control a generation you have to affect them while they are young.  To do this you’d have to remove all obstructing influences. First you would take the father out of the picture and remove the protection and guidance his presence provides, leaving a guilt-ridden, overcompensating mother to raise over-indulged, perpetually dependent children.  (You could replace that father with a gay or lesbian couple and get similar results, as we’ve shown in our article entitledGender Bender.)  Then you’d have to get the child away for large quantities of time during which they can be taught how to think and act in a way that will work toward your end goal.  That was accomplished when public school was made mandatory.  When the Bible and prayer were removed from school, nothing hindered the ability of the administrators to teach our children whatever they desired.  Then, with the introduction of Common Core and APUSH (see our article entitled Indoctrination in The Bigger Picture) in the 21st century, children are being taught nationalism and a skewed version of history that conditions them to put their trust in their government for their well-being. 

     As these children become adults, they have no ability or desire to provide for themselves and believe they deserve to be taken care of.  They’ve been taught that the government is their friend and have no issue allowing them to become their new “mommy”, using welfare and government programs to provide their living - in exchange for their vote, of course.  At election time these “perpetual children” will vote for whoever is taking care of them, not realizing, or even caring that they are being controlled and used to fulfill someone else’s agenda.

     What a bleak picture I’ve painted!  But look around you.  It’s happening today. Today’s generation is ruled by sloth.  Laziness prevails, everyone is looking for a hand-out and even businesses will take a bail-out from the government rather than make the tough decisions and pay-cuts that would make their businesses profitable again.  Where is it all leading?  To a one-world government with a populace sold out to do whatever they bid, indebted through all the “assistance” they’ve been receiving.

     Now that we’ve identified the problem and its causes, let’s identify the solution.  We need to recognize the importance of a one man + one woman marriage and fight to keep it predominant in our society.  Men need to be actively involved with their families and not absentee fathers overly absorbed in their work.  They need to exert the influence and provide the direction and protection they were designed to provide within their families.  Single mothers need to have the loving support of brothers, uncles, or close male friends who can help bring the balance and take some of the pressures of rearing a child alone off their shoulders.  Parents need to take an interest in their children’s education.  They need to know what they are learning and be able to offer guidance.  They need to teach them a work ethic and the satisfaction that comes with self-sufficiency and responsibility.  It’s time for parents to teach their children how to grow up.  Being arrested usually leads to imprisonment.


          When did parents quit being parents?  We have a nation of households where the children call the shots and run the household.  How did it get this way?  How did the parents lose control?

          God’s plan for child rearing is found in the Bible in Ephesians 6:4:And ye fathers, provoke not your children unto wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition (mild rebuke or warning) of the Lord. Further instruction regarding children is found in Deuteronomy 6:2,7: That thou mightest fear the Lord thy God, to keep all his statutes and his commandments which I command thee, thou and thy son and thy son’s son, all the days of thy life; and that thy days may be prolonged.  And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Parents were given a duty, a responsibility to teach children how they were to live; to give instruction and when needed, correction.  As every parent has discovered for themselves, this is often easier said than done.

          Parents, through their years of learning and experience, have more wisdom than their children.  Children, in their naivety, often don’t understand what they are asking for or are doing, or what the ramifications or consequences of their actions may be.  They live in this world, and all their friends are doing certain things that are not beneficial and could even be harmful.  The Godly parent should put his foot down and say, “This is not the right thing or a wise thing to do (admonition) and you will not do it” in order to protect his child, but the child’s naivety will object.  He will say, “But all my friends are doing it.”  He will not understand why he should be singled out, ostracized, punished, and be seen as a freak who will not conform to what everyone else is doing.  This is such a tug on a Godly man’s heart.  He doesn’t want his child to hurt and feel left out.  So how does he deal with that?    More often than not, he chooses to compromise.  He will sacrifice what he knows he should do in order to appease his child, and the child learns that he can gain some control if he tugs on his parent’s heartstrings.  If a parent does this often enough, in an effort to be the child’s friend, he abdicates his duty of admonition and the control subtly shifts to the child.

          Another way parents lose control of their children is by not exerting that control early enough in the child’s life. Godly parents should start instilling values in their children at a very young age, teaching them that there are things they should not conform to or want to be part of.  They should teach them that there will be others like them that abstain from these things that they can be friends with so they won’t feel singled out and alone. Unfortunately, most parents don’t get to the place in their convictions in life to impart these things until it’s already too late.  We have children raising children, and by the time these young parents get it all figured out and try to tell their children what they should do, they aren’t credible.  The children say, “When you were my age, you did the same things I want to do, so why should I listen to you?”  The parents then have no recourse but to reply, “Do as I say, not as I did”. This is usually met with rebellion, and again, loss of control.

        So what’s the answer?  How do parents regain control in their households and influence in the lives of their children? They have to allow the very thing they were commissioned to protect against.  They have to let the children experience the consequences of their actions.  The built-in instinct is to protect one’s children from all the difficult things in life, but in so doing we’ve created a coddled generation.  We have parents who never want their children to ever feel any pain, so they never learn any consequences of their actions and there is no motivation to do anything differently. Once the child sees that the actions he’s chosen despite his parent’s warning, were not good and carried painful consequences, he will begin to see the wisdom of submitting once again to his parent’s control.

          Parental control is not just a filter for cable TV.  It is a God-given duty and responsibility that should not be taken lightly.  We need to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  If we compromise this duty to save our child the pain of not fitting in, we will have to watch him endure the greater pain his consequences bring.  Let’s be the parents God intended us to be, and as His children also be willing to submit to His parental control.


          We are a nation of single-parent, foster-parent, and grandparent- raising- the- children households.  The destruction of the family unit is inarguable.  But how did this happen and why?  It was an organized plan of attack for a specific purpose.  From the day he was booted out of Heaven, Satan has wanted to get back at God.  He isn’t strong enough to do anything personally to Him, so he hurts Him by destroying His most beloved and holy institutions: marriage and family. It wasn’t long before the people who control the politicians rooted in our Satanic government system started to realize that they could use the breakdown of marriage and family to their advantage to control and enslave a people and move them toward a New World Order and started creating and fostering specific plans and agendas toward that end.  The result is a very unholy and destructive focus on the family – and it’s been highly successful.

     The share of children living in a two-parent household is at the lowest point in more than half a century: 69% are in this type of family arrangement today, compared with 73% in 2000 and 87% in 1960. And even children living with two parents are more likely to be experiencing a variety of family arrangements due to increases in divorce, remarriage and cohabitation. Today, 62% of children live with two married parents – an all-time low. Some 15% are living with parents in a remarriage and 7% are living with parents who are cohabiting.  Conversely, the share of children living with one parent stands at 26%, up from 22% in 2000 and just 9% in 1960.

     These changes have been driven in part by the fact that Americans today are exiting marriage at higher rates than in the past. Now, about two-thirds (67%) of people younger than 50 who had ever married are still in their first marriage. In comparison, that share was 83% in 1960, according to analyses of Census Bureau data.

     We will explore more fully how the actual breakdown of marriage and family happens and how our Satanic government system exploits this in our articles entitled Gender Bender and Arrested Development.  First, we must go back to the beginning and take a look at the groundwork that was laid that enabled the destruction to reach the point we see in our society today.

     In the beginning God created mankind and placed him in a Garden that was to provide his every need.  He created them male and female and enabled them to procreate and form a family. Mankind chose to serve self instead of God, sinned, and was kicked out of the Garden. God later gave mankind another chance by calling some to separate themselves and live according to His plan for a happy and successful life (we call it the Blueprint).  This Blueprint was handed down father-to-son in a Patriarchal system.  The father became the spiritual leader of his extended family or clan, and the clan became a community.  The people of these clans and communities would come to learn the Blueprint from those fathers who had been entrusted with it down through time, preserving the integrity of the message.

     To Satan, the plan was obvious.  Remove the Blueprint and the people will revert to their animal natures, operating in the interest of self, becoming in nature Satanic.  The easiest way to remove the Blueprint was to attack the one person responsible for its propagation – the head of the community or clan, the Patriarch, the father.  The plan worked.

     By and large, the spiritual focus of a family even today is dependent upon the father.  According to a recent survey, if a father does not go to church, no matter how faithful his wife’s devotions, only one child in 50 will become a regular worshiper. If a father does go regularly, regardless of the practice of the mother, between two-thirds and three-quarters of their children will become churchgoers (regular and irregular). If a father goes but irregularly to church, regardless of his wife’s devotion, between half and two-thirds of their offspring will attend church regularly or occasionally. A non-practicing mother with a regular father will see a minimum of two-thirds of her children ending up at church. In contrast, a non-practicing father with a regular mother will see two-thirds of his children not attending church. If his wife is similarly irregular that figure rises to 80 percent.

     An unrelated survey in the USA also found that if a child is the first person in a household to become a Christian, there is a 3.5% probability everyone else in the household will follow. If the mother is the first to become a Christian, there is a 17% probability everyone else in the household will follow. However, when the father is first, there is a 93% probability everyone else in the household will follow.

     Yes, there is a direct correlation to the spiritual condition of a family with the faithfulness of its father.  So what happens to a family’s spiritual condition when the father is absent?  The above statistics help us come to the obvious conclusion: destroy the family unit and you will ultimately destroy the entire nation’s relationship with their Creator.  Is this happening today?  Let’s look at a few statistics:  According to the Hartford Institute of Religion Research more than 80 percent of Americans are finding more fulfilling things to do on weekends than attending church.  And according to a new landmark study conducted by the Pew Research Center, more than one third of millennials now say that they are unaffiliated with any faith. But it’s not just millennials, Pew found. Whether married or single, rich or poor, young or old, living in the West or the Bible Belt, almost every demographic group has seen a significant drop in people who call themselves Christians.

     So what’s the answer to this alarming trend of our nation’s spiritual decline?   It’s simple.  We need to rebuild healthy two parent families with the fathers once again taking the role of the spiritual head of the household.  It’s time to focus on the family.


“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him;
                                      male and female created He them.”        Genesis 1:27

     In his book, Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, author John Gray points out that men and women are as different as beings from other planets.  Everyone who has ever tried to relate to a person of the opposite sex knows this is true.  Yet, God created us this way on purpose.  In this article, we are going to take a look at these differences and the important roles they play in the institutions of marriage and family.  We will try to see what God envisioned when creating these institutions and how we were uniquely created to make them work according to His plan.

     First, let’s take a look at some fundamental differences between men and women (besides the obvious physical ones).  Taken from John Gray’s book:

1.     Men love to have their abilities recognized and appreciated, and hate to have them scorned or ignored; women love to have their feelingsrecognized and appreciated, and hate to have them scorned or ignored. Men don't rate feelings highly as in their view they can result in hotly impassioned, wildly unstable behavior; women don't rate abilities highly as in their view they can result in coldly dispassionate, aggressively competitive behavior.
2.     Men value solutions, and view unsolicited assistance as undermining their effort to solve problems alone; women value assistance, and view unsolicited solutions as undermining their effort to proceed interactively. Men desire that their solutions will be appreciated; women desire that their assistance will be appreciated.
3.     A man's instinct is to look after himself, even if it means sacrificing others; a woman's instinct is to look after others, even if it means sacrificing herself.
4.     In a relationship, a man needs to feel that his attentions are needed, and a woman needs to feel that her needs are attended.
5.     Women give unconditionally, and proactively seek ways to help others, whereas men only give when they feel that their efforts will be fairly appreciated and rewarded, and often will not know how or what to give without being specifically asked. Men often quickly suspend giving when feeling pleased about having done something; women may only suspend giving when feeling displeased with their partners for doing nothing.

     There is a reason that marriage = 1 man + 1 woman.  We were uniquely created to give marriage and family relationships the balance they need to thrive.  Let’s take each point listed above, and insert 2 men or 2 women into the equation to see what the results would be.

1.      In a marriage of two men (where each would be highly rating abilities and less concerned about feelings), there is a high likelihood of aggressive competitive behavior, as each tries to assert his abilities, and frustration as neither gets the appreciation (concern for his feelings) he feels he deserves.  In a family with 2 fathers, children may feel they have to take sides with the competitive fathers and may not get the validation or compassion they need.  In a marriage of two women (where feelings would be highly rated and less emphasis is placed on ability), there may be a lot of asserted feelings from both with not much being done about them by either, making for volatile discussions.  In a family with 2 mothers, children may become frustrated as they are encouraged to share and express feelings they don’t fully understand or may not have yet developed. They may become overly emotional or overly stimulated from being immersed in an emotionally charged environment.
2.     In a marriage of two men (where they prefer to solve problems alone), each may attempt to solve one problem themselves, not wanting or valuing input from the other and arguments may ensue about how it should be done.  One may have to capitulate to get the problem solved, causing hard feelings.  In a family with 2 fathers, children may not be asked to help, causing them to feel unimportant or unneeded.  They may also feel they have to take sides between the 2 fathers each trying to solve the problem their own way.  In amarriage of two women (where each values assistance), they may each try to help the other and end up feeling the other doesn’t believe they can accomplish the task on their own, or doesn’t appreciate their contribution.  In a family with 2 mothers, children may never learn to do anything on their own as the moms are always trying to help them.
3.     In a marriage of two men, each may sacrifice the other in an attempt to look after himself and make sure his own needs are met.  In afamily with 2 fathers, the children’s needs may be sacrificed as the fathers look out primarily for their own interests.  In a marriage of two women, relationship may become very co-dependent as each is sacrificing their own needs for the other, each may lose their own individual identity.  In a family with 2 mothers, children may become overly coddled, with every need, want and whim met and may be unable to fend for or tend to themselves in any capacity. Children may feel entitled and expect everything to be given to them and done for them and may not learn responsibility.
4.     In a marriage of two men, both will want to be the knight in shining armor and neither will feel in need of rescuing leaving both feeling frustrated.  In a family with 2 fathers, children may be constantly being rescued from situations and may never learn the consequences of their actions or have to take responsibility for them.  In a marriage of two women, each may be focused on whether her own needs are being attended to resulting in neither feeling that their own needs are being sufficiently met. In a family with 2 mothers, children may feel responsible for taking care of their mothers, and making sure they are kept happy.
5.     In a marriage of two men, instead of give and take, it will be mostly take and when they do give, they will expect to be rewarded for it.  Each may find the other to be selfish, because it will be true for the most part.  In a family with 2 fathers, children may feel unloved, forgotten and unimportant as birthdays or special occasions don’t get the attention they deserve.  Children may feel they are being given gifts because it’s expected, and not because the fathers want to give them.  In a marriage of two women, each may withhold time and affection to punish the other when displeased with their actions. They may expect each other to give equally and if one is less giving than the other, the one receiving less will feel less loved.  In a family with 2 mothers, children may play the one parent against the other to see who they can get the most from. They may equate who loves them more with who gives them more. Children may be punished by the withholding of affection, which teaches them that love is conditional upon behavior.

     God created the sexes to curb and complement each other.  When you have two of the same sex together in a marriage, they have the same needs so that balance is missing. Each becomes focused on what they need from the relationship and whether their needs are being met, without as much concern as to whether they are meeting the needs of their partner. This makes for a very selfish relationship.  For this reason, same-sex marriages are statistically more violent and abusive than heterosexual marriages.

     Marriage was created and ordained by God to be a holy institution in which one man and one woman are knit together to become one. They were to use their created differences to make up what the other lacks and enhance the relationship, making it strong and enduring. They were intended to procreate and build families in which the children would be nurtured and protected, taught values and be given direction which would enable them to become responsible adults.  By redefining marriage as a civil union between any two consenting adults, regardless of gender, we are destroying the institution God created and what He intended it to be.  And we’ve seen that it just doesn’t work.  Gender bending in marriage is just one more weapon in Satan’s arsenal to destroy God’s institution of Holy Matrimony, resulting in the destruction of the family as well.


     The most polarizing issue that faces our society today is that of homosexuality.  Both schools of thought stand very firm on their convictions regarding this issue.  Fundamentalist Christians believe it is a lifestyle choice and sin.  Gays and Lesbians believe they are born this way.  Who is right?  Perhaps they both are.

     If mankind had grown up in the Garden, never made the choice to obey his own desires rather than God’s, and continued to live there until this day, this issue wouldn’t even exist.  “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.  And God blessed them, and said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth…”  (Genesis 1:27, 28)  Mankind was created male and female with the purpose of multiplying and populating the earth.  They were created with all the working parts between the two of them to ensure this would happen.  No one was created by God to be homosexual.

     But mankind didn’t grow up in the Garden.  Gone is the idyllic self-sustaining  paradise of the Garden.  Our world has fallen into sin.  And when it fell, it broke. Mankind had to try to recreate outside the Garden everything that God had freely provided within.  He built cities, factories, cars, and trains.  He grew food “protected” with insecticide and added preservatives to make it last longer before consumption.  He fermented grains and manipulated plants to create drugs and alcohol that would allow him to forget for a time the mess he’s made of life outside the Garden and in doing all these things created a toxic environment.  It is this toxic environment in which he has been raising his children.  It is a fact that what a fetus is exposed to in the womb in this toxic environment affects how they develop.

    People give way too much credit to genetics.  The American Psychological Association stated, in its article titled "Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality," published on its website (accessed Mar. 12, 2015):
"There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation."

     Nature and nurture – what does that mean?  Nature is creation; the moment of conception.  Nurture is what you’ve been taught or exposed to, and exposed to in the womb. Is it possible that God created everyone male or female at the moment of conception, but due to the toxic environment we live in, the fetus is exposed to chemicals, hormones and conditions in the womb which affects how they develop?  In the nine months after conception, the fetus is being changed and manipulated from its original creation.  What you are exposed to in the womb can affect how you are formed.  It has been discovered that there are hormonal differences between heterosexuals and homosexuals.  It’s because of what has happened in the womb after the point of conception.     

      Simon Copland, in a 2015 Guardian article, made the following statement: Sex hormones in prenatal life play a role. For example, girls born with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), which results in increased levels of male sex hormones, show relatively high rates of same-sex attractions as adults.  What Simon is describing here is a medical condition or aberration (birth defect?) that happened in the nine months following conception.  Could homosexuality then, be likened to any other medical aberration that occurs in the womb such as Spina Bifida?  If homosexuality was viewed in this way, our society would be much different.

     Do you know anyone who hates someone because they have Spina Bifida?  Are people with this condition denied the same rights as anyone who doesn’t have it?  On the flip side, are people with Spina Bifida proud of their condition?  Do they organize and march to convince people that their condition is right?  Rather, are they not interested in seeking a cure?  Does anyone want to be born with any kind of condition developed in the womb?

     So now let’s look at the opposing viewpoints from the stance that both could be true.  It would look like this:  Nobody was created by God to be homosexual.  It was the sin (missing the mark), and lifestyle choices of the parents that caused chemical and hormonal changes in the fetus in the womb that caused a man or woman to be born homosexual.  It was not something they chose.

     If society as a whole could come to this consensus, there would be less hate and homosexuals would be treated with the same respect every human being deserves.  They wouldn’t be promoting their condition and seeking special treatment because of it.  Parents would be more conscious of how their lifestyles could affect their pregnancy, and be responsible to protect their fetus as much as possible. Research could be funded to determine what factors in the womb cause the changes that determine homosexuality.  We could create a world in which there would be less womb for error.


          It might surprise you to learn that the leading cause of death in the world is the same in every country.  It’s the same today as it was centuries ago.  It’s not Cancer, heart disease, accidents, or old age, though these are indirect causes.  The leading cause of death in the world today is: the consequences of our choices.

          Germ phobia is at an all-time high in the United States of America.  Stores have anti-bacterial wipes for shopping cart handles, children are encouraged to carry small bottles of hand sanitizer in their school backpacks and desks, and public restrooms have arm handles on doors to avoid touching them with one’s hands.  It makes one wonder, if bacteria is such a bad thing, why was it created in the first place?  Bacteria exist for a reason. It lives in our gut to break down and digest our food.  When an apple falls from a tree and rots as it is being consumed by bacteria, it is being broken down to become fertilizer to allow more fruit to grow.  But bacteria was never meant to attack human flesh. 

          Bacteria consumes dying flesh.  Man was never intended to die. He was meant to live in the perfect environment of the Garden eternally. God told Adam and Eve that the day they ate of the fruit from the tree in the midst of the Garden, they would surely die. The serpent tempting Eve said, “Did God really say you’d die?”  When they ate the fruit and did not immediately fall down dead, they counted Satan as truthful and God as a liar. But at that point, true to God’s word, death was introduced into their systems and they went from eternal beings to being finite. Because bacteria eat dying flesh, mankind now became susceptible to bacteria.  Man was designed to live in the world with bacteria and never be touched by it. Our immune systems were built to protect us from all these things.  Our immune systems have been compromised by the choices we make.

          People want to pretend that they don’t know what causes Cancer.  If we are honest with ourselves, we know that Cancer is caused by the destruction and pollution of our planet.  All the chemicals and pollutants that we’ve put into our environment get into our bodies and harm us.  Every illness and disease in existence today is self-inflicted through our actions and choices.  If we had never deviated from the Blueprint, we’d be living the wholesome lifestyle that wouldn’t have introduced any of these things that cause damage to our bodies – we’d be naturally resistant to them. We have the cure to Cancer:  We have to stop living the way we are living.  We have to stop harming our planet.  We have to make choices that do not have harmful consequences.
          Now that we are affected by illness and disease, how do we combat it? Do we pump our bodies full of pills and chemicals to counteract the effects of bacteria and poisons in our bodies?  This is the answer being sold to us by those who make profit at the expense of others and fuel our corrupt monetary system.  That is not the answer.  The answer is simple: return to the Blueprint.  If we were consuming of the Garden, we’d have all the nutrients that would keep our bodies healthy and in the condition in which we were created. God has placed in nature everything that is healthy and life-sustaining.

          The Garden was created in a way that it would exist perpetually.  There was no waste; no destruction.  The unused apple that fell from the tree was broken down by bacteria to become fertilizer to grow more fruit. This is the cycle and recycling of everything.  It’s through sin that we create waste and destruction, and it is the waste that creates toxicity and disease. The unintended consequences of the lifestyles we’ve chosen; the things we’ve innovated and manufactured to make life more fun and convenient, to bring variety and entertainment into our lives is that we are slowly poisoning ourselves to death.

         Life is all about choices.  We know water is best for us, but prefer soda.  We’d rather eat fast food than vegetables.  We’d rather lie on the couch watching TV than go for a walk. Then we are shocked when the doctor tells us we have heart disease or diabetes.  It isn’t any of these diseases that kill us – it’s the consequences of the choices we made that gave them to us in the first place.


    “Many never realize they always had the key in their pocket, so they die at the locked door, never reaching deep inside to pull it out.”             Anthony Liccione

     Our world is so broken, so damaged, so far from what it was intended to be that the average person can look around and know it’s true.  Instead of going back to where we got off track and doing it right, we put a Band-Aid on it, covering up our mistakes so we don’t have to look at them or can convince ourselves that it’s going to be alright now, without ever really fixing anything.  Many know what to do to fix our world, but it’s difficult.  It requires more from us than many are willing to give.  God has given us the key to everything, but we have to reach deep inside to use it and many will choose to die outside the locked door.

     Before we discuss the key, let’s first discuss the lock.  Imagine a door with a big, strong padlock on it.  Outside the door is a world full of greed, apathy, hatred, violence, poverty, supremacy, sloth and selfishness that controls everything that happens in that world.  There are 3 kinds of people in this world: those who made the world the way it is and is benefitting from it and see nothing wrong with it.  These would like to find the key to the padlock and destroy it ensuring that their world remains exactly as it is.  There are those who don’t like their world, but feel helpless to do anything about it.  It’s been rumored there is a key to the padlock and there might be a better world on the other side, but they’ve never seen the key, have no idea where to find it and aren’t sure it even exists, so they just get along the best they can in the world they find themselves in, not happy, but powerless to change their circumstances.  Then there are those who know where the key is.  They know what lies on the other side of the door, and they desperately want to get to the love, peace, joy, contentment waiting on the other side.  There are very few of these and their opposition is great.  First they must fight their way through the masses to get to the door, all the while being careful not to lose the key that others are seeking to wrest from their grasp and destroy.  When they reach the door, others will try to convince them not to open it – fearful of what lies on the other side or what they will have to give up in order to attain it.  The padlock is old and rusty and the key will not turn easily in it, and some having started to turn it will give up before the lock opens for fear of breaking the key off in it.  But there are a few – a remnant - that know that the lock must be opened at any cost and are slowly trudging against the masses toward the door.

     The lock on the door to the world we live in is Pride.  It is the sin that got Lucifer kicked out of Heaven, and got Adam and Eve thrown out of the Garden.  It is the root of everything Satanic and of the economic and monetary systems our nations are founded on.  Pride tells us that we can control our own lives and do it much better than the way the Creator devised for us in His Blueprint. Pride is the root of Supremacy and hatred and slavery.  It says, “I am better than you so I despise you for being less than I and therefore you deserve to serve me to further my goals.”  Pride is the root of Progressivism, liberalism, and globalism. It says, “I have all the answers, my way is the only way and I won’t be happy until the entire planet succumbs to it.”  Pride won’t let a person admit he’s made a mistake, so he’ll never go back to fix it but will rather cover it up and push on hoping no one notices, which only ends up compounding the problem.  Pride is at the bottom of every problem we face in our world today and it has a tight hold on its inhabitants.

     But there is a key.  The key to everything is Humility – the opposite of pride.  Humility says, “There is a God, and I’m not Him.  I don’t have all the answers and don’t always know the best way to run my life. I’m willing to submit to the One that does.”  Humility says, “I will share my gifts, talents and knowledge for the benefit of all.”  It says, “I am not perfect, so I’ll not expect others to be”.  Humility says, “I won’t get ahead at another’s expense.  They have the same rights as I do.”  Humility can recognize when one gets off track, admit fault and go back to do it over the right way.  Humility proceeds cautiously knowing that one can stumble and fail if in too big a rush.  Humility isn’t angry with and doesn’t hate ones that are trapped in a world locked up in pride.  It feels sorry for them and longs to help them find the key for themselves that they may be set free.

     Everyone has access to the key.  The Creator put it in a pocket deep inside every one of us.  We have to dig deep within to find it.  We have to realize its importance and we have to guard and protect it.  We have to wade through a sea of
Pride and go against the flow of popular thought and political correctness to reach the door with the padlock. It will take a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual toll on us to get there and then much courage to use the key. Humility is foreign to generations who have known nothing but the effects of pride.  It will be resisted and viewed as a threat to be neutralized. The lock is rusty and the tumblers will be difficult to turn, but freedom comes as the lock snaps open and the door to a whole new world swings wide.

     Now you know the key to everything.  You know where to find it.  Dig deep inside and pull it out of your pocket, guard it, protect it, and use it.  Don’t die outside the locked door while the key to everything lies right inside you waiting to be used.